Order Rodentia (Part 3) Author James H. Honacki Author Kenneth E. Kinman Author James W. Koeppl text 1982 Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections Lawrence, Kansas, USA Editor James H. Honacki Editor Kenneth E. Kinman Editor James W. Koeppl Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition) 392 476 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7353031 f291a924-691f-4f06-bc89-3dc2421c2bed 0-89327-235-3 7353031 Gerbillus riggenbachi Thomas, 1903 . Novit. Zool., 10:301 . TYPE LOCALITY: Western Sahara ( Rio de Oro ) . DISTRIBUTION: Western Sahara . COMMENT: Considered a distinct species by Schlitter, 1976, Diss. Abstr. Int., 37(6), Lay et al., 1975, Z. Saugetierk., 40: 148, and Corbet and Hill, 1980:164 ; Corbet, 1978:122, and Petter, 1975, Part 6.3:8, included riggenbachi in pyramidum , without comment. May be conspecific with latastei ; see Cockrum, 1977, Mammalia , 41:78.