New and overlooked Acanthaceae taxa from D. R. Congo, Rwanda and Burundi: (1) the genus Barleria Author Dominique Champluvier text Plant Ecology and Evolution 2011 144 1 82 95 journal article 10.5091/plecevo.2011.388 b99b3fcb-e3fd-4c6e-83d1-e9b5851387c2 1486150 Barleria velutina Champl. , sp. nov. Barleriae grandicalicis Lindau similis sed planta inermis foliis ellipticis vel ovatis nec obovatis, floribus in capitulis vel brevibus spicis terminalibus condensatis, calycis lobis sericeis-lanatis, papyraceis in fructibus, corollaque sine labio supero bene distinguitur; B. sunzuanae Brummitt & Seyani et B. nyasensis C.B.Cl. valde affinis sed planta inermis, corollaque sine labio supero, sepalorum dentibus sursum incurvatis inermis nec deltatis rectis spinulosisque bene distinguitur. Type : D.R.Congo , District du Haut-Katanga , Shinkolobwe , alt. 1300 m , May 1985 , Malaisse & Goetghebeur 885, fl ( holo- : BR ; iso- : B , C , CAS , K , LISC , MO , P, UPS , WAG ). Suffrutescent plant without spines. Stem pubescent-hirsute. Lamina of the leaves ovate or elliptic, sometimes narrowly elliptic, more or less coriaceous, 1.7–4.5 × 0.9–2.8 cm, acute at the tip, cuneate to subcordate at the base, with prominent nerves below, villous above, silky-wooly below; leaves subsessile or petiole up to 5 mm long. Inflorescences in heads or short spikes 2–10 cm long, terminal or sometimes also on short lateral shoots; bracteoles linear-elliptic, acuminate, 10–15 mm long, up to 2 mm wide. Flowers: anticous and posticous calyx lobes ovate-elliptic to ovate, toothed, about (15–)20–30 × (10–)15–20 mm, accrescent, papyraceous and 25–35 × 15–25 mm in fruit, silky-wooly outside, more sparsely hairy inside, lateral lobes 10–13 × 2 mm; corolla (2.5–)3–4 cm long, without upper lobes or these strongly reduced, not more than 1.5–2 × 1.5–2 mm, white or pale pink to deep pink or mauve or pale blue to blue-violet; tube 3–5 mm wide at the throat; lateral lower lobes 23–25 × 7–19 mm, median lower lobe 25–27 × 8–17 mm, all provided outside with numerous long thin glandular multicellular hairs; filament of stamens 15–20 mm long, glabrous; anthers 4–5 mm long, black-violet; style 18–25 mm long, provided with scattered short glandular hairs; stigma capitate. Capsule ellipsoid, blackish, glabrous, 17 × 5 mm, 2-seeded. Figs 1 & 3A . Distribution . Species of the Zambezian centre of endemism. Barleria sunzuana , B. nyasensis and the novelty can be considered as vicariant ( fig. 2 ). Other collections examined – D.R.Congo. District du Haut-Katanga : Chute Mulamba, Biano, Oct. 1984, Bodenghien 280, fr (BR); Kaponda, Apr. 1957, Detilleux 908, fl (BR);15 km W de Shinkolobwe, s.d. Duvigneaud 2608, fl (BRLU); Kasompi W, Apr. 1957, Duvigneaud 2146 A, fl (BRLU); colline de Menda, Apr. 1957, Duvigneaud 2933B (BRLU); Menda, Apr. 1957, Duvigneaud 2934 B, fl (BRLU); région de Kasompi, Apr. 1957, Duvigneaud 2941 B, fl (BRLU); Menda, May 1957, Duvigneaud 3315 Ac1 (BRLU); ibid., Duvigneaud 3317 (BRLU); Kolwezi, May 1957, Duvigneaud 3219, fl (BRLU); ibid., Duvigneaud 3220 B, fl (BRLU); Kanoni, Jun. 1957, Duvigneaud 3379 Ac4, fl (BRLU); Kolwezi, Jun. 1957, Duvigneaud 3509 B (BRLU); ibid., Duvigneaud 3510 Ba (BRLU); ibid., 1959/1960, Duvigneaud 5458 (BRLU); Kasompi E, s.d., Duvigneaud 3218 B (BRLU); Kanoni, fl., Jun. 1957, Duvigneaud 3379 Ac4 (BRLU); Kasompi, 1956, Duvigneaud & Timperman 2052 B, 2056, 2061 B, 2085 B, 2123, 2136, 2146 (BRLU); Mukumbi, Jul. 1956, Duvigneaud & Timperman 2033 B1 (BRLU); Menda, Jul. 1956, Duvigneaud & Timperman 2093, fr (BRLU); Ruwe, 1957, Le Docte 6, fl (BRLU); Shinkolobwe, Jun. 1981, Malaisse 11800, fl (B, BR, CAS, K, MO); Tshilongo, Apr. 1988, Pauwels 7056, fl (BR); Shaba, alt. 1225 m, Sep. 1986, Schaijes 3118, fl (BR); Lubudi, alt. 1500 m, May 1952, Schmitz 3968, fl (BR); km 40 Katofio–Kasenga, Jul. 1950, Schmitz 2902, fl. (BR); Mankebwe, Apr.1962, Schmitz 7698, fl (BR); Kipopo, Nov. 1957, Schmitz 5953, fl (BR, K). Zambia : Kabompo, Jun. 1974, Chisumpa 168, fl (K); Mwinilunga, Kalene Hill, May 2000, Congdon 585, fl (K); 17 miles S of Mwinilunga on Kabompo road, Jun. 1963, Edwards 675, fl (K); ibid., Loveridge 820, fl (K); ibid., Loveridge 832, fl (K); Mwinilunga, Isombo River, May 1969, Mutimushi 3222, fl (K); Solwezi, Luamisambi River, May 1969, Mutimushi 3298, fl (K); Matonchi farm, Mwinilunga distr., 1936, Patterson 7 (K). Habitat Brachystegia spiciformis , or B. floribunda , or Brachystegia and Marquesia woodlands, grasslands; steppes with Cryptosepalum , Loudetia simplex ; ‘Isenga’ woodlands (Zambia); steppes and dambos on cobalt, copper, nickel and uranium deposits, alt. 1200–1300 m. Key to B. velutina and its vicariant species 1. Upper lobes of corolla lacking or extremely reduced and not more than 2 × 2 mm; bracteoles soft, not spiny; teeth of the calyx lobes soft, curved upwards, less than 1 mm wide at the base or, if wider, then doubly toothed...................................................................................................... Barleria velutina 1. Upper lobes of corolla well developed, 10–15 × 5–10 mm; bracteoles with a hard tip, spiny or moderately so; teeth of calyx lobes spiny or moderately so, straight, triangular, 1 mm wide or more at the base..............................................................................................................................................2 2. Posticous calyx lobes 2.5–3.5 cm long with 3–4 mm long teeth; leaves up to 4.5 × 1.7 cm.................. .................................…............................................................................................... Barleria sunzuana 2. Posticous calyx lobes 1.5–2.5 cm long with teeth not exceeding 1.5 mm long; leaves up to 5 × 1.5 cm, often much smaller.............................................................................................. Barleria nyasensis