A photographic catalog of Ceraphronoidea types at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), with comments on unpublished notes from Paul Dessart Author Trietsch, Carolyn Author Mikó, István Author Deans, Andrew R. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2019 2019-02-28 502 1 60 journal article 28498 10.5852/ejt.2019.502 0ff4f2ea-dc22-4d23-aa8d-12be8542e9aa 2581898 90DC9D26-DAF0-4C88-9800-4FB10B7CBE9F Ceraphron parvalatus Dessart, 1966 Fig. 15 Ceraphron apterus Kieffer, 1913b : 10 , , . MNHN. Keyed. Preoccupied by Ceraphron apterus Zetterstedt, 1840 . Ceraphron parvalatus Dessart, 1966a : 1 , figs 1–5. Replacement name, description, lectotype , designation, illustration. Calliceras aptera Kieffer 1914c : 77 , 101. Generic transfer, description, keyed. Ceraphron apterus Risbec 1950 : 552 . Keyed; 1955: 216. Keyed. Ceraphron parvalatus Dessart 1989 : 225 . Keyed. Fig. 14. Ceraphron nigrelliceps Kieffer, 1907 , syntype, ♀ (MNHN EY22476). A . Dorsal view. B . Labels. C . Frontal view. D . Lateral view. Fig. 15. Ceraphron parvalatus Dessart, 1966 . A–B . Lectotype, ♀. A . Lateral view (MNHN EY25362). B .Antenna (MNHN EY22443). C . Allolectotype, ♂ (MNHN EY25363). D–F .Allolectotype, ♂ (MNHN EY22441). Antenna. D . Scape, pedicel and first three flagellomeres. E . F4–6. F . F7–9. Material examined Lectotype TANZANIA ; “AFRIQUE ORIENTALE ALLEMANDE: mont Kilimandjaro : prairies alpines autour du Bismarckhugel , a la lisiere superieure de la foret sur le versant sud-est du Mawenzi , altitude de 2.740 m ., st. no 70, 1” “ avril 1912 ” ( Kieffer 1913b: 10 ); MNHN EY22443 , EY25362 . Allolectotype TANZANIA ; same data as for lectotype; MNHN EY22440 to EY22442 , EY25363 . Distribution Afrotropical. Comments Dessart (1966a) provides insight into the history of the naming of this species and the mistakes that abounded. Zetterstedt (1840) described a species called Ceraphron apterus , which Kieffer (1907a) transferred to the genus Conostigmus Dahlbom, 1858 , even though Kieffer had himself described a species called Conostigmus apterus in the same work. Kieffer (1909) tried to rectify this mistake by renaming his Conostigmus apterus to Conostigmus apteryx . However, Kieffer (1913b) also described Ceraphron apterus , then referred to “ Conostigmus apterus Zetterstedt ” as “ Conostigmus apterus Kieffer” (Kieffer 1914c) . Dessart (1966a) set the record straight on these species and offered Ceraphron parvalatus as a nomen nuvum for Ceraphron apterus Kieffer. The new name fixes more than one mistake: Dessart (1966a) noted that the species is not actually apterous, as Kieffer described, but has reduced wings. It is for this reason that Dessart (1966a) chose the new name parvalatus , with the Latin word “parvus” meaning “small”. Kieffer (1907a) described the male and female of the species, which Dessart (1966a) redescribed and illustrated, confirming that the male and female both belong to the same species. The male and female at the MNHN are the only known specimens, and are both considered as the syntypes that Kieffer observed. Dessart (1966a) designated the female as the lectotype and the male as the allolectotype, dissecting both and making slide preparations. The female lectotype (prep. no. 6503/222) has a single slide preparation of one antenna (MNHN EY22443), with the rest of the specimen in ethanol (vial MNHN EY25362). The vial contains a determination label from Kieffer labeled with the number “Type 70”. The male allolectotype specimen (prep. no. 6503/221) has three slide preparations associated with it: the metasoma without the genitalia, in a poor preparation full of bubbles (MNHN EY22440); the male antenna in pieces, with three pieces marked in one black circle, and the last four flagellomeres in another circle (MNHN EY22441); and the right wing (MNHN EY22442). The original male specimen is in ethanol (vial MNHN EY25363), and has a determination label from Kieffer also labeled with “Type 70”.