Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Drepanididae, Vireonidae, Icteridae, Fringillinae, Carduelinae, Estrildidae, And Viduinae Author LeCroy, Mary text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 2013-09-26 2013 381 1 155 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1206/832.1 journal article 10.1206/832.1 85bd2c66-f9f0-4172-8d82-2e8841cd354a 0003-0090 4611863 Pyrrhula waterstradti Hartert Pyrrhula waterstradti Hartert, 1902h: 69 (Mount Tahan ( 5000–7000 feet ) in North Pahang , Eastern Malay Peninsula). Now Pyrrhula nipalensis waterstradti Hartert, 1902 . See Hartert, 1902e: 577 ; Hartert, 1919a: 161 ; Howell et al., 1968: 294 ; Dickinson, 2003: 756 ; Wells, 2007: 721–723 ; Clement, 2010: 607. HOLOTYPE : AMNH 714783 , adult male, collected on Mount Tahan (Gunong Tahan, as on label), 5000–7000 ft , 04.34N , 102.17E (Times atlas), Pahang , Malaysia , in October 1901 , by J. Waterstradt. From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: Only the adult male was described in the original description of waterstradti , although Hartert mentioned that a ‘‘pair in moult’’ had been obtained. The second specimen was a female, collected at the same time and is the paratype : AMNH 714784 . Hartert (1902e: 577) included this form in his report on Waterstradt’s entire collection, and there he described the female.