Description of Mitogoniella mucuri sp. nov. (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae) and considerations on polymorphic traits in the genus and Gonyleptidae Author Ázara, Ludson Neves De Author Dasilva, Marcio Bernardino Author Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes text Zootaxa 2013 3736 1 69 81 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3736.1.3 b4051dbe-80e8-4810-a5d7-b00596e5624e 1175-5326 285190 781B91EA-5602-4466-B815-5EEB74023736 Key for identification of species of Mitogoniella (modified from DaSilva & Gnaspini, 2010) 1 Ocularium with a single medial spine........................................................... M. unicornis - Ocularium with a pair of free tubercles or fused bases (at least free apex)......................................... 2 2 Dorsal scute entirely punctuate with white dry–mark around granules yellowish........................ M. indistincta - White dry-mark on dorsal scute following the grooves of areas (punctuate only on lateral margins).................... 3 3 Space between tubercles of ocularium smaller than height of eyes; tubercles of ocularium weak, low or high..... M. taquara - Space between tubercles of eye-mound much larger than height of eyes; tubercles of ocularium small or large, with fused bases and free apexes divergent or similar to a single tubercle with bifurcated apex...................................... 4 4. Ocularium with weak and divergent tubercles; dry–mark between spines of area III as a pair of paramedian stripes and a thin stripe on longitudinal groove.................................................................... M. modesta - Ocularium with strong and rounded tubercles, with widely fused bases, which can be similar to a single strong tubercle with bifurcated apex; dry-mark between spines of area III as a wide median rounded stripe and one pair of thin paramedian stripes...................................................................................... M. mucur i sp. nov.