Review of world Parapanteles Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae), with description of fourteen new Neotropical species and the first description of the final instar larvae Author Valerio, A. A. Central American Institute of Biological Research and Conservation (CIBRC). P. O. Box 2398 - 2050 San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica. E-mail: avalerio _ 13 @ hotmail. com Author Whitfield, J. B. Department of Entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA. jwhitfie @ life. uiuc. edu. Author Janzen, D. H. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-04-27 2084 1 1 49 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2084.1.1 1175-5326 5321470 Parapanteles lincolnii Valerio & Whitfield , n. sp. Figs. 7A , 10F Male . Body length = 2.18 mm . Body color: Hind and mid tibial spurs whitish yellow; palpi (except basal segments black) light yellowish brown as basal 1/3 of fore tibia and fore basitarsus, anterior edge and distal 1/4 of mid tibiae; fore and mid leg tarsomeres slightly yellowish (except tarsal claws and telotarsus); compound eyes silver; ocelli yellow; metasomal basal 1/4 with light dark brown color; remainder of body black. Wings hyaline, forewing with veins transparent except r, 2RS, 2M, 1CUa, 1CUb brown as pterostigma and C+SC+R; hind wing with all veins transparent. Head. Head height/width = 1.38; compound eye height/width = 1.56; intertentorial pit distance = 0.15 mm ; tentorial pit distance/distance tentorial pit to compound eye = 3.00; width of face at dorsal clypeal edge = 0.28 mm ; clypeus width/height = 3.00; vertex width/distance between anterior ocelli and edge of torulus = 2.33; length of first flagellomere = 0.20 mm ; first flagellomere length/width = 2.67; length of first flagellomere/length of second flagellomere = 1.14; length of first flagellomere/length of third flagellomere = 1.00; terminal flagellomere length = 0.12 mm ; terminal flagellomere length/penultimate flagellomere length = 2.50; terminal flagellomere length/width = 1.43; malar space height/basal width of mandible = 1.00; ocellocular distance/lateral ocelli distance = 0.88. Clypeus and face with fine punctate sculpture, face with two longitudinal areas next to mid face with fewer punctate sculpture compared with remainder of area of face; frons with scrobal areas nitid, lateral areas with punctate sculpture which is denser than sculpture at distal area; vertex with dense fine punctate sculpture as temple and gena (except ocular ring nitid); gena at junction with postgena with heavier and more well denoted punctate sculpture; remainder of postgena nitid. Mesosoma. Mesosoma length = 0.95 mm ; mesosoma length/width = 1.43; mesosoma height = 0.50 mm . Propleuron with fine punctulate sculpture throughout its length; pronotum with lateral anterior area with few small but well defined transversal ridges and lateral grooves (upper lateral groove with fewer transversal ridges than ventral one), area between lateral grooves with nitid, dorsal edge 1/5 and ventral edge 1/3 of posterior edge height, posterior upper 1/3 of posterior edge with dense and fine punctate sculpture; mesonotum with dense small and shallow punctate sculpture which becomes less defined and slightly less dense at middistal 1/3 of its length, not reaching the scutellar groove; scutellar groove with 13 costula varying in definition and length but all of them nitid; scutellum essentially nitid except for very few and small punctulate sculpture especially at lateral areas, lateral areas with costulate sculpture of approximately same width except posterior one wider and slightly more elongate than previous ones; axilla through mesonotum with thick but smooth transversal lineate sculpture reaching 1/2 of its width from anterior edge of lunulae and mixed with rugulose sculpture, remainder of area nitid, anterior edge of lunulae clearly defined and conspicuously round in shape; metanotum rectangular in shape and nitid, middistal costulae with 2 small and nitid depression per side next to lateral edges, remainder of middistal costula nitid; axilla through metanotum with 3 narrow ridges across its length, area between ridges nitid; propodeum, anterior 1/3 of midlongitudinal carina present and from which a series of inverted half circle shaped carinae emerge, remainder of anterolateral areas with few carinate sculpture next to spiracular area and very few punctulate sculpture, areola well defined and evident, transversal carinae very sinuate, posterior lateral areas with thick and evident carinate sculpture throughout its area on top of a more smooth and less conspicuous rugose sculpture, spiracular area on an slightly higher ground than area around it and with very inconspicuously smooth carination, costulae well present posteriorly but at anterior area as a short and sinuate carinae; mesopleuron with anterior 1/4 and half of dorsal area very setose and with very shallow and confused punctate sculpture, sternaulus as a nitid depression, epicnemial furrow with few narrow and well defined transversal ridges, dorsal edge at anterior 1/2 nitid, remainder of dorsal edge with small transversal ridges, posterior edge essentially nitid except for few punctate sculpture present around that area, remainder of mesopleuron nitid; metapleuron with medial pit present, dorsal edge with thick and short transversal ridges, posterior edge with very few narrow and poorly cristate transversal ridges, area around dorsal and posterior edge with few small punctate sculpture, posterior half of metapleuron with a confused and fine cariose like sculpture. Legs. Hind femur length = 0.52 mm ; hind femur length/width = 3.00; hind tibia length/hind femur length = 1.19. Fore telotarsus shorter in length than fore basitarsus, telotarsus not modified and with two thick setae at distal edge of ventral area; mid leg tarsal claws with a long and narrow basal tooth; hind telotarsus lacking in the specimen studied. Wings. Forewing length = 2.50 mm ; 1RS length = 0.12 mm ; 1CUa length/1CUb length = 0.93; length RS+Ma = 0.36 mm ; length M+CU = 0.78 mm ; 1M length/ m-cu length = 2.00; pterostigma length/height = 1.67. Hind wing: 1M length = 0.35 mm ; 1M length/2M length = 1.22; 1M length/M+CU length = 1.55; length r-m/length cu-a = 1.50; 1RSa length/2r-m = 1.33; 1A length = 0.10 mm . Metasoma. First tergum basal width = 0.16 mm ; first tergum length/distal width = 2.72; second tergum length/distal width = 0.42; third tergum length/distal width = 0.52. First metasomal tergum with a “T” shaped carination inside posterior medial tergum depression, the depression is carinate at edges, anterior basal 1/3 with longitudinal lineate sculpture at lateral areas and mid posterior area, remainder of tergum with confused rugulose like sculpture except for most of mid 1/3 with transversal ridges; second metasomal tergum with costulae sculpture at junction area with third tergum, remainder of tergum with confused and very poorly defined smooth lineate sculpture, remainder of terga nitid. Material examined. Holotype , male, “ USA , Missouri , Lincoln Co. , Cuivre River , S[tate]. P[ark]., [Col.] R . J. Marquis , 10 June 2001 , Site: C. River , ID#C.218, em. 10/vii/2001 , [larva feeding on] Quercus alba , 891.” Holotype deposited at INHS . Comments. This species is described from one known male; however, the presence of a complete areola in combination with an open areolet and the presence of a midlongitudinal depression on distal 1/2 of first metasomal tergum place this specimen clearly within the genus Parapanteles . In addition, the propodeum is not extensively rugose as in the genus Pholetesor . This is the only known species that exhibits semicircular carinae crossing the anterior 1/3 of the midlongitudinal carina. The holotype lacks the tarsomeres of one hind leg and the other hind leg lacks the telotarsus. Rearing records. The only known specimen was reared from Chionodes fuscomaculella (Gelechiidae) feeding on Quercus alba (Fagaceae) . Etymology. Gender, Masculine. This species is named after Abraham Lincoln and the county in which it was collected in Missouri .