Phylogenetic systematics of Schacontia Dyar with descriptions of eight new species (Lepidoptera, Crambidae)
Goldstein, Paul Z.
Metz, Mark A.
Solis, M. Alma
journal article
Schacontia chanesalis (Druce, 1899)
Figs 21315-17223941
Pionea chanesalis
Druce, 1899, p. 557.
Schacontia replica
Dyar, 1914, p. 400, syn. n. (Holotype ♀, Mexico, USNM).
Schacontia pfeifferi
Amsel, 1956, p.101, syn. n. (Holotype ♂, Guatemala, ZSM, Munich).
Material examined.
Below we summarize material examined for
Schacontia chanesalis
. We include material previously determined as its new synonyms,
Schacontia replica
Schacontia pfeifferi
, and list them accordingly. We acknowledge that cryptic species may yet be identified pending the accumulation of molecular data.
Type material.
Holotype (♀, BMNH): Holotype [round white label w/ red border]; El Tumbador, Guatemala, Champion; Godman-Salvin, Coll. 1904-1., B.C.A. Lep.-Het., Pionea chanesalis Druce; Pionea chanesalis Druce, type [hand written]; Genitalia Slide by DA, ♀. [Holotype of
Schacontia replica
]: March 1912, Orizaba, Mex, 3414, R Muller Collector, [red type label] Type 15484, Schacontia replica Dyar Type, [green label] USNM Genitalia Slide by DA ♀ 107,898, left FW missing (1♀). [Holotype; ZSM, Munich]; Typus ♀ leg. H. Amsel; Venezuela Maracay leg. P. Vogl.; Genitalia slide by DA 108,040 ♀, det. Amsel 1953 Schacontia pfeifferi Ams. [
, ZSM, Munich].
Other material examined.
Costa Rica (8♂, 11♀, 4 sex undet.): Santa Rosa National Park Guanacaste Prov. Costa Rica 2-4 May 1980 DH Janzen & W. Hallwachs, Genitalia Slide by DA ♂ USNM 107,903, INBio Barcode # CR1001 115186 (1♂) as previous [no slide label], #CR1001 115190 (1♀); Estac. Quebrada Bonita, 50m R.B. Carara Puntarenas Pr. Costa Rica Nov 1989. R. Zuniga. 194500, 469850, Geni
Slide by DA ♂ USNM 105,819, head illustrated; INBio Barcode # CR1000 120043 (1♂); Estac. Quebrada Bonita, 50m R.B. Carara Puntarenas Pr. Costa Rica April 1989. R. Zuniga. 194500, 469850, Genitalia Slide by DA ♂ USNM 106,418 [v. poor specimen], INBio Barcode # CR1001 103073 (1♂); Estac. Quebrada Bonita, 50m R.B. Carara Puntarenas Pr. Costa Rica Oct 1989. R. Zuniga. 194500, 469850, Genitalia Slide by DA ♀USNM 105,820, INBio Barcode # CR1000 160925 (1♀); Estac. Quebrada Bonita, 50m R.B. Carara Puntarenas Pr. Costa Rica Set 1989. R. Zuniga. 194500, 469850, INBio Barcode # CR1001 103076 (1♀[?]); Est. Sta. Rosa, 800m, P.N. Guanacaste, Prov. Guan. Costa Rica, I. Curso Microlepidopt., Jul 1990 L-N-313000, 359800, INBio Barcode # CR1000 182323 (1♀); Est. Maritza, 600 m, Lado oeste del Volcan Orosi I curso Microlepidopt., July 1990 L-N-326900, 373000, INBio Barcode # CR1000 181312 (1♂); Santa Rosa National Park Guanacaste Prov. Costa Rica 7-9 July 1980 DH Janzen & W. Hallwachs, INBio Barcode # CR1001 115188 (1♀); Santa Rosa Nat. Pk., Prov Guanacaste, Costa Rica 10-12 Nov 1979 D.H. Janzen, INBio Barcode # CR1001 115187 (1♂); 97-SRNP-320, 8, Genitalia Slide by JAL ♀ (1♀); 97-SRNP-320, [right FW detached] (1♀); Prov. Guanacaste, Z.P. Nosara, Sector of Mirador, 800 m 2-8 Nov 2002. H. Mendez. Tp. De Laz. L N 220750 383450 #72175, INB0003554509 (1♀); Estac. Quebrada Bonita 50m R.B. Carara Puntarenas Pr. Costa Rica Oct 1989. R. Zuniga. 194500, 469850, INBio Barcode # CR1000 196823 (1♂); Fca. Cafrosa, Est. Las Mellizas, P.N. Amistad, 1300m Prov. Punt. COSTA RICA M. Ramirez & G. Mora, Nov. 1990 L-S-316100-596100, INBio Barcode # CR1000 278769 (1♀); Estac. Quebrada Bonita, 50m R.B. Carara Puntarenas Pr. Costa Rica Set 1989. R. Zuniga. 194500, 4698500 (1 sex undet.); Est.
