Five new species of the genus Euplocania Enderlein (Psocodea, ' Psocoptera', Psocomorpha, Ptiloneuridae) from Colombia Author Gonzalez-Obando, Ranulfo Author Aldrete, Alfonso N. Garcia Author Carrejo, Nancy S. text ZooKeys 2017 711 81 101 journal article 1313-2970-711-81 BB63680884F94D2888226A7B5F420085 BB63680884F94D2888226A7B5F420085 Euplocania gaitanae sp. n. Figs 13-18, 19-24 Type locality. COLOMBIA. Caqueta . Belen de Los Andaquies , Resguardo Indigena La Esperanza, 844 m., 1°36'19.18"N ; 75°56'12.46"W . Type material. Holotype male. 1.III.2017. Led light trap. J. Panche. MUSENUV slide code No. 28779. Paratypes: 2 males, 1 female. MUSENUV slide code 28780, same data as the holotype. Etymology. This species is dedicated to the female cacique Gaitana ( Guaitipan ), indigenous heroine of the XVI century, who led a ferocious resistance against the Spanish invaders in the mountains of the Huila-Caqueta Departments, in the Colombian Andes. Diagnosis. Belonging in species group B, in the classification of Garcia Aldrete et al. (2013) . It is similar to E. daguaensis Gonzalez , Garcia Aldrete & Carrejo and to E. caquetaensis sp. n. It differs from them by the shape of the median and lateral processes of the central sclerite of the hypandrium and in details of phallosomes and forewings (see identification key above). Central sclerite of hypandrium wide, posteriorly with two short acuminate projections in the middle, and two lateral processes, bearing two short apical teeth, without teeth on the inner border, bent inwards (Fig. 16). Phallosome V shaped, with a large transverse mesal endophallic sclerite (Fig. 18). Forewings with a pigmented marginal band, from R2+3 to wing base (Figs 13 and 19). Female IX sternum semioval, anteriorly concave medially, sides with narrow pigmented area bent towards the mesal line (Fig. 24). Description. Male. Color. Head dark brown frontally, pale brown laterally (Fig. 15). Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Vertex, clypeus and labrum dark brown. Genae pale brown, with small ochre band near the antennal fossae. Antennae pale brown to brown, with apex cream. Maxillary palps brown, Mx4 distally dark brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown. Thoracic pleura creamy, with ochre and white spots. Legs brown, coxae dark brown. Forewings hyaline, with a pale brown marginal band, from R2+3 to wing base; veins brown, with a dark brown spot at wing margin. Pterostigma dark brown (Fig. 13). Hindwings hyaline, veins brown, with a pale brown spot at wing margin (Fig. 14). Abdomen creamy, with ochre subcuticular bands. Central sclerite of hypandrium pale brown, with sides dark brown. Epiproct and paraprocts creamy. Figures 13-18. Euplocania gaitanae sp. n. Male. 13 Forewing 14 Hindwing 15 Front view of head 16 Hypandrium 17 Epiproct and right paraproct 18 Phallosome. Scales in millimeters. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (Fig. 15): H/MxW: 1.48; compound eyes large, H/d: 2.77; IO/MxW: 0.64. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with nine denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.11. Forewings (Fig. 13): L/W: 2.77. Pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.13, areola postica tall, with rounded apex: al/ah: 1.63. Hindwings (Fig. 14): l/w: 3.05. Central sclerite of hypandrium rounded anteriorly, triconcave posteriorly, side sclerites triangular (Fig. 16). Phallosome (Fig. 18) anteriorly Y shaped, with broad side struts; external parameres membranous, distally rounded, bearing pores; two pairs of endophallic sclerites, and one posterior, transverse mesal sclerite. Paraprocts (Fig. 17) almost elliptic, with a dense setal field distally; sensory fields with 29 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct (Fig. 17) broad, semioval, rounded posteriorly, setal field on sides and anteriorly; one large setae on each side and three macrosetae posteriorly. Measurements .FW: 5750, HW: 3962, F: 1475, T: 2600, t1: 1057, t2: 100, t3: 150, ctt1: 36, f1: 1250, f2: 1390, f3: 1310, Mx4: 365, IO: 560, D: 600, d: 470, IO/d: 1.19, PO: 0.78. Female . Color. Essentially as in the male. Subgenital plate hyaline in the middle, with sides dark brown, as illustrated (Fig. 22). Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (Fig. 21): H/MxW: 1.41; H/d: 3.09; IO/MxW: 0.68. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with eight denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.25. Wings (Figs 19 and 20) as in the male, L/W: 2.76. Pterostigma: lp/wp: 4.71, areola postica: al/ah: 1.82. Hindwings (Fig. 20): l/w: 3.06. Subgenital plate (Fig. 22) broad, posteriorly rounded, setose. Gonapophyses (Fig. 24): v1 elongate, slender, setose, acuminate; v2+3 with a row of 6 setae on v2; distal process sinuous, acuminate, with microsetae on surface. Paraprocts (Fig. 23) triangular, with distal setal field as illustrated, sensory field with 27 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct (Fig. 23) triangular, apically rounded, setae as illustrated. Figures 19-24. Euplocania gaitanae sp. n. Female. 19 Forewing 20 Hindwing 21. Front view of head 22 Subgenital plate 23 Epiproct and right paraproct 24 Ninth sternum and left gonapophyses (ventral view). Scales in millimeters. Measurements.FW: 6200, HW: 4250, F: 1550, T: 2700, t1: 1050, t2: 100, t3: 152.5, ctt1: 28, f1: 1320, f2: 1470, f3: 1360, Mx4: 390, IO: 640, D: 536, d: 430, IO/d: 1.19, PO: 0.80.