On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae) Author Passanha, Victor Author Brescovit, Antonio D. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-30 4463 1 1 73 journal article 29380 10.5281/zenodo.1441911 2bc1e4d3-59c5-4f54-91da-3daf478277d6 1175-5326 1441911 20E7F0F5-7592-47CE-B67F-36DE0124E76F Masteria galipote n. sp. ( Figs 28 , 31D , 33 ) Types . DOMINICAN REPUBLIC . holotype , La Piramide ( 18°42’22.7”N ; 70°36’01.6”W ), 18.X.2011 , S. Carrero leg. (MNHNSD-09-1327), Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo , Constanza , La Vega , 18.X.2011 , S. Carrero leg., deposited in MNHNSD-09-1327 . Paratypes : , La Neverita ( 18°41’49.1”N ; 70°35’27.1”W ), Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo , Constanza , La Vega , 17.X.2011 , S. Carrero leg. (MNHNSD-09-1326) ; , Reserva Científica Ébano Verde Pas ( 19°03’55.9”N ; 70°33’46.8”W ), Loma La Golondrina La Sal , Bajito , Jarabacoa , La Vega , A. Mateo , R. Carreras & G. de Los Santos leg. ( IBSP 167203 ) . Addition material examined . DOMINICAN REPUBLIC . La Vega : Jarabacoa , Paso Bajito , La Sal , Loma La Golondrina , Reserva Científica Ébano Verde ( 19°03’55.9”N ; 70°33’46.8”W ), 1♀ , 16.V.2009 , A. Mateo leg. (MNHNSD-09-131); Constanza, Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo, La Piramide ( 18°42’22.7”N ; 70°36’01.6”W ), 1♀ , 18.X.2011 , S. Carrero leg. (MNHNSD-09-1327). Etymology . The epithet is a noun apposition of a local legend in the Dominican Republic, which originated from the European lycanthropy. It makes reference to a man who can tranform into animals. Diagnosis . Males of Masteria galipote n. sp. resemble those of M. spinosa , M. simla and M. sabrinae n. sp. in having paraembolic apophysis, but differ in the short and tapered embolus and paraembolic apophysis ( Fig. 28B– C ). Females resemble those of Masteria simla and M. spinosa in the bilobed spermathecae with high ectal lobe and short ental lobe, but differs from those of M . simla in the separated lobes and from M . spinosa in the ectal lobe with narrowed duct and rounded apex ( Fig. 28F ). Description. Male ( Holotype ). Color: Carapace in dorsal and ventral views and legs yellowish, abdomen whitish. Total length 3.32. Carapace 1.44 long, 1.10 wide. Abdomen 1.88 long. Fovea 0.11. Clypeus 0.04. Ocular tubercle 0.10 long, 0.19 wide. Eyes: six, posterior row slightly recurved. AME absent, ALE 0.08, PME 0.03, PLE 0.05. Basal segment of chelicerae with 12 prolateral teeth and 12 smaller mesobasal teeth. Labium 0.19 long, 0.25 wide. Sternum 0.72 wide, 0.79 long. Palp: femur 0.88/ patella 0.50/ tibia 0.72/ tarsus 0.41/ total 2.51. Legs I: femur 1.16/ patella 0.60/ tibia 1.04/ metatarsus 0.75/ tarsus 0.66/ total 4.21; II: 1.00/ 0.60/ 0.72/ 0.63/ 0.57/ total 3.52; III: 0.94/ 0.44/ 0.63/ 0.72/ 0.57/ 3.30; IV: 1.29/ 0.63/ 1.07/ 1.00/ 0.69/ 4.68; Leg formula 4123; Spination: palp: femur p1, patella v1-1 -3ap, p1, r1, tibia d1b, p1; Legs I: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1, metatarsus v1-1 - 1; II: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1, tibia d3b-1-1, v1-1 -3ap, p1, metatarsus v1-1 -1, p1; III: femur p1, patella v1- 3 ap, p1, r1-1, tibia d2b-1-1, v1-1 -2-3ap, p1-1, r1-1, metatarsus d1-2, v2 b-3-3ap, p1-1, r1; IV: femur p1, patella v1- 3 ap, p1, r1, tibia d2b-1-1, v1-2 -1-3ap, p1-1, r1-1, metatarsus d1-3, v2 b-3-3ap, p1, r1. Tibia I: P1 with elevated spur with quadrate apex, P2 with strong spine with slightly projected base below P1 and P3, and P3 two strong spines sharing same projected