Taxonomic review of the Thysanoptyx Hampson generic complex (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini). II. The genus Thysanoplisna Volynkin with descriptions of seven new species from Vietnam and mainland China Author Volynkin, Anton V. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-09-09 5506 3 428 450 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5506.3.7 1175-5326 13747211 F7F39F20-07D0-434B-9DB7-160C19D519E5 Thysanoplisna directa ( Leech, 1899 ) , stat. rev. ( Figs 27–30 , 50 , 65 ) Thysanoptyx directa Leech, 1899 , Transactions of the Entomological Society of London , 1899 (1): 180 ( Type locality: [ China , Hubei ] “ Chang-yang ”). Thysanoptyx signata directa : Daniel (1954) . Type material examined . Lectotype ( Fig. 28 ) (designated herein): , “Chang Yang | A.E. Pratt Coll. | June 1888 ” / “ Thysanoptyx | directa, sp.n. | Type ” / “Leech Coll. | 1900–64” / red ring “Type” label / QR-code label with unique ID “ NHMUK010401740 ” ( NHMUK ); paralectotype : , “Chang Yang | A.E. Pratt Coll. | June 1888 ” / “Leech Coll. | 1900–64” / QR-code label with unique ID “ NHMUK010606149 ”, gen. prep. No. NHMUK010313550 ( NHMUK ). Additional material examined . CHINA : 18 ♂♂ , 6 ♀♀ , [ Shaanxi Prov. , Qinling Mts, Mount Taibai] Tapaishan im Tsinling , Suen-Shensi , ca. 1700m , H. Höne [leg.]: ( , gen. prep. No. : 372 Daniel ), ( , ), 2.vii.1935 ( , , gen. prep. No. : MWM 35.978 ( )), 3.vii.1935 ( , gen. prep. No. : MWM 35.977), 14.v.1936 ( ), ( ), ( 2 ♂♂ ), ( 3 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ , gen. prep. No. : MWM 35.975 ( )), ( , ), ( , , gen. prep. No. : MWM 35.976 ( )), ( 2 ♂♂ ), ( , ), 1.vii.1936 ( ), and 7.vii.1936 ( , ) (MWM/ ZSM ) ; 1 ♂ , same data as previous but 1.vii.1936 , unique ID: NHMUK010606150 , gen. prep. No. : NHMUK010313547 ( NHMUK ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 1000–1300m , Shaanxi , Qinling Mts , Xunyangba ( 6 km E), 23.v.– , I.H. Marshal leg., gen. prep. Nos. : AV7984 ( ), AV7985 ( ) ( CKC ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Shaanxi Prov. , Tai bai shan Mts [Mount Taibai] (S), Tsinling [Qinling] Mts , Houzhenzi , 33°53'N 107°49'E , 1500m , vi.2000 , local collector leg. (MWM/ ZSM ) ; 1 ♀ , same data as previous but vi.1999 (MWM/ ZSM ) ; 1 ♂ , Shaanxi Prov. , Dabashan Mts , 1000–1700m , 32°14'N 108°34'E , Shou-Man Vill. ,–15.vii.2000 , Sinyaev & Plutenko leg. (MWM/ ZSM ) . FIGURES 17–24 . Adults of Thysanoplisna spp. The specimens are deposited in MWM/ZSM. FIGURES 25–32 . Adults of Thysanoplisna spp. Depositories of the specimens: 25, 26, and 29–31 in MWM/ZSM; 27, 28 and 32 in NHMUK (©The Trustees of NHMUK). Notes . (1) This taxon was synonymised with Th. signata by Hampson (1900) and was subsequently considered as its synonym ( Strand 1922 ; Fang 2000 ; Volynkin & Dubatolov 2017 ) or subspecies ( Daniel 1954 ). (2) The species was described from two females ( Leech 1899 ), which are syntypes . In order to stabilise the nomenclature, the syntype labelled as “Type” is hereby designated as the lectotype . Diagnosis . The forewing length is 17.5–18.0 mm in males and 18.5–19.0 mm in females. Thysanoplisna directa is morphologically similar to Th. tenebrosa sp. nov. and the detailed comparison is provided below in the diagnosis of the latter. Distribution . Central China ( Shaanxi and Hubei Provinces) ( Leech 1899 ; Daniel 1954 (partim., as ‘ Lithosia signata ssp. brevimaculata [sic.])).