New species of Prototilla Schuster, 1949 from Argentina and diagnoses of the genus based on male and female (Hymenoptera: Bradynobaenidae: Typhoctinae: Eotillini) Author Torréns, Javier Author Fidalgo, Patricio Author Roig-Alsina, Arturo Author Brothers, Denis J. text Zootaxa 2012 3427 17 32 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.215056 9518f767-ef4a-4879-a21d-72b3f5f8233a 1175-5326 215056 Prototilla intercalata Torréns, Fidalgo, Roig-Alsina & Brothers , sp. nov. (Figs 4, 5, 7–9) Diagnosis. Male. General body color black, except T2 reddish (Figs 4, 8). Spiracle on T1 not located on a protuberance. Fore wing densely setose ( Fig. 7 ). Female. Unknown. Description. Male. Length 6.0 mm. General body color black, except T2 reddish; coxae, trochanters, femora, mandible and antenna, except last 4 segments of flagellum, dark brown; tibiae, tarsi and other flagellomeres lighter (Figs 4, 8). Head oval, 1.4 × as broad as high and 1.1 × as broad as mesosoma, with numerous scale-like setae covering almost entire head, except vertex; plumose setae long, dark brown and scattered over vertex and frons almost reaching toruli; vertex with spaced punctation. POL 1.3 × as long as OOL, POL 1.7 × as long as LOL; eyes ovoid, separated by 1.2 × their height, malar space 0.2 × eye height. Palpal formula 6-4. Antenna of 13 segments; radicle as long as broad; scape covered with reddish scale-like and plumose setae, except glabrous ventrally; scape 1.8 × as long as broad, 2.0 × as long as pedicel; flagellomeres cylindrical, F1 0.7 × length of scape and 0.7 × length of F2, F2–F6 approximately same length, F7–F10 gradually decreasing in length, F11 elongated with rounded apex. Mesosoma elongate, 1.7 × as long as broad; punctation well marked, similar to that on head, punctures spaced on dorsum and more contiguous on pleura and propodeum; covered with scale-like and plumose setae (Figs 4, 8). Pronotum transverse, with scattered punctation on dorsum and contiguous elsewhere, anterior collar with small plumose setae, elsewhere with scale-like and reddish plumose setae, lateral surface with scattered setae; humeral angle well marked. Mesonotum moderately punctate, with a predominance of reddish plumose setae and scattered scale-like setae; tegula convex, smooth and with a few scale-like setae; scutellum with wellscattered punctation and predominance of reddish long plumose setae, except medially smooth and without setae. Metanotum transverse, short, with scale-like and plumose setae; punctate, except lateral part striate and medially smooth and glabrous. Propodeum in dorsal view with small depression at posterior extremity, posterior surface slightly concave near propodeal foramen, with strong punctation except striated near insertions of hind coxa and metasoma; with moderately dense scale-like setae on dorsum and predominance of plumose setae elsewhere, with a few scale-like setae near insertion of hind coxa. Propleuron heavily punctate, almost completely covered with scale-like setae; mesopleuron convex, punctate, densely covered by scale-like and plumose setae, mesepisternum heavily punctate anteriorly and sparsely punctate posteriorly; metapleuron rugose-punctate, apparently striate, with scattered scale-like and plumose setae, denser toward insertion of hind wing. Wing venation as for genus. Fore wing 3.3 × as long as broad, densely setose ( Fig. 7 ), hyaline, venation dark brown, with brown and thick plumose setae at base and on veins C and M+Cu . Legs slender; anterior surface of coxae, trochanters, and fore and mid femora almost covered by scale-like setae, rest of their surfaces and hind femur with scattered scale-like setae; tibiae and tarsi without scale-like setae; legs generally with scattered plumose setae, becoming denser where scale-like setae lacking; mid and hind tibiae each with two long white spurs; claws toothed. Metasoma 2.6 × as long as broad; terga with small, indefinite and contiguous punctation; T1 with punctation coarser, well defined and dispersed, becoming smooth with some striae anteriorly (Figs 5, 9). T1–T4 with small scale-like setae at posterior margins; T5–T6 with very small plumose setae at posterior margins; T1–T3 and part of T4 with scattered white plumose setae; dorsum of T4, T5–T7 with scattered dark brown plumose setae; T7 with convex surface; sterna with sculpture and distribution of setae similar to that of corresponding terga. (Genitalia not examined.) Female. Unknown. Etymology. From Latin intercalatus -a -um which means “intercalated”, referring to the coloration of the metasoma that is between that of P. anomala and P. nigra . Distribution. Argentina : Santiago del Estero. Material examined. Holotype 3: ARGENTINA : Santiago del Estero, Los Tigres [ 25°54'21"S 62°35'32"W ], 11-16/I/1970 , R. Golbach ( IFML ).