. Rosa, 800m, P.N. Guanacaste, Prov. Guan. Costa Rica, I. Carso Microlepidopt., Jul 1990 L-N-313000, 359800 (1 sex undet.); Schacontia sp.
, Costa Rica, Cartago prov. Parque National Tapanti near the ranger station 1250m, 25-V-2005 (adult emergence) Col/rear: Kenji NISHIDA Host Plant: Podandrogyne decipiens (
), gall inducer on the stem unknown family, female (1♀); Schacontia sp.
, Costa Rica, Cartago prov. Parque National Tapanti near the ranger station 1250m, 25-V-2005 (adult emergence) Col/rear: Kenji NISHIDA Host Plant: Podandrogyne decipiens (
), gall inducer on the stem, Schacontia n. sp. 2/06 det. M.A. Solis (1 sex undet.); Schacontia sp.
, Costa Rica, Cartago prov. Parque National Tapanti near the ranger station 1250m, 25-V-2005 (adult emergence) Col/rear: Kenji NISHIDA Host Plant: Podandrogyne decipiens (
), gall inducer on the stem Deformed adult caught in its pupal shell x1 Pupated 15-VI-2005 (pupal stage 1 month) (1♂); Schacontia sp.
, Costa Rica, Cartago prov. Parque National Tapanti near the ranger station 1250m, 25-V-2005 (adult emergence) Col/rear: Kenji NISHIDA Host Plant: Podandrogyne decipiens (
), gall inducer on the stem unknown family, female (1♀); Schacontia sp.
, Costa Rica, Cartago prov. Parque National Tapanti near the ranger station, 1250m, 25-V-2005 (adult emergence) Col/rear: Kenji NISHIDA Host Plant: Podandrogyne decipiens (
), gall inducer on the stem unknown family, male (1♂); Costa Rica: Estac. Biol. Las Cruces 6 km SE San Vito Rio Jaba 1150m X-20/21/1993, blacklight in secondary forest J. Powell coll. (1sex undet.); Voucher: D.H. Janzen & W. Hallwachs DB: http// Area de Conservacion Guanacaste Costa Rica 97-SRNP-320.1, "legs away for DNA" (1 sex undet.); same as previous, 97-SRNP-320.2, 97-SRNP-320.3, and 11-SRNP-12677 (1♂,1♀, 1 sex undet., respectively). Guatemala: Cayuga Guat, Dec, Schaus and Barnes coll, Genitalia slide by DA ♂ USNM 108,097 (1♂); Quirigua Guat, Schaus and Barnes coll, Genitalia slide by DA ♀ USNM 107, 892, FW in capsule (1♀); Grutas de San Pedro Martir, Guatemala Escuintla VIII-10-1965 P.J. Spangler 1♀[?]. Honduras: El Hatillo Honduras Black light 3-VIII-1972 Robert D. Lehman (1 sex undet., obscured by mold). Mexico (22♂, 3♀, 3 sex undet.): Col. Becker 44006, Mexico: Veracruz Huatusco 1300m 19-23. Viii. 1981 V.O. Becker col., Comp. c/tipo USNM 1981 V.O. Becker (1♂); Nov '11, Orizaba Mex, R Muller collector, 3414, Chanesalis or [illeg.] desc. as Pionea [illeg.]
, ♀ USNM 197,890 Genitalia slide by DA (1♀); Mexico: 2 mi. N. Tamazunchale, S.L.P. 400', July 16-18, 1963, Duckworth & Davis, Genitalia slide by DA ♂ USNM 108,099 (1♂); Mexico: 2 mi. N. Tamazunchale, S.L.P. 400', July 16-18 1963, Duckworth & Davis, Genitalia slide by DA ♂ USNM 108,889 (1♂); Mexico: El Salto Falls, 26 mi W. Antiguo Morelos, Tamps., 2000', July 11-14 1963, Duckworth & Davis (1♀); Mexico:.2 mi. N. Tamazunchale, S.L.P., 400', Aug. 2 1963, Duckworth & Davis (1♂); (17♂, 1♀, 1 sex undet.[genitalic slide unavailable,
]): Col. Becker 68741, Mexico, Tam El Ensino, 250 m, 4-13.viii.1988, V.O.Becker Col., Genitalia Slide ♂ by JAL [one specimen only]; Col. Becker 108733, Mexico: Tam El Encino, 250 m, 21-31.v. 1997, V. O. Becker Col. (1♂); Mex: Ver.,7 km NNW Huatusco, 1300 m, VIII-15-1987, J.T. Doyen (1 sex
.). Venezuela (3♂): Venezuela: Guarico, Hato Masaguaral, 45 km S Calabozo, 8.57N, 67.58W, Galry Forest #20, 75 m, 3-5 June 1988, uv light, M. Epstein Genitalia slide ♂ by JAL USNM 108,083] (1♂); VENEZUELA: San Esteban Carabobo, Venez., Dec. 1-20 1939, Pablo J. Anduse, Illustration of wing pattern (1♂); Venezuela Maracay leg. P. Vogl., Jan.-Febr.35, Typus ♂ leg. H. Amsel, Genitalia slide by DA 108,039 ♂ (1♂).
