Systematics of the weevil genus <i> Mecinus </ i> Germar, 1821 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). I. Taxonomic treatment of the species Author Caldara, Roberto Author Fogato, Valter text Zootaxa 2013 2013-05-22 3654 1 1 105 journal article 54095 10.11646/zootaxa.3654.1.1 a2283efd-4d0c-44b9-9185-813ad2be5719 1175-5326 5265486 C804B2A2-3F49-4D8C-B26E-1B0F9BA35402 47. Mecinus aubei Desbrochers des Loges Fig. 42 Mecinus aubei Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 58 . Reitter, 1907: 9 . Mimeur, 1949: 113 . Hoffmann 1958: 1273 , note. Type locality. Bône [= Annaba ] ( Algeria ). Type series. This species was described from specimens collected in Algeria ( Bône , Constantine ) of Desbrochers des Loges' and Pic's collections. We examined two syntypes ( Pic's collection, MNHN ) labelled respectively “Bône, avril 54 / B115 / 84 / Desbr. vid. type! / type / Aubei m. type / TYPE” (male, lectotype here designated) and “Bône, janv. 58 / B115 / Mecinus Aubei Desbr. type” (female, paralectotype ) . Redescription. Male. Length 2.6 mm . Body: long, cylindrical, slender ( Fig. 42 ). Rostrum: black, moderately long (Rl/Pl 0.82); in lateral view distinctly and abruptly curved in basal half, weakly narrowed in apical half (as in M. dorsalis , fig. 95); in dorsal view with subparallel sides, weakly widened at antennal insertion, with moderately visible scrobes, weakly striate-punctured, smooth, shining, without puntures along midline, in basal half with recumbent, sparse, white, moderately long (l/w 3–6), seta-like scales. Head: frons as wide as rostrum at base, with moderately deep fovea; eyes nearly flat, with posterior margin abruptly raised. Antennae: inserted at middle of rostrum, completely black; scape moderately short, 4.0x longer than wide; funicle distinctly longer than scape, segment 1 twice as long as wide, slightly stouter and slightly longer than segment 2, which is twice as long as wide, segments 3 and 4 as long as wide, segment 5 transverse; club long, oval, segment 1 about as pubescent as others. Pronotun black with bronze reflexions, with dense and regular punctures, intervals between punctures smooth and shining, clearly visible between recumbent, sparse, white and brownish grey, long (l/w 5–8), seta-like scales, the white scales more numerous along midline and sides; weakly transverse (Pw/Pl 1.14), with moderately rounded sides, with moderately prominent apical constriction, widest at middle, moderately convex. Elytra: black with distinct bronze reflexions, shining; very long (El/Ew 1.85), at base moderately concave, with parallel sides, slightly wider than pronotum (Ew/Pw 1.10), moderately convex on disc; interstriae clearly visible between recumbent to suberect, sparse, white, long (as long as width of interstria; l/w 6–9), seta-like scales, arranged in a single regular row; striae clearly visible, one third narrower than interstriae, with a row of scales slightly thinner than those of interstriae. Legs: moderately slender, with recumbent to suberect, sparse, whitish, seta-like scales, which are distinctly shorter than width of tibia; femora black, pro- and mesofemora with stout tooth, metafemora with smaller tooth; tibiae blackish brown, moderately slender; protibiae with apical part of ventral surface weakly directed outward; unci blackish, stout, all equal in length; tarsi blackish brown, tarsomere 1 1.5x longer than wide, tarsomere 2 about as long as wide, tarsomere 3 distinctly bilobed and distinctly wider than tarsomere 2, onychium shorter than tarsomeres 1–3 taken together; claws brown, fused at base, asymmetrical, with one claw distinctly smaller and about two thirds shorter than other claw. Venter: metasternum black, clearly visible between sparse, whitish, long, seta-like scales; mesothoracic epimera and meso- and metathoracic episterna with sparse, white, narrow, seta-like scales, and wide, fringed scales; abdomen black with bronze reflexions, with dense and somewhat regular punctures, which are clearly visible between sparse, whitish, long, seta-like scales; ventrites