Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. Author Huber, John T. Author Logarzo, Guillermo A. Author Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. Author Aquino, Daniel A. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-14 2456 1 243 journal article 32054 10.5281/zenodo.894928 77799ae7-9459-43e9-af68-c88aa98852a5 1175-5326 894928 Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) logarzoi Triapitsyn , sp. n. ( Figs 363–366 ) Gonatocerus sp. 12: Triapitsyn 2006b: 112 (misidentification as possibly = G. nigriflagellum (Girault) [as misidentified by Ogloblin], in part); Triapitsyn 2007: 59 (as a new species, in part). Type material. Holotype female [ MLPA ] on slide: ARGENTINA . CORRIENTES , Centro Nacional de Actividades Agrícolas , 20 km E of Corrientes , 27º22’36.06’’S 58º40’53.46’’W , iii.2005 , L. Varone (from eggs of Tretogonia notatifrons Melichar ) , UCRC ENT 0 13052. The holotype lacks F6–F8 and a clava of one antenna, one hind wing, a tarsus of one of the forelegs, femur, tibia, and tarsus of the other foreleg, most of middle leg segments (except for coxa of one and coxa, trochanter, and femur of the other), and 3 apical tarsomeres of one hind leg. Paratypes : 2 females [ UCRC ] on slides, same data as the holotype (one lacking pedicel and flagellum of one antenna and a clava of the other antenna, as well as many of the leg segments, and the other lacking F6–F8 and clava of both antennae and also forelegs). Description. FEMALE ( holotype and paratypes ). Body length 1025–1340 µm. Head mostly light brown except interocellar area on vertex brown and trabeculae dark brown; scape light brown, pedicel brown, and flagellum dark brown; mesonotum and petiole mostly orange-brown; legs mostly light brown except metatibia brownish; gaster with 2 dark brown bands on terga in the middle, otherwise light brown to brown. Antenna ( Fig. 363 ) with radicle 0.28–0.29x total length of scape, rest of scape 3.0–3.1x as long as wide, faintly longitudinally striate; pedicel a little longer than F1; F1 notably shorter than F2 and without mps, F2– F5 subequal in length (F2 slightly longer), F7 almost as long as F6 and shorter than F5, F8 a little shorter than F7; mps on F2 (1), F3 (1), F4 (2), F5 (2), F6 (2), F7 (2), and F8 (2); clava with 8 mps, 3.7x as long as wide, a little longer than combined length of F6–F8. FIGURES 363–366. Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) logarzoi ♀ (363 – holotype; 364–366 – paratype): 363, antenna; 364, propodeum; 365, body; 366, forewing. Mesosoma ( Fig. 365 ). Mesoscutum with inconspicuous sculpture, scutellum almost smooth. Propodeum ( Fig. 364 ) with well-developed, complete submedian carinae and with a few inconspicuous wrinkles between submedian and lateral carinae; submedian carinae extending to anterior margin of propodeum and joining each other at dorsellum, the area between them smooth. Forewing ( Fig. 366 ) 4.1–4.2x as long as wide; longest marginal seta about 0.3x maximum wing width; disc with a brownish tinge throughout and a conspicuous brown band behind and just beyond stigmal vein, bare behind venation except for several setae behind stigmal vein. Hind wing 20–21x as long as wide; disc mostly bare except for rows of setae along margins and a few scattered setae basally and apically, with a slight, more or less uniform brownish tinge; longest marginal seta 2.3–2.4x maximum wing width. Petiole about 0.9x as wide as long. Gaster a little longer than mesosoma. Ovipositor about 0.85x length of gaster, barely exserted beyond its apex; ovipositor length: mesotibia length ratio about 1.2:1. Measurements (µm) of the holotype . Body length (of the dry-mounted holotype before it was slidemounted, the head was shriveled) 1025; mesosoma 474; petiole 52; gaster 505; ovipositor 460. Antenna: radicle 63; rest of scape 158; pedicel 66; F1 49; F2 75; F3 73; F4 70; F5 70; F6 61; F7 58; F8 50; clava 215. Forewing 1224:297; longest marginal seta 88. Hind wing 923:45; longest marginal seta 106. MALE. Unknown. Diagnosis. Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) logarzoi sp. n. is a member of the ater subgroup of the ater species group. It is very similar to G. ( Cosmocomoidea ) garchamp sp. n. , which has a relatively wider forewing ( Fig. 306 ) and a different propodeal submedian carinal pattern. In G. garchamp the submedian carinae are widening notably from about middle of propodeum towards its anterior margin and extend almost to it, but do not join each other at dorsellum ( Fig. 305 ). Etymology. This species is named in honor of my colleague, friend, and co-author, Guillermo A. Logarzo, who has tirelessly collected fairyflies in Argentina over the past eight years, finding many interesting specimens including several new species, and establishing numerous new host records of the leafhopper egg parasitoids. Host. Tretogonia notatifrons Melichar (Cicadellidae) .