Braconidae (Hymenoptera) in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, NAS of Azerbaijan Republic Part IV. Subfamilies Orgilinae, Agathidinae, Ichneutinae, Cheloninae (Hymenoptera) Author Abdinbekova, Arifa Author Huseynova, Ellada Author Kerimova, Ilhama text Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 2015 2015-06-30 65 1 157 171 journal article 10.21248/contrib.entomol.65.1.157-171 0005-805X 5370540 Phanerotoma acuminata SZÉPLIGETI, 1908 Material : dist. Agdash , 2. VI .1960 , 6 ♀♀ , leg. Abdinbekova ; dist. Goychay , 24. V .1964 , 2 ♀ , leg. Abdinbekova ; dist. Lankaran , 14. VI .1966 , 1 ♂ , leg. Abdinbekova ; dist. Lerik , 30. VI .1965 , 1 ♀ , leg. Abdinbekova ; dist. Masally , 15. VI .1965 , 5 ♀♀ , 8 ♂♂ , leg. Abdinbekova ; dist. Guba , 3 ♀♀ , 3 ♂♂ , 8. IX .1961 –1962, 3 leg. Abdinbekova. Hosts : Hypsopygia costalis (FABRICIUS, 1775) (Pyralidae) . Distribution : Armenia , Austria , Azerbaijan, Canada , Czech Republic , France , Georgia, Germany , Hungary , Italy , Korea , Moldova , Mongolia , Netherlands , Romania , Russia , Switzerland , Turkey , U.S.A. , Ukraine , United Kingdom , Serbia ( YU et al., 2012 , ABDINBEKOVA, 1975 , TOBIAS, 1986 ).