length ratio 1– 2/3–4 1.67. Penis: fig. 142. Female. As in male except rostrum slightly longer (Rl/Pl 0.87) (as in M. dorsalis , fig. 96), less punctured, antennae inserted just before middle, femora unarmed. Sternite 8 and spermatheca: as in M. heydenii ( Figs 156 and 170 ). Variability. Length 2.3–3.1 mm . The frontal fovea is more or less evident, as is the pronotal apical constriction. The antennae and tibiae vary in colour from reddish brown to blackish brown. The sides of the pronotum vary slightly in curvature. Remarks and comparative notes. This species is distinguishable from the other species of its group by the more elongate and narrower elytra, whose integument are black, shining, with distinct, bronze reflexions. Biological notes. In Morocco larvae of this species induce big galls in the stems of Linaria gharbensis Bat. & Pit. , where they pupate and where this species seems to coinhabit with Rhinusa brondelii (H. Brisout de Barneville, 1862 ) ( Mimeur 1949 ) . Distribution. Southern Portugal , central and southern Spain , southern France , northern Africa, Syria . Non-type specimens examined . PORTUGAL : Algarve , Monte Gordo Coast , 11.V.1994 , Bayer & Winkelmann leg. (3, HWCB ) . SPAIN : Hispania , von Bodemeyer leg. (1, MNHN ) ; Castilla-La Mancha , Pozuelo de Calatrava (1, MCNM ) . FRANCE : Languedoc-Roussillon , Montpellier , Paoli leg. (1, MSNM ) ; Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur , Eyguières , 3.VII.1949 , Thérond leg. (1, MNHN ) . MOROCCO : Akrirat , 30.IV.1939 , Mimeur leg. (4, MNHN ) ; Boulhaut , IV.1923 , Antoine leg. (2, MNHN ) ; Ifrane , Moyen Atlas , 1650 m , 10.IV.1948 , Balachowsky leg. (1, MNHN ) ; Mogador (1, JPCM ; 1, BMNH ) ; Rabat (1, MNHN ) ; Ras el Ma , Moyen Atlas , Thery leg. (1, MNHN ); Salé , 1.V.1939 , on Linaria gharbensis , Malençon leg. (4, MNHN ) ; Sidi Slimane , 9.V.1939 , Mimeur leg. (2, MNHN ) . ALGERIA : Annaba , Oued Mafrag , coast, 2.VII.1979 , Doguet leg. (1, GOCA ) , Annaba , Oued Mafrag , coast, 17.V.1976 , Constantin leg. (2, SMNS ) ; Bou-Berak , Kabylie , Puel leg. (5, MNHN ) ; Biskra (1, MNHN ) ; Edough , VI.1855 (1, MNHN ) ; Orleansville (1, MNHN ) ; Tabia (1, MNHN ) . TUNISIA : Le Kef , Normand leg. (1, MNHN ) ; La Calle , marsh, V.1935 , Normand leg. (4, MNHN ) ; Téboursouk , Oued Kralled , coast, 17.V.1978 , Péricart leg. (1, JPCM ) . LIBYA : Bengasi , III.1916 , Zanon leg. (1, MSNG ; 1, MSNM ) ; Bengasi , IV.1938 , Frey leg. (1, NHMB ) . EGYPT : Egypte (1, NHMB ) . SYRIA : Idlib , 20 km SW Ariha near Al-Barah , 25.IV.2009 , Rozner leg. (1, APCB ) . Key to the species 1. Rostrum short (Rl/Pl <0.55), stout, in dorsal view subconical, in lateral view straight ( Figs 78–85 )..................... 2 - Rostrum longer (Rl/Pl> 0.65), subcylindrical to cylindrical, in lateral view more or less curved ( Figs 43–77 and 86–97 ).... 7 2. Pronotum at base and sides, epimera and episterna densely covered with whitish to ochraceous broad scales ( Fig. 34 ). Elytral integument completely black, covered with recumbent, short, seta-like scales ( Fig. 34 ). Protibiae with apical part of ventral surface weakly directed outward (as in M. pascuorum , fig. 98).................................................................................................................................... 36. M. collaris Germar - Vestiture composed only of more or less long seta-like scales. Elytral integument reddish with more or less large blackish areas, covered with long to very long, subrecumbent to erect seta-like scales ( Figs 29–33 ). Protibiae with apical part of ventral surface distinctly directed outward ( Figs 100–104 )........................................................... 3 3. Elytra subcylindrical, elongate ( Fig. 29 )............................................... 31. M. comosus Boheman - Elytra oval, more or less elongate ( Figs 30–33 ).............................................................. 4 4. Protibiae towards apex with numerous stout denticles ( Figs 103–104 ). Tarsomere 3 weakly bilobed and almost as wide as tarsomere 2............................................................................................ 