Fourteen new records of Crambidae (Lepidoptera) from South Korea Author Shin, Bora 0000-0002-0081-0711 Department of Environmental Education, Mokpo National University, Muan 58554, South Korea & joy 720 love @ naver. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0081 - 0711 Author Choi, Sei-Woong Department of Environmental Education, Mokpo National University, Muan 58554, South Korea Author Kim, Sung-Soo Research Institute for East Asian Environment and Biology, Seoul 05264, South Korea text Zootaxa 2022 2022-07-01 5159 4 513 534 journal article 88689 10.11646/zootaxa.5159.4.3 e6410487-80e2-44df-91d0-b6971c5302b5 1175-5326 6786069 ACA5A619-EAB0-48E3-8496-A0EAD973CC56 Pseudocatharylla duplicellus ( Hampson, 1896 ) ( Figs. 1B , 2C, 2D , 3B ) Crambus duplicellus Hampson, 1896: 934 . TL: [ Vietnam ] Tonkin , Haiphong . Crambus anpingiellus Strand, 1918: 252 . TL: [ China , Taiwan ] Formosa, Kosempo, Anping. Crambus distictellus Hampson, 1919: 288 . TL: China , Taiwan , Tainan . Pseudocatharylla duplicellus : Bleszynski 1962: 10 . Material examined. 1 male , 1 female , Gangjeong-dong, JJ: Seogwipo, 2020.07.26 . (Kim SS) Diagnosis. Pseudocatharylla duplicellus can be distinguished by the light brownish bent postmedial and subterminal lines on the forewing and whitish hindwing. This species is distinguished from other species of Pseudocatharylla by the smaller wingspan and light brownish vertical bent medial lines on the forewing. Description. Wingspan 13–15mm . Head. Antenna filiform, frons broad, covered with yellowish white scales; maxillary palpi porrect, tip with long white hairs; labial palpi long, about three times to eye diameter, laterally tinged with light ochreous scales. Body whitish. Forewing whitish in ground color; long horizontal ochreous and light blackish scales along veins; postmedian light brown, oblique; subtermen with two parallel light brown right angle bracket lines; termen tinged with black scales. Hindwing whitish in ground color; termen tinged with light gray. Male genitalia. Uncus long, rod-shaped; gnathos long, spine-like, apex sharply pointed, about 2/3 of uncus in length; tegumen hood-shaped. Valva weakly sclerotized, blade-shaped with flat costa and curved sacculus, hairy. Aedeagus stout, apex weakly sclerotized, cornutus a thorn-like process. Female genitalia . Papillae anales broad, lotus leaf-shaped; posterior apophyses long, about twice of anterior apophyses in length, anterior apophyses basally thick and tapered; 8 th segment anteroventrally with a long sharply pointed extension; ostium bursae simple, membranous, narrow; ductus bursae thin, membranous; corpus bursae long sac-shaped, almost twice to the length of ductus bursae, signum absent. FIGURE 1. Adults of 14 species newly recorded from Korea. Scale bar=5 mm. A . Paracymoriza distinctalis , B . Pseudocatharylla duplicellus , C . Psammotis orientalis , D . Anania albeoverbascalis , E . Anania stachydalis , F . Ecpyrrhorrhoe rubiginalis , G . Scoparia iwasakii , H . Haritalodes basipunctalis , I . Nagiella inferior , J . Notarcha aurolinealis , K . Herpetogramma okamotoi , L . Glyphodes formosanus , M . Mecyna fusei , and N . Udea tritalis . FIGURE 2. Male genitalia of the Crambidae from Korea. Scale bar = 1mm (A, E, G, I, K), 0.5mm (B, C, D. F, H, J, L). A, B. Paracymoriza distinctalis ; C, D . Pseudocatharylla duplicellus ; E, F. Anania albeoverbascalis ; G, H. Scoparia iwasakii ; I, J . Haritalodes basipunctalis ; K, L . Nagiella inferior . Distribution. South Korea , Japan , China , Taiwan , Vietnam , Malaysia , Sri Lanka . DNA barcoding. One specimen from South Korea ( OK501194 ) was sequenced, and the genetic difference between P. duplicellus and its relative, P. photoleuca (Lower, 1903) was 10.5%. Remarks. The genus Pseudocatharylla comprises about 41 species, predominantly in the Oriental and Afrotropical regions ( Nuss et al ., 2003 –2021). The genus Pseudocatharylla and the sister group, Chrysocatharylla Bassi , Classeya Bleszynski , and Pseudoclasseya Bleszynski are classified into a tribe of Calamotrophini Gaskin and they are distinguished by the long labial palpi, the forewing with R S4 stalked to R S2 +R S3 , the hindwing with open cell, the asymmetrical male valva in the male genitalia, and the papillae anales with sclerotized dorsal connection, and the short anterior and posterior apophyses in the female genitalia (Legér et al ., 2019). In South Korea , four species of Pseudocatharylla are known, including P. duplicellus .