Rubiaphis, a new aphid genus from the Altai Republic (Homoptera: Aphididae, Macrosiphini) Author Stekolshchikov, Andrey V. Author Novgorodova, Tatiana A. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-01-03 4718 1 145 150 journal article 24443 10.11646/zootaxa.4718.1.12 c43398cc-5d6e-4f20-86d5-7ed3ca704531 1175-5326 3602201 A730A61C-F43C-42D6-BAB9-A479EA778B20 Rubiaphis altaicus sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–7 , Table 1 ) Material. Holotype : apterous viviparous female, No. 14345 (collection number of ISEA SB RAS ), slide No. 7, “ Rubiaphis altaicus gen. nov., sp. nov. , 17.vii.2015 , Altai Republic , Ust-Koksinsky district, confluence of the Katun and Kaitanak rivers, 50°07’N 85°28’E , 1028 m above sea level, Rubus idaeus L ., on the lower surface of the leaves along the veins, leg. T . A . Novgorodova. Paratypes : 17 apterous viviparous females, together with holotype . Holotype is deposited at ISEA SB RAS ; paratypes are deposited at ISEA SB RAS , ZIN RAS , the Natural History Museum ( London , United Kingdom ) and Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle ( Paris , France). Etymology. The species name “ altaicus is derived from the geographical name “Altai”, a mountain range in Central and East Asia where the new species was collected. Description. Apterous viviparous female. Body 1.8–2.1 (1.9) times as long as its width. Living specimens pale, semitransparent. Cleared specimens pale, without any dark sclerotized area on body or appendages. Marginal tubercles on the prothorax are present in 17 of 18 specimens (2 tubercles in 8 specimens ). Head with epicranial coronal suture or with clear traces of epicranial coronal suture. First and second antennal segments smooth and sometimes with single short scales on ventral sides, 3rd–6th segments with large ones which are rare and hardly visible at base of 3rd segment but well-defined on 5th–6th segments. Rostrum reaching meso-—metathorax. Ultimate segment of rostrum 2.27–2.83 (2.57) times as long as its basal width. Setae on subgenital and anal plate and also on cauda finely pointed. For more morphological data see description of the genus. Measurements of holotype . Body—898×482; antenna—699: III—220×15 (in the middle), IV—94 , V— 85 +205; hind femur—218; hind tibia—406; siphunculus—220×18 (in the middle); cauda—76×68 (at base) ×51 (before base). For more biometric data see Table 1 . FIGURES 1–7. Rubiaphis altaicus gen. nov., sp. nov. , apterous viviparous female. 1, body; 2, frons; 3, antenna; 4, ultimate rostral segments; 5, hind tarsus; 6, siphunculus; 7, cauda. TABLE 1. Biometric data for apterous viviparous females of Rubiaphis altaicus gen. nov., sp. nov.
Number of samples / specimens 1/18
Length of body 711–903 (826)
Length of antenna 612–752 (692)
Length of antenna / length of body 0.75–1.06 (0.86)
length 173–218 (193)
Hind femur length / length of body 0.22–0.30 (0.24)
length / head width across the compound eyes 0.79–1.00 (0.86)
Hind tibia length length / length of body 310–406 (364) 0.39–0.56 (0.45)
Head width across the compound eyes 210–252 (230)
on head occipital frontal length length / articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment length length / articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment 28–38 (33) 1.38–2.33 (1.82) 39–61 (52) 1.82–3.50 (2.94)
on 1st antennal segment number length 4–5 (4.2) 15–28 (20)
number on 3rd antennal seg- length ment length / articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment 1–4 (2.0) 9–13 (11) 0.47–0.83 (0.62)
on base of last anten- number 0–1 (0.7)
nal segment length / articular diameter of last antennal segment* 0.75–1.43 (1.08)
length of ventral seta on hind trochanter / basal diameter of hind femur 0.64–1.27 (0.93)
dorsal 14–25 (21)
on hind femur length of longest ventral 18–30 (25)
dorso-apical 13–18 (15)
Setae on hind tibia longest dorsal longest dorsal / mid-diameter of hind tibia 25–38 (29) 1.11–1.88 (1.42)
dorsal number on 2nd segment of hind tarsus ventral 0 0–1 (0.1)
number of spinal and marginal 2–4 (2.2)
on abdominal tergite III spinal marginal length* length / articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment* length length / articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment 23–28 (25) 1.13–1.38 (1.25) 30–48 (42) 1.41–3.00 (2.33)
ventral length length / articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment 13–28 (22) 0.63–1.83 (1.22)
number on abdominal tergite VI between siphunculi 1–2 (1.9)
number 5–7 (5.9)
on abdominal tergite VIII length 48–78 (64)
length / articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment 2.71–4.83 (3.63)
number on subgenital plate on anterior half along the hind margin 2–5 (3.0) 5–8 (6.4)
Last length of base 76–96 (84)
antennal length of processus terminalis 162–226 (207)
segment length of processus terminalis / length of base of last antennal segment 2.13–2.78 (2.46)
......continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
number of accessory setae 1–2 (1.8)
Ultimate length 76–94 (85)
rostral head width across the compound eyes 0.34–0.42 (0.37)
segment length / 2nd segment of hind tarsus 1.43–1.76 (1.56)
base of last antennal segment 0.83–1.13 (1.02)
length 51–58 (55)
maximum width 2nd segment of hind tarsus length / head width across the compound eyes 2.71–3.54 (3.01) 0.22–0.27 (0.24)
base of last antennal segment 0.56–0.72 (0.65)
length 175–228 (205)
length / length of body 0.22–0.31 (0.26)
Siphunculi length / basal width of siphunculus 4.06–6.00 (4.82)
length / mid-width of siphunculus 8.63–13.83 (11.81)
length / 3rd antennal segment 0.85–1.08 (0.97)
length 61–76 (70)
Cauda length / basal width 1.00–1.17 (1.08)
number of setae 4–5 (4.4)
Length of siphunculi / length of cauda 2.86–3.27 (3.05)
*—for specimens who have hairs on this part of the body or appendage Distribution. Known only from the type locality—Russia, Altai Republic , Ust-Koksinsky district, confluence of the Katun and Kaitanak rivers ( 50°07’N 85°28’E ). Biology. Life cycle is unknown. Single aphids were located on the lower surface of the leaves of Rubus idaeus along the veins. Systematic relationships . See the generic diagnosis.