Palaearctic species of Ammoplanus (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) Author Boucïek, Zdenek text Journal of Natural History 2001 35 849 929 journal article 1464-5262 A. (Ammoplanus) torresi Gayubo Ammoplanus torresi Gayubo, 1991: 141 ±143. Portugal : Serra da Estrella. Holotype male, by original designation; in UZUS, Salamanca) ( paratype examined). Diagnostic characters (complementing those mentioned by Gayubo (1991)) Male. Face mask, pronotal callus (laterally) and lower part of tegula white. Whole pterostigma pale, with narrowly darker margins. Occipital carina in middle obliterated, indistinct in dense sculpture. Head and mesoscutum very densely and ®nely engraved reticulate; raised reticulate and somewhat coarser on propodeum, there in anterior half with irregular median ruga and poor indication of areolae. Antenna with ®rst ¯agellar segments barely shorter than pedicel, middle ¯agellar segments mostly 1.3±1.4 times as long as broad, distal ones with very short and sparse pilosity, beginning with one hair underneath on sixth segment, following ones with two hairs. Pronotum short and slightly sloping, ®nely rugulose-reticulate, posterior edge not carinate. Hind basitarsus on mesal side slightly concave and in about three-®fths its length expande d into a subtriangula r obtuse tooth that is almost bare on top (®gure 52); proximal half of expansion with dense white pilosity, slender distal part pubescent and slightly darkened. Anterior sternites shiny, hardly sculptured, the second without cross-depression. Fourth sternite on either side with a curved depression and a group of weak short hairs. Fifth sternite with narrow and very shallow groove along its base and, on either side, with a slightly raised diagonal swelling bearing a line of compact hairs strongly curving mesad (hairs loose apically), thus forming a strong hook-like projection. Sixth tergite without distinction, rather ¯at, posterior margin truncate between obtuse-angular corners, in middle with ®ne incision. Gonostyles of aedeagus ¯at, widened, with broad straight diagonal top distinctly pilose (®gure 53). Female. Very similar to A. marathroicus and part of the diOEerence given here may prove unreliable as it is based on a single headless specimen. However, as shown also in Gayubo’s ®gure (1991: 145, ®gure 6) labral teeth have the sides sinuate, long and slender, whilst in marathroicus they are broad, separated by a shallower emargination and also the sides are slightly rounded (®gure 108). Middle to distal funicular segments (except the last) are from quadrate to elongate; last two segments of maxillary palpus are closely united. The most distinctive diOEerence from the species close to marathroicus seems to be the regularly raised-reticulate propodeum which is similar to that of ceballosi , but the latter species has a dark pterostigma and very diOEerent male characters. Material examined (in 1990). Portugal : Serra da Estrela , CabecËa , 1 l( paratype ) , 25 June 1987 ( F. Torres ; UZUS ). Spain ( Salamanca ): Villarino , 1m , 30 June 1995 (Gayubo; UZUS). Distribution. Portugal , Spain .