Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Acrophyma Bergroth, 1917 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae) Author Faúndez, Eduardo I. text Zootaxa 2009 2137 57 65 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.188522 8e078aae-b62b-4580-a6fd-1d587965ef74 1175-5326 188522 Acrophyma cumingii ( Westwood, 1837 ) = Acrophyma impluviata ( Blanchard, 1852 ) n. syn. The type species of Acrophyma , A. frigidula , was placed as a junior synonym of A. impluviata ( Blanchard, 1852 ) by Prado (2008) ; I could not obtain the type of A. frigdula and the synonymy proposed by Prado will be correct or not, the new distribution records of A. cumingii given in this work seems to confirm the synonymy but I prefer treat it with reservations until the type of A. frigidula can be examined. Distribution. The only known localities for this species is the type locality of A. cumingii (Valparaíso) and the localities given by Blanchard in the description of A. impluviata (Illapel, Limarí, and La Ligua), which are the distribution of the species in Chile from the Coquimbo Region to the Valparaíso Region and the type locality of A. frigidula Chubut and El Bolsón in southern Argentina ; here I add a new Argentinean record from Río Negro province and new Chilean records from the Valparaíso Region, Metropolitan Region, Maule Region, Bío Bío Region, Araucanía Region, Los Ríos Region, and Los Lagos Region, expanding considerably the known distribution of this species in Chile ; also I add biological information from one specimen collected on Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst. (Nothofagaceae) , the first host plant record for this species. MATERIAL EXAMINED CHILE : VALPARAÍSO REGION : Caleu, Cerro El Roble [ 32º59’S71º02’W ], 8-XII-2007 , leg. R. Honour 1ɗ 2Ψ [ EIF ]; METROPOLITAN REGION : Lagunillas [ 33º35’S70º14’W ], I-2009 , leg. R. Pérez de Arce 1 ɗ 1 Ψ [ EIF ]; MAULE REGION : Vilches [ 35º30’S71º10’W ], I-2009 , leg. J.Villablanca 1 ɗ1 Ψ [ EIF ] Maule, Tregualemu [ 35º59’S –72º46’], 8-XI- 2003 , leg. T. Cekalovic 4 ɗ [ EIF ]; BÍO BÍO REGION : Puente Pelún [ 36º07’S72º47’W ], 28-XI-2003 , leg. T. Cekalovic 1 ɗ [ EIF ]; San Fabián de Alico [ 36º34’S71º36’W ], El Roble 2/ 4-XII-2006 , leg. R. Honour 1 ɗ [ EIF ]; San Fabián de Alico, Los Sauces, 2/ 4-XII-2006 , leg. R. Honour 1 ɗ [ EIF ]; Cerro Caracol [ 36º50’S73º02’W ], 23-IV-2006 , leg. T. Cekalovic 1 Ψ [ EIF ]; Km. 32 camino a Santa Juana [ 36º50’S72º00’W ]. 2-XI-1997 , leg. T. Cekalovic 1 Ψ [ EIF ]; Estero Nonguen [ 36º52’S72º58’W ], 7-XII- 2002 , leg. T. Cekalovic 1 ɗ [ EIF ]; Las Trancas [ 36°54’ S71°29’ W ], 6/ 14-II-2007 . ex Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst. ( Nothofagaceae ), leg. R. Honour 1 Ψ [ EIF ]; Periquillo [ 36º58’S72º57’W ], 19-IX-2005 , leg. T. Cekalovic 3 Ψ 2 ɗ [ EIF ] 1 Ψ 1 ɗ [IP]; idem 29-XII-2002 , leg. T. Cekalovic 2 Ψ [ EIF ]; idem, 6-XII-2003 , leg. T. Cekalovic 1 Ψ [ EIF ]; idem, 28-III-2007 , leg. T. Cekalovic 1 ɗ [ EIF ]; ARAUCANÍA REGION : Arauco, Huillinco [ 38º38’S73º14’W ], 11-XII-2004 , leg. T. Cekalovic 1 Ψ [ EIF ]; LOS RÍOS REGION : Coñaripe [ 39º 36’S72º 04’W ] 23-I-2007 , leg. G. Bevilacqua 1 Ψ 2 ɗ [ EIF ]; Panguipulli [ 39º45’S72º12’W ], Closhuenco, 17-II-2008 , leg. R. Honour 1 Ψ [ EIF ]; LOS LAGOS REGION : Ñilque [ 40º43’S72º25’W ], 14- I-2004 , leg. T. Cekalovic 4 Ψ 6 ɗ [ EIF ]; Lago Chapo [ 41º25’S –72º30W], 1/ 15-II-1983 , leg. R. Honour 1Ƥ [ EIF ]. ADDITIONAL RECORDS: ARGENTINA : RÍO NEGRO PROVINCE , El Bolsón [ 41º58’S –71º30W] IV-1958 , leg. E. Alonso A. impluviata , David A. Rider det.1 [BM]; CHILE : MAULE REGION : Talca [ 35º26’S71º40’W ] San Clemente, Carralones, 25-XI-2003 , leg. Snížek M. A. impluviata Petr Kment det. 1 Ψ [ PKPC ] 1 Ψ ɗ [ NHMW ]; Linares [35º51º–71º36’] 23-XI-2003 , leg. Snížek M. A. impluviata Petr Kment det. 1 ɗ [ PKPC ] 3 ɗ [ NHMW ]; BÌO BÌO REGION : Rinconada [ 36º36’S –72º20W] 19-XI-2003 , leg. Snížek M. A. impluviata Petr Kment det. 1 Ψ [ NHMW ]; ARAUCANÍA REGION : Curacautín [ 38º26’S71º54’W ], Termas de Rio Blanco, 3-II-2004 , leg. Snížek M. A. impluviata Petr Kment det. 1 Ψ [ NHMW ]; SE of Freire [ 38º57’S –72º36W], 22-I-2004 , leg. Snížek M. A. impluviata Petr Kment det. 1 Ψ [ NHMW ]; LOS LAGOS REGION : Entre Lagos [ 40º41’S72º36’W ], W of Anticura, 12-II-2005 , leg. Snížek M. A. impluviata Petr Kment det. 1 Ψ [ PKPC ]; Chiloé, NW Castro [ 42º28’S73º46’W ], San Pedro , 2-II-2005 , leg. Snížek M. A. impluviata Petr Kment det. 1 Ψ [ NHMW ]. PLATE IV. Fig. 17, Distribution of A. cumingii .