Taxonomic revision of the genus Glypthelmins Stafford, 1905 (Platyhelminthes: Digenea: Plagiorchiida), parasites of anurans in the Americas Author León, Pérez-Ponce De text Zootaxa 2008 1882 1 45 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.184219 43bdd1b2-1689-4c52-a26d-a1d9c20178e4 1175-5326 184219 Glypthelmins shastai Ingles, 1936 ( Fig. 16 )
Glypthelmins shastai Ingles, 1936: 81 –82, Plate XVI, Fig. 1. (Description); Glypthelmins quieta , Rankin (1944: 31, 41)
[Synonymy G . shastai with G. quieta ];
Margeana shastai , Cheng (1959: 80, 82– 84) Plate 3, Fig. 1 [Re-establishment of the genus Margeana and transference of G . shastai to this genus]; Glypthelmins linguatula , Nasir & Diaz (1970: 263) [Sinonimizes G . shastai with G. l i n - guatula ]. FIGURE 16. Mature specimen of Glypthelmins shastai Ingles, 1936 , ventral view ex Bufo boreas , California, U.S.A. (USNPC 8925). Scale bar = 0.3 mm. Taxonomic summary Type-host: Bufo boreas . Habitat: Intestine. Type-locality: Glenburn, Shasta County, California U.S.A. Type specimens deposition: USNPC 8925. Diagnosis: This species possess a cirrus pouch that is straight and larger than those present in the other species. Additionally, pharynx is smaller or equal to the ventral sucker, testes oblique, uterus intercaecal, and vitelline follicles distributed from the level of the genital pore to the post-testicular region, and are not confluent. Description: Body oval to elongated, with round posterior and anterior ends. Scale-like spines present on body tegument, from the level of oral sucker to the posterior third of body. Oral sucker subterminal and rounded. Ventral sucker rounded, smaller than oral sucker, preequatorial. Oral sucker/ventral sucker diameter ratio 1:0.75. Mouth opens in the middle of oral sucker. Prepharynx short. Pharynx small, muscular, ovoid, surrounded by small medial glands. Oesophagus long, surrounded by gland cells. Caeca narrow, and extends posteriorly to almost reach the end of body. Testes oval, with smooth borders, contiguous, oblique, and located at mid-level of body. Right testis slightly anterior to left testis, overlapping slightly the ceca. Cirrus pouch welldeveloped, large, straight, dorsal to ventral sucker, containing a bi-partite seminal vesicle, prostatic gland and a long and unarmed cirrus. Cirrus opening into the genital pore is located between the anterior border of the ventral sucker and caecal bifurcation. The ovary rounded to oval, located sinistrally to the ventral sucker. Seminal receptacle almost rounded, and located between the ovary and right testis. Uterus coiled, entirely intercaecal. Uterine loops transversally arranged, extending posteriorly to the end of body. No uterine loops are found in the pre-testicular region. In the testicular region uterus is ventral to testes. Muscular metraterm dorsal to cirrus pouch, slightly curved, opens into the genital pore. Vitelline gland follicular, and the follicles distributed in two fields along the caeca, from the level of the genital pore to the region between the posterior end of testes and the end of caeca. Follicles in the intercaecal region are located dorsally and ventrally to testes, but are not confluent. Eggs operculated, 41–46 µm long by 14–17 µm wide. Excretory vesicle “I” shaped extending to the level of left testis. Excretory pore terminal. Host, geographic distribution and specimen deposition Bufo boreas : Canada : Gorge Creek, R. B. Miller Biological Station; 60 km SW of Calgary, Alberta; Nelson, British Columbia , (Holmes, pers. comm inGrady, 1987 ). U.S.A. : Shasta County, California ( Ingles, 1936: 81 ); “ U.S.A. ” ( Walton 1938: 8 ). Specimen deposition: USNPC 8925; HWML 23661.