A Review Of The Family- Group Names For The Superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) With Corrections To Nomenclature And A Current Classification Author Smith, Andrew B. T. Canadian Museum of Nature, P. O. Box 3443, Station D Ottawa, ON K 1 P 6 P 4, CANADA asmith@mus-nature.ca text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2006 mo 5 2006-12-01 60 144 204 journal article 10.1649/0010-065x(2006)60[144:arotfn]2.0.co;2 1938-4394 4911861 FADCBF89-3C12-46F5-90D2-8E8A7031D876 Tribe PACHYDEMINI Burmeister, 1855 Original spelling and citation: Pachydemidae Burmeister 1855: 437 Type genus: Pachydema Laporte, 1832 : [1] ( Laporte 1832 b ) Remark: Calicnémites ( Blanchard 1845: 219 ) was used for taxa within this tribe but this family-group name was not originally Latinized and has not been subsequently Latinized and accepted as valid, therefore it is unavailable. From the context of Blanchard (1845) , all his ‘‘Famille’’ and ‘‘Groupe’’ names with the ‘‘– ides’’ and ‘‘–ites’’ suffixes respectively are French vernacular names (some have accents). Synonym: Elaphocerini Blanchard, 1851 Original spelling and citation: Elaphoceritae Blanchard 1851: 164 Type genus: Elaphocera Gene´, 1836: 188 Remark: Although Elaphocerini has priority over Pachydemini , the later is in prevailing usage and must be considered the valid using a reversal of precedence (Article 23.9). Elaphocerini has not been used as a valid name after 1899. Therefore, I invoke Article 23.9.2 and provide evidence that Pachydemini has be used as a valid name in at least 25 works, published by at least 10 authors in the immediately preceding 50 years and encompassing a span of not less than 10 years. In compliance with the requirements of the Code, the following list of qualified publications, in chronological order, used Pachydemini as a valid family-group name, which is sufficient evidence that it is in prevailing usage: Petrovitz 1968 ; Martínez 1972 ; Martínez 1973 ; Frey 1974 a ; Frey 1974 b ; Martínez 1975 ; Hardy 1978 ; Baraud 1979 ; Baraud 1982 ; Martínez 1982 ; Baraud 1985 ; López Colón 1986 ; López Colón 1989 ; Baraud 1991; Baraud and Branco 1991 ; Chavanon and Zirari 1998 ; Sabatinelli and Pontuale 1998 ; Nikolajev 2000 c ; Lacroix 2001 ; Vincini, López, Alvarez-Castillo, Carmona, Manetti, and Morón 2001 ; Keith 2002 ; Miessen and Cludts 2002 ; Lacroix 2003 ; Montreuil 2003 ; Sanmartín 2003; Sanmartín and Martin-Piera 2003 ; Keith and Montreuil 2004 ; Lacroix 2004 ; Keith 2005 ; Lacroix 2005 ; Smith and Evans 2005 . Synonym: Achloini Burmeister, 1855 Original spelling and citation: Achloidae Burmeister 1855: 465 Type genus: Achloa Erichson, 1840: 41 Synonym: Cephalotrichiini Burmeister, 1855 Original spelling and citation: Cephalotrichiadae Burmeister 1855: 433 Type genus: Cephalotrichia Hope, 1837: 39 Synonym: Leptopodini Burmeister, 1855 Original spelling and citation: Leptopodidae Burmeister 1855: 428 Type genus: Leptopus Dejean, 1833: 159 Remark: This family-group name is permanently invalid because the type genus, Leptopus Dejean, 1833 , is a junior homonym of Leptopus Latreille, 1809 (Hemiptera) , Leptopus Rafinesque, 1814 (Pisces) , Leptopus Lamarck, 1818 (Crustacea) , and Leptopus Fallén, 1823 (Diptera) (Article 39). Synonym: Macrophyllini Burmeister, 1855 Original spelling and citation: Macrophyllidae Burmeister 1855: 447 Type genus: Macrophylla Hope, 1837: 103 Synonym: Sparrmanniini Péringuey, 1904 Original spelling and citation: Sparrmannini Péringuey 1904: 115 Type genus: Sparrmannia Laporte, 1840: 132 Remark: Although Sparmannia was the original spelling of this genus, Sparrmannia is in prevailing usage and should be considered the correct spelling (see Evans 1989 ).