Specimens of
Schacontia chanesalis
are best distinguished from those of
Schacontia medalba
by the male genitalia, specifically a more sinuate valva and more denticled or rugose (as opposed to naked) intrasaccular process. The valvae are less conspicuously lobate than in
Schacontia umbra
(below). Forewing pattern somewhat variable, as in
Schacontia medalba
, but antemedial area more often traversed by white bar originating at scapula, enhancing the baso-costal patch.
(Fig. 2). Forewing length: 4.5-9.0 mm. Head- Ocelli and chaetosemata absent; proboscis reduced. Labial palpi porrect, extending slightly beyond clypeus. Frons conical; vertex and frons grayish brown, intermixed with white scales medially and along anterior bases of antennae. Thorax- Prothoracic collar light gray intermixed with gray-brown and white scales. Tegula and mesoscutum mostly gray, intermixed with light-gray and/or grayish-brown scales, the posterior apex of tegulae pale gray. Legs predominantly white, gray shading throughout foreleg; female with one pair of hind tibial spurs (medial pair absent). Forewing. Baso-costal triangle flanked by white scaling towards inner margin and in medial area, which is outwardly shaded brown (suffused with white basad). Postmedial area (between postmedial line and subterminal line) grayish brown. Subterminal line white; terminal line black, interrupted. Marginal scales brown. Basal area grayish brown traversed by a white band. Fringe scales light gray. Hindwing. Ground color white/very light gray, darker postmedially; postmedial lines grayish brown, white distally, conspicuous and common with FW. Subterminal area shaded darker brown; fringe white. Sc+R1 and Rs anastomosed slightly beyond dilated base of former. Male and female acanthae of frenulum fused from near base to apex to form one bristle. Abdomen- Ground color mostly dark gray intermixed with gray and light-gray scales above, white on undersurface. Tympanal organs (Fig. 22). As above for medalba group, vide supra. Male Genitalia (Figs 39, 40) - Tegumen divided dorsally into two dihedral or hemi-spherical
that meet at a central sulcus, which divides anterior to base of uncus and forms a Y-shaped strut. Teguminal sulcus long, extending length of two teguminal lobes, such that anterior margin of tegumen appears emarginate, but not deeply invaginated. Uncus oblong, mucronate or miter-like, culminating in a distinct tip; concave or spatulate, setose on inner (ventral) surface. A membranous, more or less circular region at base of uncus positioned directly above (dorsal to) finger-like projection of gnathos, which also comprises a floating sub-tegumenal plate with four arms. Finger-like process arises from center of gnathos; dorsal pair of arms, which meet at juncture of uncus and tegumen, appearing to fulfill traditional description of gnathos by enveloping the anal tube, and the anterior pair extending ventrolaterally towards the vinculum, resembling a wishbone. Gnathos thus appears as a subtegumental (ventrad) suspension. Valvae reduced,
emarginate, bilobed; intrasaccular process a simple flange, denticled or rugose; subapical setal cluster near saccular margin. Costa robust, curved, appearing to arise near the respective vincular terminus. Juxta horseshoe-shaped, the base wider than the lateral
Phallus simple, moderately sclerotized throughout; cornuti absent. Female Genitalia (Fig. 41) - Papillae anales appressed; antrum apparent, chalice-like; ductus bursae short; corpus bursae elongate, without signa, caeca, or appendix bursae; ductus seminalis originating from posterior portion of corpus bursae. Ostium bursae with membrane between seventh and eighth segments.
Larvae have been reared from
Podandrogyne decipiense
) (D. Janzen, pers. comm.).
Mexico, Guatemala; Costa Rica; Venezuela.
Immature stages.
In size, with Mexican specimens appearing smaller in wingspan (FW length 4.5-7.0 mm) than Central American specimens.
It is with some trepidation that we synonymize both replica and especially pfeifferi with chanesalis. Pfeifferi in particular was, until this work, the only
for which a detailed description had been published, and its continental separation from the type locality and primary distribution of chanesalis might suggest the potential for as yet unrecognized diagnosable species.