base. Metatarsus I with flattened basal spine and basal depression associated with prolateral processes of tibia I ( Figs 28E , 31D ). Palpal tibia short, twice length of cymbium, basally dilated, with row of ventral and dorsal elongate slender setae and 6–8 retrolateral spines ( Fig. 28D ). Cymbium as long as wide with four apical spines. Palpal bulb piriform, paraembolic apophysis with slight curvature and flattened distally ( Fig. 28B–C ). PLS: basal, medial and apical, 0.38, 0.41, 0.35 long. FIGURE 28. Masteria galipote n. sp. (male and female, MNHNSD-09-1327 and MNHNSD-09-1326). A Female eyes, dorsal view; B Embolus and paraembolic apophysis, ventral view; C Palpal bulb, retrolateral view; D Retrolateral grouped spines on palpal tibia, retrolateral view; E Prolateral processes of tibia I (left leg, prodorsal view); F Female genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; E, embolus; PA, paraembolic apophysis; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 50µm; B 30µm; C 100µm; D 50µm; E 100µm; F 50µm. FIGURE 29 . Prolateral processes of leg I. A Masteria petrunkevitchi . B M. barona . C M. soucoyant . D M. yacambu . E M. colombiensis . F M. downeyi . Abbreviations: BS, Basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 100µm; B 200µm, C 100µm, D 100µm, E 0.1mm, F 50µm. FIGURE 30. Prolateral processes of leg I. A Masteria lewisi . B M. amarumayu . C M. mutum . D M. aguaruna . E M. tayrona . F M. manauara . Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 0.10 mm; B 100µm, C 50µm, D 50µm, E 50µm, F 50µm. FIGURE 31. Prolateral processes of leg I. A Masteria spinosa . B M.simla . C M. sabrinae . D M. galipote . Abbreviations: BS, basal spine; P1, Process 1; P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 100µm; B 50µm, C 100µm, D 100µm. Female ( Paratype , MNHNSD-09-1326). Color as in male. Total length 3.60. Carapace 1.72 long, 1.19 wide. Abdomen 1.88 long. Fovea 0.11. Clypeus 0.05. Ocular tubercle 0.16 long, 0.22 wide. Eyes: 6, posterior row slightly recurved ( Fig. 28A ). AME absent, ALE 0.08, PME 0.04, PLE 0.07. Basal segment of chelicerae with 12 prolateral teeth and 12 smaller mesobasal teeth. Labium 0.19 long, 0.35 wide. Sternum 0.75 wide, 0.94 long. Palp: femur 0.94/ patella 0.54/ tibia 0.79/ tarsus 0.69/ total 2.96; Legs I: femur 1.25/ patella 0.66/ tibia 1.04/ metatarsus 0.75/ tarsus 0.63/ total 4.33; II: 1.04/ 0.50/ 0.69/ 0.63/ 0.54/ 3.40; III: 1.13/ 0.63/ 0.66/ 0.79/ 0.60/ 3.81; IV: 1.32/ 0.66/ 1.16/ 1.00/ 0.63/ 4.77; Spination: palp: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, tibia d1b, v1-1 -3ap, p1, tarsus v2 b; Legs I: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1, metatarsus v1-1 -1; II: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1-1, tibia d3b-1-1-1-1, v1-1 -3ap, p1, metatarsus v1-1 -1, p1; III: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1-1, r1, tibia d2b-1-1, v1-1 -3ap, p1-1, r1-1, metatarsus d1-1- 1-1, v2 b-3-3ap, p1, r1; IV: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1, tibia d2b-1-1, v1-1 -2-3ap, p1-1, r1-1-1-1, metatarsus d1-1-1-1, v3 b-3-3ap, p1-1, r1-1. Palpal claw with 15 teeth. Spermathecae bilobed, separated by their diameter, elongated ectal lobe and narrow duct, short ental lobe. Small glandular region between lobes ( Fig. 28F ). PLS: basal, medial and apical, 0.47, 0.41, 0.44 long. FIGURE 32. Distribution map of Masteria species. FIGURE 33. Distribution map of Masteria species. Variation . 3 females: total length 3.60–4.13. Distribution. Dominican Republic , División La Vega ( Fig. 33 ).