5 - Protibiae towards apex with less numerous and thinner apical denticles ( Figs 101–102 ). Tarsomere 3 distinctly bilobed and wider than tarsomere 2.................................................................................. 6 5. Body larger (length 2.5–2.9 mm ). Posterior margin of eye abruptly raised and perpendicular to surface of eye ( Fig. 85 ). Protibiae in female with premucro contiguous to uncus. Denticles of outer apical margin of tibiae yellowish, those of protibiae in female arranged on only one quarter of length of tibia ( Fig. 103 ). Pronotum and elytra flattened ( Fig. 32 )................................................................................................... 34. M. vulpes (Lucas) - Body smaller (length 1.8–2.2 mm ). Posterior margin of eye not abruptly raised ( Fig. 84 ). Protibiae in female without premucro. Denticles of outer apical margin of tibiae black, those of protibiae especially in female arranged on almost half of length of tibia ( Fig. 104 ). Pronotum and elytra moderately convex ( Fig. 33 )........................ 35. M. pipistrellus (Marseul) 6. Pronotum widest at middle, moderately convex ( Fig. 30 ). Elytra slightly longer (El/Ew 1.25-1.30), often with two oblique blackish bands at posterior half. Erect seta-like scales usually longer ( Fig. 30 ). Eyes more convex, especially in posterior half, latter distinctly higher than surface of head ( Fig. 82 ). Denticles of outer apical margin of tibiae yellowish and thin ( Fig. 101 ). Uncus of protibiae thin and directed inward ( Fig. 101 )............................... 32. M. simus (Mulsant & Rey) - Pronotum widest at base, trapezoidal, almost flat ( Fig. 31 ). Elytra short (El/Ew 1.15-1.20), at most with single blackish band at apical third. Erect seta-like scales shorter ( Fig. 31 ). Eyes weakly convex ( Fig. 83 ). Denticles of outer apical margin of tibiae blackish and stouter ( Fig. 102 ) especially in female. Uncus of protibiae very stout and distinctly directed outward ( Fig. 102 ).................................................................................. 33. M. pirazzolii (Stierlin) 7. Rostrum strongly curved at base ( Figs 94–97 ). Claws clearly asymmetrical, with one claw distinctly smaller and about half shorter than other claw. Elytra elongate cylindrical ( Figs 39–42 )................................................ 8 - Rostrum regularly more or less curved ( Figs 43–77 and 86–93 ). Claw almost symmetrical. Elytra elongate cylindrical to short oval ( Figs 1–28 and 35–38 )............................................................................. 11 8. Elytra blue ( Fig. 39 ).............................................................. 44. M. heydenii Wencker - Elytra black, with or without bronze reflection ( Figs 40–42 ).................................................... 9 9. Integument with distinct bronze reflection, shining. Elytra very narrow and elongate (El/Ew 1.85), only slightly wider than pronotum ( Fig. 42 )....................................................... 47. M. aubei Desbrochers des Loges - Integument black, at most with weak bronze reflection on pronotum, more opaque. Elytra shorter (El/Ew 1.70–1.75), more distinctly wider than pronotum ( Figs 40–41 ).................................................................. 10 10. Elytral interstriae with shorter and slightly raised scales ( Fig. 40 ). Elytra shorter and wider (El/Ew 1.70; Ew/Pw 1.25–1.30)..................................................................................... 45. M. dorsalis Aubé - Elytral interstriae with longer and more raised scales ( Fig. 41 ). Elytra longer and narrow (El/Ew 1.75; Ew/Pw 1.16–1.19)................................................................................... 46. M. tavaresi Hoffmann 11. Club mostly glabrous, shining and with segments fused except for small part at apical half, there segments separate and pubescent ( Fig. 107 )....................................................................................... 