A taxonomic revision of the augochlorine bee genus Ceratalictus Moure (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Author Coelho, Beatriz W. T. Author Gonçalves, Rodrigo B. text Zootaxa 2010 2675 1 25 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.199190 f5b507dc-886c-440c-8b4a-842bd97eee4b 1175-5326 199190 Ceratalictus psoraspis ( Vachal, 1911 ) ( Figs. 5, 6 , 15 , 23 , 30 , 37 , 41 ) Halictus psoraspis Vachal, 1911 :24 . Holotype female from Uruguay , Montevideo ( ZMB ) (examined). Diagnosis. In both sexes: mesoscutal disc with nearly contiguous punctures, punctures coarse, surface strongly micro-reticulate ( Fig. 23 ); metapostnotum weakly concave, apex not acuminate, delimited posteriorly by its ornamentation, with median carinae strongly sinuous. Male: S4 with a central patch of hair. Description. Holotype female. Head. Rounded, wider than longer. Labrum. Basal elevation very short and restricted to apical portion. Clypeus. Punctures coarse, separated by 1–2 puncture diameters centrally, becoming denser laterally; one-half distal with punctures elongate, surface weakly micro-reticulate. Supraclypeal area. Punctures of variable size, almost absent in central area, surface micro-reticulate. Lower parocular area. Punctures not oblique and almost contiguous, surface between punctures micro-reticulate. Upper parocular area and frons. Closely punctate especially on frons, surface micro-reticulate. Preoccipital ridge. Small, not lamellate. Mesosoma. Pronotum. Lateral angle slightly obtuse. Mesoscutum. Disc with nearly contiguous punctures, surface of mesoscutal disc strongly micro-reticulate. Mesoscutellum. Punctures finer than those of mesoscutum, surface with rugulose appearance, weakly micro-reticulate. Metapostnotum. Trapezoidal in outline, approximately as long as mesoscutellum, weakly concave with apex not acuminate, metapostnotal carinae reaching edge posteriorly, median carinae strongly sinuous. Lateral surface of propodeum. Punctures contiguous, finer than those of mesepisternum, surface strongly roughened on posterior part, micro-reticulation not evident. Posterior surface of propodeum. Minutely and closely punctate, scattered coarse punctures intermix, surface weakly roughened and bright. Metasoma. T1. Punctures distributed over the whole disc, separated by 2-3 puncture diameters, becoming sparser in middle part; surface smooth and bright. T2. Punctures separated by at least 2 puncture diameters, becoming sparser on apical margin, surface smooth. Body color. Apical half of clypeus black; head and mesosoma green; legs brown, coxae, trochanters and femora with green highlights; metasoma green with some cupreous reflections, metasomal terga with posterior marginal areas light brown; body setae yellow, except for some white setae on mesosoma and light brown setae on T4–T5. Measurements. Abl: 6–7; mwl: 4.2–4.8; mhw: 1.7–2.0; mhl:1.4– 1.6; mmw:1.2–1.4. Male. Same as the female except for the following features. Head. Clypeus. Punctures with uniform size and distribution, surface weakly micro-reticulate and bright. Lower parocular area. Punctures separated by less than 1 puncture diameter, surface weakly micro-reticulate and bright. Frons and upper parocular area. More densely punctate than lower parocular area, surface weakly rugulose on frons. Antennae. Flagellomeres almost straight. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum. Disc punctures almost contiguous, anterior part of median line weakly depressed. Mesoscutellum. Similar to mesoscutum. Hind tibia. Ventral surface with row of setae approximately as long as width of tibia. Metapostnotum. Concave, posterior margin rounded, metapostnotal carinae strongly sinuous, separated by 1 carina width. Lateral surface of propodeum. Densely punctate, punctures finer than those of mesepisternum, surface rugulose at posterior corner, weakly micro-reticulate. Posterior surface of propodeum. Punctures similar to lateral surface of propodeum, surface