Apionidae, Nanophyidae, Brachyceridae and Curculionidae except Scolytinae (Coleoptera) from Socotra Island Author Colonnelli, Enzo text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2014 2014-12-30 54 295 422 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5313125 0374-1036 5313125 0C315AB4-D662-4A0A-8B18-D3683DDAE7B4 Endeochetus crassirostris sp. nov. ( Figs 114, 116 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE : J ( NMPC ), ‘ Yemen ; Soqotra Is. , 23.xi.2003 // Gubbah vill. env. // N 12°36′35″N , E53°46′56″ // 7 m [GPS]; Jan Farkač leg.’, ‘ Yemen - Soqotra 2003 // Expedition ; Jan Farkač , // Petr Kabátek & David Král’ . PARATYPES : 1 J, ‘ Yemen , Socotra isl., Dikseheten. // 5.iv.2001 , leg. V. Bejček & K. Šťastný’ ( NMPC ) ; 2 JJ, ‘ Yemen , Socotra Isl. , // Momi-Homhil , // 2.vi.2010 , V. Hula & J. Niedobová leg.’ (1 NMPC , 1 ECRI ) ; 1 J, ‘ Socotra : Homhil // 23-24.II.2009 - leg. P. // Lo Cascio & F. Grita’ ( PLFG ) ; 1 J, ‘ Socotra ( YE ) // wadi Ayhaft // 27.X.2007 - R. Sindaco’ ( MCCI ) . Description. Male holotype . Body length 9.0 mm. Piceous, opaque, strongly punctured; antennae and legs brown and moderately shining. Dorsal vestiture of sparse ochreous and yellowish hair-like and comma-like half-recumbent scales, some erect ones are at base of rostrum; in addition at basal third of elytral intervals IV and VI there are oval to lanceolate, finely sulcate, almost recumbent embricate yellow scales also visible on intervals II to VI on apical third and forming an inconspicuous pattern. Basal 3/4 of femora and internal margin of tibiae with long erect silvery or golden setae. Ventral side rather densely punctured, and clothed with fairly sparse yellowish short scales originating from punctures; pro- and mesocoxae, and middle of ventrites with long suberect golden hair-like setae ( Fig. 114 ). Head. Rostrum stout, 0.80 times as long as pronotum, almost straight from base to antennal insertion, here quite abruptly curved and slightly tapering towards apex in lateral view, its coarse punctures becoming strigose already little basad of antennal insertion, from here to apical sixth with five smooth longitudinal carinae separated by deep sulci, two lateral keels continuing up to very near epistome, middle one ending midway from antennae and epistome, anteriad of its ending surface is densely punctured; in dorsal view rostrum subparallel sided at basal quarter, then slightly dilated up to antennal insertion where it suddenly narrows, then is moderately widening towards apex. Antennae inserted apicad of middle of rostrum; scape strongly curved inwards at extreme base, then bisinuous and gradually clubbed; funicular antennomere I thicker than following ones and slightly longer than II; antennomeres III to VII progressively shorter, last clearly transverse and annexed to club which is subconical and about as long as two preceding antennomeres. Head convex, punctured, space between eyes as wide as half of rostral width at base; eyes subtriangular and not protruding from head convexity. Pronotum 1.08 times longer than wide, faintly constricted near truncate apex, base slightly convex, disc rather flat, with median furrow and with large coarse round punctures from each of which starts erect yellow seta; sides rounded, maximum width at middle. Scutellum almost invisible. Elytra 1.29 times longer than wide and 1.88 times as long as pronotum, dorsum depressed on basal half between intervals I–III, then moderately convex towards apex, sides moderately curved at basal 2/3 then quite strongly curved towards apex, maximum width little beyond middle. Striae formed by very large elongate punctures from which originates an almost recumbent brownish long seta. Interstriae ill-defined and very irregular, III, V and VII more convex than others and irregularly punctate. Legs fairly stout; femora strongly clubbed and acutely toothed, densely punctured and with yellowish middle ring of scales; tibiae compressed, curved at extreme base then almost straight, punctured, outer margin keeled, inner one widened basally, more so on protibiae which are in addition serrate at basal quarter; tarsi narrow, tarsomere III not bilobed. Ventral side. Tubercles on basal margin of prosternum posterior to coxae large, moderately protruding and with rounded apex; abdominal ventrites I and II with large rather deep common impression. Variability. Paratypes are very similar to the holotype . Male genitalia. Aedeagus as depicted in Fig. 116 . Body length 8.9–9.7 mm . Differential diagnosis. Endeochetus crassirostris sp. nov. is a large-sized stout species similar to E. helenae sp. nov. and to E. saccofrancisci sp. nov. , from both of which it readily differs already by its sulcate pronotum. Etymology. The species name, the composite Latin adjective crassirostris (- is , - e ), meaning ‘with a broad rostrum’, refers to the thick and short rostrum of the new species. Distribution. Endemic to Socotra Island .