Two new species of Eriococcus (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae), from the Andino Patagonica region of Argentina, with a key to the Eriococcus species of that region Author González, Patricia text Zootaxa 2008 1899 50 56 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.184499 77dc07fe-dbf9-4ede-9aa3-21b4c3df391b 1175-5326 184499 Key to species of Eriococcus from the Patagonian Andean forests in Argentina (Modified after Miller & González, 1975 ) 1 Suranal setae spatulate.................................................................................... eurythrix Miller & González 1’ Suranal setae not spatulate...........................................................................................................................2 2 Microtubular ducts of types A & B scattered on both surfaces; microtubular ducts of type A present, aggregated on dorsal surface; tarsal and claw digitules with slightly expanded and with equal-sized apices .......................................................................................................................................... pumilia e sp. nov. 2’ Microtubular ducts of type A & B absent; microtubularducts of type B1 present, scattered and not aggregated on dorsal surface; tarsal digitules with or without expanded apices; claw digitules with unequalsized apices.................................................................................................................................................3 3 Dorsomedial setae on abdomen about equal in length to marginal setae ....... chilensis Miller & González 3’ Dorsomedial setae on abdomen noticeably shorter than marginal setae.....................................................4 4 Dorsomedial setae on thorax and cephalic region smaller and more slender than marginal setae on abdomen; antennae 7 segmented ........................................................................................... navarinoensis Hoy 4’ Dorsomedial setae on thorax and cephalic region about same size as marginal setae on abdomen; antennae 6 segmented.................................................................................................................................................5 5 Quinquelocular pores restricted to medial area on abdomen; posterior three abdominal segments each with three marginal setae on each side of body.............................................................. dombeyae sp. nov. 5’ Quinquelocular pores present throughout venter; posterior three abdominal segments each with two marginal setae on each side of body ............................................................... rhadinothrix Miller & González