A taxonomic review of the Indian species of the genus Eumenes Latreille (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) Author Sureshan, Pavittu M. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-05-05 4317 3 469 498 journal article 32205 10.11646/zootaxa.4317.3.3 5d5d90e2-75db-46bd-b979-7c2dfaab10dc 1175-5326 884738 0D977C9B-2B9C-46E7-B154-E795B7Ff5B01 14. Eumenes sikkimensis Giordani Soika, 1986 ( FigS 73–78 ) Eumenes sikkimensis Giordani Soika, 1986b : 77 , 80, figs. 2, 4, —“ SIKKIM ” ( ZMB ). Diagnosis . . Punctures on T2 at apex, before apical lamella, sparse, almost smooth in middle ( Fig. 78 ); clypeus ( Fig. 74 ) almoSt Smooth with fine SparSe pUnctUreS; apex of clypeUS relatiVely broad and relatiVely Strongly emarginate, with Small roUnded apical teeth; T1 Very long, Slender, lateral marginS of poStpetiolUS SUbStraight and parallel, in profile View, not Swollen in apical half; head 1.22x wider than long ( Fig. 74 ); temple withoUt hairS; antenna elongate with baSal foUr flagellar SegmentS longer than broad ( Fig. 75 ). Colour description . Black, with part of antennae and legS brown ferrUginoUS and browniSh black. Yellow markingS: Speck on fronS, aboVe interantennal Space; thin Stripe along inner orbitS of lower lobeS of eyeS almoSt to bottom of ocUlar SinUS; Small line on temple; Short line in middle of anterior margin of pronotUm; thin and Smooth apical band on T1. Wing moderately darkened with golden reflectionS. Body Length : 12 mm . Ƌ . Unknown. FIGURES 55–60. Eumenes placens Nurse. 55–57 ♀. 55. Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. 56, Petiole, dorsal view. 57, T2, dorsal view. 58–60 ♂. 58, Body, lateral view. 59, Head, frontal view. 60, Clypeus, frontal view. FIGURES 61–66. Eumenes pomiformis (Fabricius) . 61–65 ♀. 61. Body, latera view. 62, Head, frontal view. 63, Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. 64, Petiole, dorsal view. 65, T2, dorsal view. 66, ♂, Body, lateral view. Material examined . INDIA : WeSt Bengal , Darjeeling diStrict , SUkna, Alt. 500 ft ., 1♀ , 2.Vii.1908 , Coll. N. Annandale , NZC Regd. No. 441/H3. Distribution. India : Sikkim , * WeSt Bengal . Remarks . Giordani Soika (1986b) deScribed the yellow coloUr on the meSoScUtUm aS “lineS on the SideS of meSoScUtUm cloSe to the tegUlae” bUt the material we examined from SUkna lackS any yellow markS on the meSoScUtUm.