12 - Club with distinctly visible and pubescent segments (sometimes except for glabrous part of first segment).............. 14 12. Segment 2 of antennal funicle about twice as long as wide.................................................... 13 - Segment 2 of antennal funicle only slightly longer than wide........................... 18. M. linnavuori (Korotyaev) 13. Rostrum longer (Rl/Pl 1.04–1.15), cylindrical in both sexes (male, fig. 60). Scrobe scarcely visible in dorsal view. Eyes narrower, flat...................................................................... 17. M. paratychioides (Pic) - Rostrum shorter (Rl/Pl 0.76–0.96), not cylindrical in male ( Fig. 62 ). Scrobe distinctly visible in dorsal view. Eyes larger, weakly convex............................................................... 19. M. desertorum (Korotyaev) 14. Pronotum at base and sides densely covered with broad oval scales.............................................. 15 - Pronotum covered only with long seta-like scales............................................................ 17 15. Claws fused at base. body very small (length 1.3–1.6 mm )........................... 15. M. plantaginis (Eppelsheim) - Claws free. Body usually distinctly larger (length 1.7–2.0 mm)................................................ 16 16. Body elongate-oval ( Fig. 18 ). Tarsomere 3 bilobed and wider than tarsomere 2. Scales of elytral interstriae recumbent and confusedly arranged. Pronotum less transverse (Pw/Pl 1.35–1.40) and distinctly narrower than elytra (Ew/Pw 1.43–1.49), at apex covered with scales distinctly smaller than those covering sides. Rostrum in male almost straight from base ( Fig. 65 )..................................................................................... 20. M. marina (Korotyaev) - Body short-oval ( Fig. 19 ). Tarsomere 3 not bilobed and as wide as tarsomere 2. Scales of elytral interstriae partly raised and arranged in one almost regular row. Pronotum strongly transverse (Pw/Pl 1.60) and only moderately narrower than elytra (Ew/ Pw 1.31), at apex covered with scales as wide as those covering sides. Rostrum in male strongly curved in basal half ( Fig. 63 )................................................................................ 21. M. henrici (Arzanov) 17. Elytra subcylindrical, distinctly elongate (El/Ew> 1.60) ( Figs 22–28 and 35–38 ). Body medium-sized to large (length> 2.5 mm )............................................................................................... 18 - Elytra suboval, short to moderately elongate (El/Ew <1.50) ( Figs 1–12 and 20–21 ). Body often small-sized (length <2.0 mm). ................................................................................................... 31 18. Elytra blue ( Fig. 36 )................................................................................... 19 - Elytra black to black and reddish to completely reddish ( Figs 22–28, 35 and 37–38 )................................ 21 19. Rostrum moderately long (Rl/Pl male 0.75–0.86; female 0.95–1.04), more sculptured and usually more curved in female ( Figs 91–92 ). Body medium-sized to large (length 2.3–6.0 mm).................................................... 20 - Rostrum longer (Rl/Pl male 0.89–1.02; female 1.10–1.20), less sculptured and usually nearly straight in lateral view in its apical half in female ( Fig. 89 ). Body large (length 4.2–6.2 mm , average 4.6 mm )................ 39. M. kaemmereri Wagner 20. Body smaller (length 2.3–4.0 mm, average 3.4 mm ). Rostrum in lateral view moderately and regularly curved ( Figs 91–92 ). Puntures of pronotum slightly larger, less adpressed. Scales of elytral interstriae almost completely arranged in single median row............................................................................ 38. M. janthinus Germar - Body larger (length 3.2–6.0 mm, average 4.1 mm ). Apical part of rostrum especially in female in lateral view more curved. Punctures of pronotum slightly smaller, more densely adpressed. Scales of elytral interstriae denser, arranged in two rows on part of several interstriae............................................. 