New records of Scatopsidae (Diptera) from southeastern Mexico, and descriptions of new species of Swammerdamella Enderlein and Colobostema Enderlein Author Huerta, Herón Author Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio text Zootaxa 2008 1720 57 65 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181111 7a39fd21-ba52-4e01-bb40-af4a8b357292 1175-5326 181111 Parascatopse sp. ( Fig. 11 ). Material examined. 20 males , 15 females . MEXICO : Yucatan, Ria Lagartos Reserve, Peten, 31-VIII-1995 , Malaise trap ( 1 female ); 1-IX-1995 ( 1 female ); coastal dune, 18-III-1995 , ( 18 males ). Ria Celestun Reserve, mangrove, near to DUMAC , Malaise trap, 5-IX-1996 , ( 13 females ), near to Ecoparaiso, 28-III-1996 , ( 2 males ); CNC , HH, RPR , SIB , cols. Comments. Parascatopse wirthi Cook (1955: 363) is known from Florida, USA . In the original description of this species, the author refered to the figure of the male terminalia ( Cook, 1955: 361, Plate IV-A ). Specimens from Yucatan have some characteristics which are similar to those of P. w i r t h i Cook; nevertheless, there are some differences in the male terminalia, principally the shape of aedeagus and gonocoxite ( Fig. 11 ) It is necessary to examine the type material of P. w i r t h i Cook, to determine if the Yucatan specimens are conespecific or a different new species.