Generic review of Hydropsychinae, with description of Schmidopsyche, new genus, 3 new genus clusters, 8 new species groups, 4 new species clades, 12 new species clusters and 62 new species from the Oriental and Afrotropical regions (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) Author Oláh, J. Author Johanson, K. A. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-06-16 1802 1 248 journal article 1175­5334 Hydromanicus krsamgin Oláh & Barnard , new species Fig. 9–12 Segment X of this species resembles that of H. sitahoanus Malicky from Sumatra . Hydromanicus krsamgin is easily recognized by the preanal appendages that are more developed, the phallotheca is S-shaped and not with straight horizontal section, and the dorsal interlobular gap is narrower than in H. sitahoanus . Male. Body and wings brown. Forewing membrane uniformly coloured without patterns. No process or protuberance visible on cleared sternum V, except freely flapping, shallowly rounded, plate visible above less sclerotized, rounded window; fixed ventrum; free, sinuate dorsum. Maxillary palp formula I-(III, IV)-II-V. Maxillary palps short, reaching end of mesonotum. Dorsum of head dark brown, with 7 dark brown setal warts; large setal warts occupy almost entire vertex. Swollen setal wart present on proepisternum, with long, black setae; small setal wart present on precoxale (proepisternum). Pretarsal claws asymmetrical, laterally flanked by setal bundle on all legs. Spur formula 244. Posteroapical spur on each protibiae very small; anterior subapical mesotibial spurs smaller than posterior subapical spur. Wings. Venation typical for the genus. Forewing crossveins m-cu and cu separate. Sc and R separate from C. Cu2 and A meeting on wing margin. Hind wing Sc and R meeting before costa, distally of crossvein r; crossvein s located slightly anteriorly of crossvein r; crossvein m-cu present; stems of M and Cu1 separated. False vein of convolution running near stem of Cu1; median cell open, fork 1 present. Forewing length 8.7 mm, hind wing length 6.4 mm. Male genitalia. Abdominal segment IX fused annularly, short ( Fig. 9 ); dorsum as long as ventrum. Median keel short, broad; dorsal and lateral surfaces granulose; anterior margin shallowly arciform. Antecosta well developed in single line, narrowing gradually dorsally sub-marginally. External groove of antecostal suture well developed. Apical lobe on posterolateral margin long, quadrangular, located above articulation of gonocoxite. Posterior spine row intermitted, present on slope of broad median keel. Middle and apical lobes homogenous; with equally long setae. Depression between segment IX and segment X very shallow; step filled with preanal appendages. Segment X broad, nearly triangular in lateral view ( Fig. 9 ); apex slightly curving dorsad, blunt; forming broad, quadrangular plate with rounded apices in dorsal view ( Fig. 10 ). Preanal appendages short, foliose, pressed to median keel of segment IX ( Fig. 9 ); covered by setae nested in elevated alveoli. Apicoventral setose lobes modified into pair of large, setose, lobes ( Fig. 9 ). Dorsal interlobular gap wide, deep ( Fig. 10 ); demarcated by apicoventral, large, setose lobe of rounded apex. Apicodorsal setose lobe forming pair of capitate processes. Smooth cavity on segment X absent. Transverse sutures weak, present basally of apex; bordering setose apex on segment X. Coxopodites S-shaped, stout, shorter than segment X. Harpagones long, rod-like, straight in lateral view ( Fig. 9 ), curving mesad in ventral view ( Fig. 11 ); apices narrow. Phallic apparatus ( Fig. 12 ) simply bent, almost S-shaped; basal part curving posterad, obtusely angled; without broadening; about as broad as horizontal part; tube of horizontal phallotheca with convex middle and concave subapical dorsum; phallotheca ending in distal pair of stout, sclerous, endothecal processes, apices curving dorsad; phallotrema surrounded by small phallotremal sclerites; endophallus cylindrical, filling half phallotheca, narrowing anteriorly to constriction of gonopore. Holotype male : INDIA : Meghalaya , Khasia Hills [ R . McLachlan ] - ( B.M. 1938-674). Paratypes : INDIA : Same data as holotype - 2 males ( B.M. 1938-674) ( NHML ) . Distribution. India . Etymology. krsamgin , from “krsamginu”, horned in Sanskrit, referring to the abducted sclerous endothecal process on apex of the phallotheca that resemble stout horns.