40. M. janthiniformis Toševski & Caldara 21. Elytra completely reddish to vittate reddish and black ( Figs 22–26 )............................................. 22 - Elitre completely black to black with reddish apex ( Figs 27–28 )................................................ 26 22. Integument completely reddish ( Fig. 23 ). Rostrum in lateral view weakly curved (female, fig. 64)... 25. M. reichei Tournier - Integument reddish and black ( Figs 22 and 24–26 ). Rostrum in lateral view moderately to distinctly curved ( Figs 69–73 ).. 23 23. Dorsal vestiture uniform in colour, greyish ( Fig. 22 ). Rostrum longer in both sexes (Rl/Pl 0.90–1.05), in lateral view strongly curved and at base dorsally weakly concave in female ( Figs 69–70 ). Antennal funicle with segment 1 twice as long as wide and segment 2 1.5x longer than wide. Eyes flat. Protibiae with apical part of ventral surface weakly directed outward ( Fig. 99 )................................................................................. 24. M. tanaiticus Arzanov - Dorsal vestiture with vitta of whitish scales covering sides ( Figs 24–26 ). Rostrum shorter in both sexes (Rl/Pl 0.65–0.80), in lateral view moderately curved and at base dorsally regularly convex in female ( Figs 71–73 ). Antennal funicle with segment 1 1.5x longer than wide and segment 2 slightly longer than wide. Eyes convex. Protibiae with apical part of ventral surface distinctly directed outward (as in fig. 100)................................................................... 24 24. Scales of dorsal vestiture more uniformly arranged, wider, not hair-like, all recumbent ( Fig. 24 ). Rostrum of female in lateral view moderately curved ( Fig. 71 ).................................................... 26. M. humeralis Tournier - Scales of dorsal vestiture more irregularly arranged, hair-like, partly more or less raised ( Figs 25–26 ). Rostrum of female in lateral view more curved ( Fig. 73 )........................................................................ 25 25. Pronotum narrower (Pw/Pl 1.12–1.16), with weakly rounded sides, widest at basal third, weakly convex ( Fig. 25 ). Elytral interstriae covered with white (at sides) and light brown, seta-like scales, in part slightly longer than width of interstria; striae moderately visible, with row of scales similar to shorter ones covering interstriae ( Fig. 25 ).... 28. M. circulatus (Marsham) - Pronotum broader (Pw/Pl 1.19–1.24), with moderately rounded sides, widest near middle, distinctly convex ( Fig. 26 ). Elytral interstriae covered with light brown and whitish (interstriae 1 and 3 and lateral interstriae), seta-like scales, as long as width of interstria; striae distinctly visible, with row of brown to whitish scales slightly shorter and narower than those covering interstriae ( Fig. 26 )..................................................................... 27. M. suturalis Reitter 26. Elytra very long (El/Ew 1.90–2.00) ( Figs 37–38 )............................................................ 27 - Elytra shorter (El/Ew 1.60–1.75) ( Figs 27–28 and 35 )........................................................ 28 27. Body large (length 3.6–4.9 mm ). Dorsal integument hidden by vestiture of dense whitish scales ( Fig. 38 )................................................................................................ 43. M. lixoides (Escalera) - Body medium-sized (length 2.0– 3.4 mm ). Dorsal integument partly visible between vestiture of whitish scales ( Fig. 37 )................................................................................... 41. M. barbarus Gyllenhal 28. Dorsal vestiture of short subrectangular scales (l/w 3–4)....................................... 42. M. setulosus Pic - Dorsal vestiture of long seta-like scales (l/w 8–10).......................................................... 29 29. Rostrum in dorsal view broad, flattened. Pronotum with rounded sides, usually widest near middle, distinctly narrower than elytra ( Fig. 35 ). Tarsi dark brown. Sternite V of male without tuft of hairs...................... 