New Black Fungus Gnats (Diptera, Sciaridae) of North America. Part IV. Genera Eugnoriste Coquillett and Keilbachia Mohrig Author Kauschke, Ellen text Zootaxa 2017 2017-11-11 4319 1 53 76 journal article 32139 10.11646/zootaxa.4319.1.3 4c53e97d-685a-445a-b6c9-c8db8c264d5d 1175-5326 888597 Bc01A8D7-6Bd7-4409-Bddc-E6Ebfd3C6E64 Genus Keilbachia Mohrig, 1987 Type speCies: Keilbachia nepalensis Mohrig, 1987 [ Mohrig & Martens (1987) : 481–490, Figs 1–6 ]. Literature: Menzel & Martens (1995) : 107–109, 125, 127; Mohrig et al . (1999) : 197–201; Mohrig (2004): 165–166; Mohrig et al. (2004): 303–304, 308; Hippa & Vilkamaa (2007a) : 31–50; Hippa & Vilkamaa (2007b) : 57–68; Vilkamaa et al . (2006) : 39–55; Rudzinski (2008) : 346–350; Vilkamaa et al . (2009) : 1–20; Vilkamaa et al. (2011) : 53–62; Mohrig et al . (2013) : 205; Zhang et al . (2010) : 47–56. Diagnosis . The genuS IS characterIzed by a 3-Segmented palpuS, bearIng one brIStle on the baSal Segment moStly and a bordered or deepened SenSorIal area. The Scutum haS Short and fIne haIrS, the poSterIor pronotum IS bare and the Scutellum IS Shortly haIred wIth longer margInal brIStleS. The tIbIal organ IS moStly horSeShoe-lIke bordered, the tIbIa SpurS are equal and long, the clawS are wIthout teeth. The ventral baSe of the hypopygIum IS Shaped v-lIke and wIthout a baSal lobe. The ventral Inner margIn of the gonocoXIteS wIth Short haIrS. The gonoStyluS IS of dIfferent Shape, prolonged or Shortly oval. TheIr Inner SIde IS often dIStInctly concave, wIth or wIthout an apIcal tooth. A curved SpIne on a large baSe IS preSent InSIde of the concavIty. SometImeS It IS accompanIed by two or more fIner, whIplaSh-lIke SpIneS. About 60 SpecIeS of Keilbachia are known SInce the deScrIptIon of the genuS by MohrIg In MohrIg & MartenS (1987) . ItS center of radIatIon appearS to be the OrIental regIon, baSed on the number of SpecIeS deScrIbed So far (VIlkamaa et al . 2006, 2009, 2011; Zhang et al . 2010 ).