A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World Author Wood, John R. I. Author Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo Author Williams, Bethany R. M. Author Scotland, Robert W. text PhytoKeys 2020 143 1 823 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 1314-2003-143-1 F6F11A6EE4FF5A1885CEA2B60AE965A5 326. Ipomoea dubia Roem. & Schult. , Syst. Veg. 4 : 216. 1819. (Roemer and Schultes 1819: 216) Ipomoea angulata Ortega , Nov. Rar. Pl. Dec. 7 -8: 83 1797. (Ortega 1797 -1800: 83), nom. illeg., non Ipomoea angulata Lam. (1793) . Type. Plants grown at Madrid from seed sent by Ruiz and Pavon (lectotype OXF00006441, designated here; isolectotype P). Quamoclit ruiziana G. Don , Gen. Hist. 4 : 258. 1838. (Don 1838: 258), nom. illeg., superfl., Type. Based on Ipomoea angulata Ortega Type. Based on Ipomoea angulata Ortega Description. Prostrate, ascending or erect annual herb; stems glabrous or pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 2-7 x 1.5-5.5 cm, entire (rarely shallowly 3-lobed), ovate, cordate with rounded or angled auricles, apex finely acuminate, mucronate, margin entire or (rarely) undulate, adaxially glabrous, abaxially glabrous or pubescent, especially on the veins; petioles 2-7 cm, glabrous or pubescent. Inflorescence of long-pedunculate, few-flowered axillary cymes; peduncles (1.4-)3-7.5 cm, remaining erect in fruit, glabrous or pubescent; bracteoles 1-3 mm, lanceolate, acuminate; secondary peduncles 5-7 mm; pedicels 2-7 mm, often angled, glabrous or pubescent; sepals unequal, outer ovate with scarious margins, midvein sometimes extended to form a wing, glabrous or puberulent, 4-5 x 2-3 mm, terminating in a mucro 4-8 mm long, inner sepals 5-6 x 3 mm with a mucro 4-8 mm long; corolla 2-2.5 cm long, hypocrateriform, scarlet, glabrous, limb c. 1.5 cm diam., unlobed. Capsules 5-6 x 6-7 mm, compressed globose, rostrate, the persistent style c. 3 mm long, pubescent or glabrous; seeds 4 x 2 mm, distinctly tomentose. Distribution. Endemic to Peru and Ecuador between 400 and 2700 m, most records from coastal and lower western semi-desert slopes of the Andes in the Lima area. PERU. Ancash : E. Cerrate et al. 5180 (MO, USM). Cajamarca : Contumaza, A. Sagastegui & Lopez 9166 (FTG, MO), 10529 (FTG, MO), 1573 (F). Ica : Mun. Yauca del Rosario, O. Whaley et al. 460 (K). La Libertad : P. Nunez et al. 6265 (CUZ); Trujillo, A. Sagastegui & Cabanillas 8743 (TYG, HUT); ibid., A. Sagastegui & J. Mostacero 10447 (MO); ibid., Contumaza, El Balconcito, A. Sagastegui & S. Leiva 16404 (OXF). Lambayeque : E. Cerrate et al. 5242 (USM). Lima : S.G.E. Saunders 855 (K); C.A. Weatherby 11320 (K); A. Gentry et al. 19912 (FTG, MO); entre Chosica y Surco, R. Ferreyra 6938 (MO, USM). Piura : Chililique, Bajo Naranjo, E. Laure 5477 (P); Huancabamba, La Beatita , Llatas Quiroz 2455 (F). San Martin : Chrostowski 69-197 (S). Tumbes : Zarumilla, Lechugal, R. Ferreyra 10659 (MO, USM). ECUADOR. Chimbarazo : Canon del Rio Chanchan, Huigra, W.H. Camp 2970 (FTG, S); Huigra, J.N. & G. Rose 22298 (NY, US). Loja : Sabanilla, C. Quintana et al. 2887 (QCA). Pichincha : Reserva Pululahua, Canton Quito, C. E. Ceron 2258 (MO). Tungurahua : J.E. Madsen 36442 (AAH). Typification. There appears to be no syntype at Madrid so we have selected the specimen at OXF as the lectotype as this is a more complete specimen than that at Paris. Note. Distinct because of the relatively large sepals with long erect awn-like mucros. The capsule is very unusual, being often pubescent. The short, angled or winged pedicels are also noteworthy.