A systematic revision of the scale mite genus Pterygosoma Peters, 1849 (Acariformes: Pterygosomatidae) Author Fajfer, Monika text Zootaxa 2020 2020-06-30 4805 1 1 147 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4805.1.1 1175-5326 3927100 FC40DD5D-0408-4299-9B96-6E318D10035F Pterygosoma caucasica Jack, 1961 ( Figs 53–55 ) Pterygosoma caucasica Jack, 1961: 248 , figs 6–8 Type host: Paralaudakia caucasia (Sauria: Agamidae ). Type locality: Iran (North Isfahan ). Redescription. FEMALE (based on lectotype and 6 non-type specimens from Paralaudakia caucasica ). Gnathosoma . Chelicerae 490–505 long; basal swollen part 195–215 long, slender distal part 270–310 long. Fixed cheliceral digit spinous, about 15 long. Setae dF and dG 70–75 and 60–95 long, respectively. Palpal tibia with eupathidial seta in place of tibial claw. Palpal tarsi with 3 setae. Subcapitular setae n absent. Peritremes about 280 long. Hypostome 410–455 long, with small bump present at apex. Idiosoma 1145 –1300 long and 1335–1495 wide. Dorsum with 18–27 pairs of slightly serrate setae with tapered or slightly apically expanded tips, 60–95 long. Most of these setae (15–23 pairs) situated anteriorly, several setae (3–5 pairs) situated posteriorly. Medial part of idiosoma with 2 pairs of slightly serrate and apically expanded dorso-median setae dm1 and dm2 , 60–80 and 45–80 long, respectively. Eyes absent. Venter. Setae vm1 filiform, vm2 and vm3 slightly serrate and apically expanded. Genital slit situated ventrally. Genital series represented by spine-like setae g1–g4 subequal in length, about 25 long. Pseudanal series represented by 2 pairs of slightly serrate and apically expanded setae ps1 and ps2 60–85 long. Setae ps1 situated ventrally, ps2 terminally. Legs chaetotaxy as in inermis group i.e. setae of trochanters I–IV (1–1–1–1), femora I–IV (3–1–1–1), genua I–IV (2–0–0–1), tibiae I–IV (5–3–3–3). All setae on each podomere smooth, except for serrate setae dFI–IV and slightly serrate setae dGI , lGI , vGI and dGIV. Setation of tarsi as in group B: I 12 setae ( ft , tc’ , tc” , p’ , p” , a’ , a” , it’ , it” , u’ , u” , vs’ ) and solenidion ω1 ; II 8 setae ( tc’ , p’ , p” , a’ , a” , u’ , u” , vs’ ) and ω1 ; III and IV with 8 setae each ( tc’ , p’ , p” , a’ , a” , u’ , u” , vs’ ). Setae tc’ of legs II–IV and a’ , a” , u’ , u” , vs’ , vs” of legs I–IV smooth. MALE (based on description presented in Jack 1962b , amended). Gnathosoma as in female. Chelicerae about 195 long; swollen cheliceral base about 85 long, slender distal part about 110 long. Idiosoma 330 long and 350 wide. Dorsum with 9 pairs of antero-lateral slightly apically expanded setae with minute serration in apical part, 20–30 long; 3 pairs of apically expanded setae dm1–dm3 with minute serration in apical part, about 30 long; 5 pairs of paddle-shaped peripheral setae, 30–35 long. Eyes absent. Aedeagus about 180 long, directed forward; genito-anal opening with 1 pair of filiform setae. Venter as in female. Legs I–IV as in female. FIGURE 53. Pterygosoma caucasica Jack, 1961 , female in dorsal view. DEUTONYMPH (based on 2 specimens from Paralaudakia caucasica ). Gnathosoma as in female. Chelicerae 355–385 long; slender distal part 215–245 long, basal swollen part 135–145 long. Fixed cheliceral digit about 10 long. Setae dF and dG 55–65 long. Peritremes about 215 long. Hypostome 300–325 long. Idiosoma 605–685 long and 820–980 wide. Dorsum with about 50 pairs of slightly serrate setae, 20–70 long, tapered or slightly apically expanded. Medial part of idiosoma with 2 pairs of slightly serrate and apically expanded setae dm1 and dm2 , 60–65 long. Eyes absent. Venter. Setae vm1–vm3 slightly serrate. Genital