Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. XXIX. Aspleniaceae Author Kessler, Michael Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich, Zollikerstrasse 107, CH- 8008 Zurich, Switzerland Author Smith, Alan R. University Herbarium, 1001 Valley Life Sciences Bldg. # 2465, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - 2465 text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-03-16 344 3 259 280 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.344.3.6 1179-3163 Asplenium bolivianum M.Kessler & A.R.Sm., Candollea 61: 307. 2006 . Range:— Endemic to Bolivia (CO, LP). Ecology:— Rare; terrestrial in evergreen, but fairly dry montane forests of Podocarpus L’Her. ex Pers. and Weinmannia L.; 2500–2900 m .