Revision of Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) Kieffer and Ainuyusurika Sasa et Shirasaki (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Oyewo, Emmanuel Adeoye Author Saether, Ole A. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-12-05 1953 1 145 journal article 1175­5334 Polypedilum ( Pentapedilum ) daitojekeum (Sasa et Suzuki) comb. n. ( Figs 14E–G ) Pentapedilum daitojekeum Sasa et Suzuki, 2002: 73 . Material examined. JAPAN : Minamidaito Island , Okinawa , Ouike , paratype male, 26.iii.2001 , light trap , H. Suzuki ( NMST Type No. 413:58) . Diagnostic characters. Among species with strongly haired wing membrane, broadly banded abdominal segments and no spur on foretibial scale, P . ( Pe .) daitojekeum can be distinguished by apparently lacking seta on the strongly curved projection of the superior volsella and having the base free of microtrichia. Male (n = 1) Wing length 1.88 mm . Wing length / length of profemur 2.15. Thorax, femur, tibia and tarsi dark brown, abdominal segments with broad dark bands. Head. AR 1.73. Ultimate flagellomere 718 µm long. Temporal setae 9, including 3 inner verticals, 4 outer verticals, and 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 27 setae. Tentorium 174 µm long, 9 µm wide at posterior tentorial pit. Palpomere lengths (in µm): 41, 62, 160, 149, 156 (? atrophied). Fifth palpomere / third palpomere 2.22 (?). Thorax. Acrostichals 19, dorsocentrals 29, prealars 7:8. Scutellum with 20 setae. Wing. Anal lobe developed. VR 1.04. RM with 3 setae. Wing membrane with numerous macrotrichia obscuring veins. Squama damaged, with 12–22 setae according to Sasa and Suzuki (2002) . Legs. Scale on foretibia ( Fig. 14E ) 35 µm long, rounded, without apical spur. Spurs on midtibia 62 µm long, on hind tibia 60 µm long. Comb on midtibia 23 µm long, combs of hind tibia 18 µm and 12 µm long. Width at apex of foretibia 57 µm, of midtibia 64 µm, of hind tibia 72 µm. Length and proportions of legs as in Table 13 . FIGURE 14. Polypedilum ( Pentapedilum ) daitokeleum (Sasa et Suzuki) , male (A–D), P . ( Pe .) daitojekeum (Sasa et Suzuki) , male (E–G) and P. ( Pe .) fanjingensis Zhang et Wang, male (H–I). A— hypopygium; B, E— foretibial scale; C, F, I— superior volsella; D, G— inferior volsella; H— anal point. Hypopygium. Tergite IX with 16 median setae, laterosternite IX with 4 setae. Anal point 64 µm long, 18 µm wide at base, tapering to 6 µm at apex. Superior volsella ( Fig. 14F ) 85 µm long, base without microtrichia, with 4 inner setae, projection without lateral seta. Inferior volsella ( Fig. 14G ) 115 µm long, narrow, subapically swollen, with caudally-directed prominent apical seta. Gonostylus 183 µm long, broad, constricted subapically. Remarks. According to Sasa and Suzuki (2002: 73) the holotype has the projection of the superior volsella more strongly curved and with a lateral seta, and the base has 3 inner setae while there are 4 in the paratype examined. The species may be a junior synonym of P (Pe.) furudosecundum . Distribution. Known only from Japan .