weakly roughened on lower part. Metasoma. T1. Punctures oblique, separated by 2-3 puncture diameters, surface lineolate. T2. Punctures finer than those of T1, separated by more than 3 puncture diameters, surface lineolate. S4. Not strongly setose on lateral surface, centrally with a patch setae. S5. Not strongly setose; centrally with transverse thickening. S7. Apical margin with very short median process. S8. Apical margin centrally with distinct projection and bearing long setae. Genitalia. Inner lobe of ventral process of gonostylus spatulate and apically directed, with several long setae on apical part of inner surface; dorsal lobe membranous and short; parapenial lobe present; gonapophysis not strongly expanded laterally. Body color. Clypeus without black stripe; head and mesosoma green; legs dark brown, coxae, trochanters and femora with metallic green highlights, tibiae e tarsi orange; metasoma dull green with disc of T2–T5 somewhat darkened, posterior marginal areas of terga with narrow black stripe; body setae white with some yellow reflection, and some darkened setae on terminal metasomal terga. Measurements. Abl: 6-7; mwl: 4.5–5.0; mhw: 1.7–2.0; mhl: 1.4– 1.6; mmw: 1.2–1.4. Type material. Holotype of Halictus psoraspis ( ZMB ) “Montevideo” “Hylaeus\ ( Augochlora )\ sp.\ Montevideo” “ psoraspis \ of Vach” “ Typus ” “Zool. Mus.\ Berlin”. Specimen in a good condition. Additional examined material. ARGENTINA , Missiones: one female ( MACN ), " 7597" "Missiones". BRAZIL , Paraná: one female ( DZUP ), “ DZUP \ 024325” “SJP\ 1315” “ Brasil , Paraná,\ São José dos Pinhais,\ Aeroporto Afonso Pena,\ KF, 25°31`S \ 49°11`W ,\ 08.xii.2004 , A. Martins\ R. Gonçalves"; one male ( DZUP ), “ DZUP \ 024523” “SJP\ 1536” “ Brasil , Paraná,\ São José dos Pinhais,\ Aeroporto Afonso Pena,\ KF, 25°31`S \ 49°11`W ,\ 13.i.2004 , A. Martins\ R. Gonçalves"two females and one male ( DZUP ), "S.J. PINHAIS – PR\ Brasil 10 XII – 62 \ S. Laroca leg."; one male ( SEMC ), " BRASIL , Paraná, Arau\ caria, 12 Jan. 1955 \ (Moure & Michener)"; one female ( DZUP ), " PEVV \ 0088"" Brasil , Paraná, Parque\ Estadual de Vila Velha, 25°14`S \ 49°59`W \ 05.x.2002 , G. Melo,\ R. Gonçalves, A. Aguiar"; one male ( DZUP ) with same data except, " PEVV \ 0399""... 12.xii.2002 , G. A. R. Melo &\ R. B. Gonçalves"; one female and one male ( AMNH ), “ BRAZIL , Paraná:\ Vila Velha\ January 20, 1974 ” “J.G. Rozen\ F.C. Thompson\ J.S. Moure\ Collectors”; one male ( AMNH ), “ BRAZIL , Paraná:\ Vila Velha\ February 3, 1974 ” “J.G. Rozen\ F.C. Thompson\ J.S. Moure\ Collectors”; one female ( AMNH ), “ BRAZIL , Paraná:\ Rio Negro\ February 7, 1974 ” “J.G. Rozen\ F.C. Thompson\ Collectors”; one female and one male ( UFSC ), " Brasil , PR, São Mateus\ do Sul, UN-SIX\ 18.I.2009 \ Rafael Kamke leg.". Rio Grande do Sul: three females ( FZRS ), "CANELA, RS\ Brasil 13.x.1984 \ M. Hoffmann col."; one female ( FZRS ) with same data except, "... 27-28.x .."; one female ( FZRS ) with same data except, "... 10.ix ..."; one male ( FZRS ) with same data except, "... 4.II ..."; one female ( FZRS ), " Brasilien \ Rio Grande do Sul\ OSORIO, 560m \ Barra d! Ouro\ 17.3.1984 \ D. Wittmann". Santa Catarina: one male ( MZSP ), "Nova Teutonia\ Santa Catarina\ Brasil 9-IV-1954 \ Fritz Plaumann"; one female ( SEMC ), "Nova Teutonia\ Santa Catarina\ Brasil IX-1951 \ F. E. Plaumann". São Paulo: three males ( MZSP ), " Brasil , SP, São José do Barreiro\ Campo de Altitude, Serra da Bocaina\ 17.III.1999 \ Coletor: Leandro Freitas". PARAGUAY , Caaguazu: one female ( AMNH ), " PARAGUAY , Caaguazu:\ Pastoreo, N. E. Coronel\ Oviedo, I-5-1972 \ L. Pena". Itapua: one female ( AMNH ), " PARAGUAY , Itaopua\ Parapo, NE of\ Encarnacion\ XII-29-1971 , L. Pena". URUGUAY , Tacuarembo: one female ( AMNH ), “ URUGUAY : Dept.\ Tacuarembo, 40km .\ N.W. Tacuarembo\ II-2-9-1963 ” “J. K. Bouseman\ Collector”; one female ( AMNH ), “ URUGUAY : Tacuarembo:\ 40km .NW Tacuarembo\ February 2-9, 1963 \ J. K. Bouseman”.