37. M. sicardi Hustache - Rostrum in dorsal view narrower and convex. Pronotum with weakly rounded sides, widest in basal half, slightly narrower than elytra ( Figs 27 and 28 ). Tarsi reddish brown. Sternite V of male at middle with tuft of dense fine hairs............. 30 30. Integument moderately shining, more or less visible between denser partly raised, long, seta-like scales. Elytral interstria 1 at apex with distinct comb of hair-like scales ( Fig. 27 )....................................... 29. M. pyraster (Herbst) - Integument distinctly shining, distinctly visible between sparse, recumbent, almost transparent, short scales. Elytral interstria 1 at apex without comb of hair-like scales ( Fig. 28 )......................................... 30. M. baridioides sp. n. 31. Elytral vestiture sparser, uniformly arranged, of almost recumbent seta-like scales ( Figs 14 and 20 ).................... 32 - Elytral vestiture denser, irregularly arranged, partly of more or less raised seta-like scales ( Figs 1–12 and 21 )............ 34 32. Rostrum long in both sexes (Rl/Pl 1.32–1.58) and in lateral view straight, especially in female ( Figs 67–68 ). Elytral integument black and reddish, rarely completely black ( Fig. 20 )........................ 22. M . e longatus (H. Brisout de Barneville) - Rostrum shorter in both sexes (Rl/Pl <1.20), in lateral view moderately curved ( Figs 58–59 ). Elytral integument uniformly black to dark brown ( Fig. 14 )........................................................................... 33 33. Scape and segment 1 of antennal funicle, base and apex of tibiae and tarsi reddish.............................................................................................. 16a. M. alboscutellatus alboscutellatus (Hustache) - Antennae, tibiae and tarsi completely dark brown........................... 16b. M. alboscutellatus atratulus (Solari) 34. Elytral integument vittate, with reddish even interstriae and blackish odd interstriae ( Fig. 21 ). Body medium-sized (length> 2.4 mm ).......................................................................... 23. M. alternans Kirsch - Elytral integument completely reddish to reddish with black vittae or bands never arranged as above ( Figs 1–12 ). Body smallsized (length < 2.4 mm )................................................................................ 35 35. Elytral integument reddish with at least two black oblique bands in basal half ( Fig. 12 ). Rostrum in female in lateral view straight in apical two thirds ( Fig. 56 )..................................................................... 36 - Elytral integument completely reddish to reddish with black parts never forming oblique bands in basal half ( Figs 1–11 ). Rostrum in female in lateral view more or less curved from base to apex ( Figs 43–54 )................................. 37 36. Elytral vestiture dense, with white scales forming confused spots. Body slightly larger; elytra slightly shorter (El/Ew 1.18– 1.23). Rostrum more straight in basal third............................... 14. M. bonnairei (Desbrochers des Loges) - Elytral vestiture sparser and arranged more uniformly ( Fig. 12 ). Body slightly narrower; elytra slightly longer (El/Ew 1.25– 1.30). Rostrum more curved in basal third ( Figs 55–56 )..................................... 13 M. labilis (Herbst) 37. Epimera and episterna densely covered with elongate and broad scales........................................... 38 - Epimera and episterna sparsely covered with elongate seta-like scales............................................ 39 38. Elytra slightly narrower and longer (El/Ew 1.47–1.50), only slightly wider than pronotum (Ew/Pw 1.12–1.16), almost parallelsided in basal two thirds ( Fig. 5 ). Scales covering pronotum denser and almost entirely recumbent; scales covering elytra denser, partly suberect.................................................................. 