Revision of Agrilus acutus (Thunberg, 1787) and related species (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
Jendek, Eduard
journal article
Key to the
Agrilus acutus
A. paradiseus
1 Tarsal claws bifid, cleft nearly to base, teeth subeaqual in form and legth, outer tooth straight, inner one curved inside forming with inner tooth of opposite claw pincettelike configuration; last tergite acuminate on apex; ovipositor short, subquadrate; pronotal sides subarcuate; elytra glabrous or with white ornamental pubescence;
group ....................................................................................................................... 2
Tarsal claws cleft near middle, inner tooth shorter and broader; last tergite spinate on apex; ovipositor very long; pronotal sides straight converging anteriorly; elytra with
golden adsutural toment in apical third;
group........................................... 6
2 Prosternal lobe deeply arcuately emarginate; elytra brightly bicolor, basal Xlike mark and apex goldengreen and white pubescent, remains deepblue and glabrous;
9.5– 10.6 mm
A. cyaneofasciatus
revalidated name
Fig. 6
Prosternal lobe subtruncate; elytra concolor in various hues of blue or green, rarely black ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Pronotal mediobasal impression missing or obsolete; elytra and episternites glabrous; laterosternites with white tomentose patches; males blue or green; females brightly bicolor, pronotum goldenorange, elytra blue or green; elytral apices with short outer spine;
6–8.6 mm
A. coelestis
Figs. 3, 4
Pronotal mediobasal impression deep; elytra with white ornamental pubescence; laterosternites and episternites with white tomentose patches; sexual dichroism not apparent; elytral apices with small or long outer spine................................................. 4
4 Elytra with postmedial and preapical strips of white hairs ........................................... 5
Only apex of elytra with white hairs;
5.9–7 mm
A. acanthopterus
revalidated name
Fig. 5
5 Pronotum wider (wide / length = 1.6–1.7); elytral apices with long outer spine (
Figs. 9–11
); elytral pubescence less marked or faint;
5.5–8.9 mm
A. acutus
Fig. 1
Pronotum longer (wide / length = 1.4–1.55); elytral apices with small outer spine (
Figs. 12–15
); elytral pubescence well marked;
6.6–10.2 mm
A. dianthus
new status
Fig. 2
6 Prehumerus straight; pronotal disk with large medial, longitudinal impression; elytra with obvious adsutural impression; golden adsutural elytral toment extends to elytral apices;
10.9 mm
A. mikusiakorum
new species
Fig. 8
Prehumerus strongly arcuate; pronotal disk with large mediobasal impression; elytra without adsutural impression; golden adsutural elytral toment not extending to apices;
9.2 mm
A. paradiseus
Fig. 7