New species of Colombian Triplocania Roesler (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Ptiloneuridae)
González-Obando, Ranulfo
Carrejo-Gironza, Nancy
García, Alfonso N.
journal article
Triplocania arhuaca
n. sp.
Figs 27–38
The only species in the genus with a Y-shaped spur vein on the forewing M1 (
Figs 27
). Compound eyes sexually dimorphic, much larger and globose in the male. Central sclerite of the hypandrium (
Fig. 31
) almost oval, with a small posterior process in the middle, concave, with apices rounded. Phallosome Y-shaped anteriorly, with three pairs of complex endophallic sclerites, one anterior pair with fan-shaped processes, and postero-mesal pair dilated posteriorly, fork-shaped (
Fig. 32
). IX sternum broadly trapeziform, with a transverse, pigmented band anteriorly, and an irregular pigmented area on each postero-lateral corner (
Fig. 38
Male. Color
(in 80% ethanol). Body brown. Head dark brown, with small pale brown spots on the vertex; compound eyes brown ochre; ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents; vertex with cream spots; postclypeus, anteclypeus and labrum evenly brown; genae and postgenae dark brown; antennae pale brown, scape and pedicel dark brown (
Fig. 29
). Maxillary palps pale brown, Mx2, proximal half of Mx3 and apex of Mx4 dark brown. Thorax brown. Fore- and mid coxae dark brown, tibiae and tarsi pale brown, hind legs with coxae, trochanters and femora pale cream, with small pale brown spots on distal ends. Forewings with irregular pigmented marginal band from R4+5 to areola postica, this with a brown spot between its apex and M, and a brown area from the middle of Cu1 to confluence of Cu2 and 2A (
Fig. 27
). Hindwings with marginal brown band from apex to middle of cell m, and brown area distal of Cu2 (
Fig. 28
). Abdomen pale cream, with small subcuticular spots pale brown. Side sclerites of hypandrium dark brown, central sclerite dark brown on sides and posteriorly. Paraprocts and epiproct pale brown with subcuticular brown spots.
As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (
Fig. 29
): H/MxW: 1.45, H/D: 1.77, IO/MxW: 0.45, MxW/IO: 3.80. Vertex slightly emarginate, well below the level of the upper border of the compound eyes. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with four broad denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.36. Forewings (
Fig. 27
): L/W: 2.49, pterostigma: lp/wp: 3.91; areola postica slanted posteriorly, la/ha: 2.13. Hindwings (
Fig. 28
): l/p: 2.81. Hypandrium (
Fig. 31
FIGURES 27–32.
Triplocania arhuaca
n. sp.
Male. 27. Forewing. 28. Hindwing. 29. Front view of head. 30. Paraprocts and epiproct. 31. Hypandrium. 32. Phallosome. Scales in mm.
FIGURES 33–38.
Triplocania arhuaca
n. sp.
Female. 33. Forewing. 34. Hindwing. 35. Front view of head. 36. Paraprocts and epiproct. 37. Subgenital plate. 38. Ninth sternum and left gonapophyses. Scales in mm.
Phallosome (
Fig. 32
) with side struts slender; external parameres broad, membranous, distally rounded, bearing pores; endophallic sclerites (
Fig. 32
), mesal sclerite complex, projected mesally in a truncated process, forked laterally, with curved and tapered processes crosslinked. Paraprocts (
Fig. 30
), broad, elongate, rounded posteriorly, with setae as illustrated; sensory fields with 22 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct semioval, anterior border straight, posterior border rounded (
Fig. 30
); mesal field of four setae; a field of microsetae and a row of four setae along posterior border, other setae as illustrated.
FW: 3550, HW: 2475, F: 925, T: 1500, t1: 600, t2: 55, t3: 120, Mx4: 237, ctt1: 24, f1: 700, f2: 587, f3: 475, IO: 250, D: 450, d: 350, IO/d: 0.71, PO: 0.78.
Female. Color
(in 80% ethanol). Thorax, legs, wings, epiproct and paraprocts as in the male, vertex with pale brown large area. Abdomen cream, clunium and pigmented area of the subgenital plate dark brown. Gonapophyses dark brown; IX sternum cream, with pigmented areas as in diagnosis.
As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (
Fig. 35
): H/MxW: 1.56; H/D: 2.50, IO/MxW: 0.65, MxW/IO: 2.34. Vertex slightly emarginate, above the level of the upper border of the compound eyes. Outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with five broad denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.29. Forewings (
Fig. 33
): L/W: 2.43, pterostigma: lp/ wp: 3.58. Areola postica high, la/ha: 1.74. Hindwings (
Fig. 34
): l/w: 2.77. Subgenital plate (
Fig. 37
) triangular, posterior border rounded, with dense field of medium sized setae. Gonapophyses (
Fig. 38
long, slender, acuminate;
+3 proximally with an acuminate heel, a row of nine setae on
; distal process long, sinuous and acuminate, with microsetae. Paraprocts (
Fig. 36
), oval, with field of setae posteriorly; sensory fields with 20 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct triangular (
Fig. 36
) longer than wide, with anterior border straight; posteriorly rounded, with setae as illustrated.
FW: 3650, HW: 2600, F: 1200, T: 1575, t1: 637, t2: 70, t3: 137, Mx4: 257, ctt1: 23, f1: 575, f2: 492, IO: 387, D: 375, d: 250, IO/d: 1.55, PO: 0.67.
Material studied.
. National Natural Park Tayrona,
Cerro San Lucas
400 m
. Paraypes:
1 male
3 females
, same data as the
, codes: IAvH-E-146075, 146177).
This species honors the Arhuaca culture, of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,