6. M. ludyi (Reitter) - Elytra slightly wider and shorter (El/Ew 1.38–1.41), somewhat wider than pronotum (Ew/Pw 1.20–1.24), at sides weakly rounded from base, widest at middle ( Fig. 4 ). Scales covering pronotum less dense and partly suberect; scales covering elytra less numerous, partly erect......................................................... 5. M. caucasicus (Reitter) 39. Suberect elytral scales denser on interstriae 1, 4 and 5 and longer and arranged in comb on apical part of interstria 1 ( Fig. 3 )........................................................................ 4. M. latiusculus (Jacquelin du Val) - Suberect elytral scales arranged in single row and similar in number and length on each interstria ( Figs 1–2 and 6–11 )..... 40 40. Pronotum with numerous longer erect scales clearly visible on disc in lateral view ( Fig. 2 )....... 3. M. ictericus (Gyllenhal) - Pronotum with sparse shorter erect scales, latter absent on disc ( Fig. 1 and 6–11 ).................................. 41 41 Pronotum mainly reddish to reddish brown ( Figs 9–11 )....................................................... 42 - Preonotum blackish ( Figs 1 and 6–8 )..................................................................... 44 42. Elytra weakly convex, with completely reddish integument ( Fig. 11 )......... 12. M. tychioides (H. Brisout de Barneville) - Elytra moderately convex, with integument mainly reddish but with blackish spots or striae ( Figs 9–10 )................ 43 43. Rostrum in lateral view regularly curved and convex in basal third, in female longer (Rl/Pl> 1.10) and in lateral view moderately curved (as in M. reichei , fig. 64). Dorsal integument reddish, usually with darker spot on elytral interstriae 2–4, distinctly shining especially on pronotum; head, basal part of rostrum and abdomen blackish brown ( Fig. 9 )........................................................................................... 10 M. sanctus (Desbrochers des Loges) - Rostrum in lateral view weakly concave in basal third, in female shorter (Rl/Pl <0.95) and in lateral view slightly curved ( Fig. 53 ). Pronotum reddish, usually with dark brown neck and few small dark brown spots on disc; elytra reddish, usually with dark brown 'anchor-like' pattern ( Fig. 10 )..................................... 11. M. longulus (Desbrochers des Loges) 44. Vestiture of elytral interstriae formed by single regular row of more or less raised scales ( Figs 6–8 ). Femora of male with small tooth............................................................................................... 45 - Vestiture of elytral interstriae denser, formed by irregularly arranged more numerous scales ( Figs 1 ). Femora of male with stout tooth ( Fig. 105 )...................................................................................... 47 45. Rostrum about same length in both sexes ( Figs 48–49 ). Head regular in size. Body more elongate (Pw/Pl 1.22–1.28; El/Ew 1.40–1.45) ( Fig. 6 )............................................................ 7. M. variabilis (Rosenhauer) - Rostrum distinctly longer in female than in male ( Figs 50–53 ). Head large. Body larger (Pw/Pl 1.35–1.47; El/Ew 1.25–1.30) ( Figs 7–8 )........................................................................................... 46 46. Scales of elytral interstriae longer, more irregular in length, suberect to erect, more irregularly arranged. Antennae in female inserted at basal third ( Fig. 51 ); scape slightly longer (in male l/w 3, in female l/w 4)............................................................................................ 8. M. haemorrhoidalis (H. Brisout de Barneville) - Scales of elytral interstriae shorter, regular in length, subrecumbent to suberect, regularly arranged. Antennae in female inserted at basal quarter ( Fig. 52 ); scape slightly shorter (in male l/w 2, in female l/w 3)........... 9. M. seriatus (Jacquet) 47. Body small (length 1.3–1.8 mm ). Dorsal vestiture sparser ( Fig. 1 )........................ 1. M. pascuorum (Gyllenhal) - Body large (length 2.1–2.4 mm ). Dorsal vestiture denser................................ 2. M. crassifemur (Arzanov)