slit situated terminally. Genital setae g1–g4 spine-like and subequal in length, about 20 long, situated ventrally. Pseudanal series represented by 3 pairs of slightly serrate and apically expanded setae ps1–ps3 , 45–55 long. Legs as in female, except for slightly serrate setae dFI–IV and smooth setae dGI , lGI , vGI and dGIV. FIGURE 54. Pterygosoma caucasica Jack, 1961 , female; details. A, genital region, ventral view, B, palps in dorsal view; C, tarsus I in lateral view; D, tarsus I in ventral view; E, tarsus II in lateral view. PROTONYMPH (based on original description from Jack 1961 , amended). Gnathosoma as in female. Chelicerae about 200 long; slender distal part about 110 long, basal swollen part about 90 long. Setae dF and dG about 55 and 45 long, respectively. Idiosoma 575 long and 550 wide. Dorsum with 19 pairs of apically expanded setae, 35–40 long, with minute serration in apical part: 8 pairs situated antero-laterally, 3 pairs medially ( dm1–dm3 ) and 8 pairs periph- erally. Eyes absent. Venter as in female. Genital slit situated ventrally. Genital series resented by 3 pairs of minute spine-like setae g1–g3 , 5–10 long. Pseudanal series represented by 3 pairs of setae ps1–ps3 . Setae ps1 tapered, about 15 long; setae ps2 and ps3 apically expanded, about 25 long. Legs as in female. FIGURE 55. Pterygosoma caucasica Jack, 1961 , deutonymph. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view; C, shape of dorsal setae. LARVA (based on original description from Jack 1961 , amended). Gnathosoma as in female. Chelicerae about 165 long; slender distal part about 100 long, basal swollen part about 65 long. Setae dF and dG about 55 and 45 long. Idiosoma 380 long and 360 wide. Dorsum with 13 pairs of slightly apically expanded setae, 25 long, with minute serration in apical part arranged as in Fig. 32A . Eyes absent. Venter without ventro-median setae vm1–vm3 . Genital slit situated ventrally. Genital series represented by 3 pairs of minute spine-like setae g1–g3 , about 5 long. Pseudanal series represented by 2 pairs of tapered setae ps1 and ps2 about 35 long. Legs as in female. Type material (examined). One female lectotype ( NHM no. 1966.2.22.228–238) from Paralaudakia caucasia (Eichwald) (Sauria: Agamidae ) ( NHM no. 1874.11.23.15), IRAN : Isfahan Province , North Isfahan , 23 November 1874 , coll. Blandford. Non-type material (examined). Six females and 2 deutonymphs ( NHM no. 1966.2.22.237–246) from Paralaudakia caucasia ( NHM no. 1938.2.4.7–9), AFGHANISTAN : Doab , 4 February 1938 , coll. unknown . Type material deposition. All type material deposited in the NHM . Hosts and distribution. This species is known from Paralaudakia caucasia from Iran [ Isfahan Province , North Isfahan ], Afghanistan [Doab and Bamyan ], Pakistan [ Balochistan , Quetta] and Laudakia nupta from Iran [ Kermanshah Province , Kermanshah ] ( Jack 1961 ). Remarks. The re-examination of Pterygosoma caucasica shows that the idiosoma is 1145–1300 long and 1335–1495 wide vs. 847–1019 long and 1163–1209 wide in the original description ( Jack 1961 ) what may suggest that this species description was made on newly emerged females. Moreover, setae vGI are absent vs. presence of this setae in the description of the leg chaetotaxy ( Jack 1964 ). Additionally, the deutonymph has three pseudanal setae ps1–ps3 vs. two setae ps according to Jack (1961) . It is worth mentioning that the arrangement of setae tc ( tc’ and tc” ) on tarsi I differs from other Pterygosoma species. P. caucasica setae tc are situated between setae p and setae it whereas in the remaining species from the genus setae tc are situated between solenidion ω1 and the proral setae ( p’ , p” ).