Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. Author Huber, John T. Author Logarzo, Guillermo A. Author Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. Author Aquino, Daniel A. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-14 2456 1 243 journal article 32054 10.5281/zenodo.894928 77799ae7-9459-43e9-af68-c88aa98852a5 1175-5326 894928 Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) quirogai ( Ogloblin, 1936 ) ( Figs 445–448 ) Lymaenon quirogai Ogloblin 1936 : 44 –46 + plates (láminas) II–IV (illustrations). Type locality: Teyú Cuaré , Alto Paraná (at Río Paraná bank in front of San Ignacio ), Misiones , Argentina . Lymaenon ( Cosmocomoidea ) quirogai Ogloblin: Ogloblin 1959b : 50 (specimens from Ecuador , comments on variation, illustration of parts of mesosternum). Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) quirogai (Ogloblin) : De Santis 1967: 106 (catalog); De Santis 1979 : 368 (catalog). Gonatocerus quirogai (Ogloblin) : Yoshimoto 1990 : 41 (listed in ater species group); Luft Albarracin et al. 2009 : 10 (list; distribution in Argentina ). Lymaenon quirogai Ogloblin : Loiácono et al. 2005 : 17 (type information, incorrectly listed as presumably missing). Type material examined. Holotype female [ MLPA ] on slide labeled: 1. “ Gonatocerus quirogai A. O. S. Ignacio, Teyu-Cuaré, Orilla de Paraná , 15.X.1934 . A. A. O. Holotypus ! [ip]”; 2. “3864”. The holotype , although uncleared, is in fair condition, it lacks the clava of the right antenna, has the right pair of wings badly damaged, and the left pair of wings partially incomplete, and is mounted dorsoventrally. The published collection date of the holotype ( 20.x.1934 ) does not match the date indicated on the label on the slide. FIGURES 445–447. Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) quirogai ♀ (holotype): 445, body; 446, antenna; 447, wings. Redescription. FEMALE ( holotype ). Body ( Fig. 445 ) and appendages mostly yellowish brown except scape, pedicel, and 3 spots near ocelli a little darker, light brown to brown; most of trabeculae and flagellum dark brown except F5 and F6 white. Antenna ( Fig. 446 ) with radicle a little less than 0.25x total length of scape; pedicel a little longer than F1; F1 and F2 subequal in length, longer than following funicle segments; F4 slightly longer than F5, F6 as long as F7 and both a little shorter than F5, F8 notably shorter than F7; mps on F2 (1), F3 (2), F4 (2), F5 (2), F6 (2), F7 (2), F8 (2); clava with 8 mps, 3.9x as long as wide, about as long as combined length of F5–F8. Mesosoma ( Fig. 445 ). Propodeum ( Fig. 448 ) with median oval area bounded by submedian carinae distinctly wider posteriorly than anteriorly, and with several transverse rugosities in posterior half between submedian and lateral carinae; submedian carinae meeting anteriorly, extending almost to but not touching anterior margin of propodeum. Forewing ( Fig. 447 ) 3.8x as long as wide; longest marginal seta about 0.17x maximum wing width; disc infumate, with a brown basal spot just beyond venation and a large brown band occupying a little more than entire apical third of wing, bare behind venation and densely setose beyond venation. FIGURE 448. Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) quirogai ♀ (holotype): dorsellum and propodeum. Petiole 2.3x as long as wide. Gaster shorter than mesosoma ( Fig. 445 ). Ovipositor about 0.75x length of gaster, not exserted beyond its apex; ovipositor length: mesotibia length ratio 0.75:1. Measurements (µm) of the holotype . Body: total body length: 1937; head 270; mesosoma 836; petiole 197; gaster 615; ovipositor 461. Antenna: radicle 97; rest of scape 310; pedicel 88; F1 73; F2 130; F3 129; F4 115; F5 109; F6 100; F7 100; F8 76; clava 394. Forewing 1962:516; longest marginal seta 91. MALE. Unknown. Diagnosis. Gonatocerus ( Cosmocomoidea ) quirogai is a member of the morrilli subgroup of the ater species group. It is a large species, known from the female only and is characterized by the unique combination of antenna with F5 and F6 white ( Fig. 446 ), propodeum with median oval area bounded by submedian carinae distinctly wider posteriorly than anteriorly ( Fig. 448 ), and forewing disc with a brown basal spot just beyond venation and a large brown band occupying a little more than apical third of the wing ( Fig. 447 ). Distribution. NEOTROPICAL: Argentina , and Ecuador ( Ogloblin 1959b ). We were unable to find in MLPA the two females from San Mateo, Esmeraldas , Ecuador , mentioned by Ogloblin (1959b) , to verify that record. Hosts. Unknown.