Notes on Burmese spiders formerly attributed to the genus Storena (Zodariidae, Araneae) Author Dankittipakul, Pakawin Author Tavano, Maria Author Singtripop, Tippawan text Zootaxa 2011 3048 53 61 journal article 46230 10.5281/zenodo.203503 56ca823a-7a87-4fbf-8cb6-0f06ece1f174 1175-5326 203503 Mallinella decorata ( Thorell, 1895 ) comb. nov. Storena decorata Thorell. Thorell, 1895 : 23 , description of female; Thorell, 1897 : 193 , description of male Material examined. Syntypes : ♀, BURMA , Tharrawaddy : leg. E. Oates, no date (NHML, examined); Ƥ, leg. E. Oates, no date (NHRS, examined). Other material examined. BURMA , Carin Cheba, Bia-po : 1♂ , leg. L. Fea, 1885–1889 (MSNG). Tenassarim, Tagata : 3♂ , leg. E. Oates, no date (NHRS). Tenassarim, Mooleyit : 1♂ , leg. L. Fea, 1885–1889 (ZMUC). NB: Thagata Juwa is a village on the hills south-west of Mount Mooleyit, in the Dawna- Tenassarim Mountains, at 400–500 m asl. Taxonomic remarks. Mallinella decorata comb. nov. was originally described on the basis of females collected from Tharrawaddy ( Thorell 1895 ). Thorell later described a conspecific male of this species in his subsequent publication ( Thorell 1897 ). Although the males examined were collected from different localities (Tagata by E. Oates; Mooleyit by L. Fea), no significant genitalic differences were detected among them. Distribution. Along the Burmese coast (Tenassarim: Tagata and Mooleyit) to central Burma (Tharrawaddy, Carin Cheba Bia-po).