Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records Author Chamorro, William Author Marin-Armijos, Diego Author senjo, Angelico Author Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z. text ZooKeys 2019 826 1 343 journal article 1313-2970-826-1 B1550A3AE54744509A44BC4366D5E110 Canthon (Glaphyrocanthon) politus Harold, 1868 Plate 13C Canthon politus Harold, 1868d: 60 (original description. Type locality: Columbien [= Colombia], Bogota und das suedliche Mexiko [= Mexico]). Canthon politus : Gemminger and Harold 1869 : 992 (list, distribution); Harold 1880a : 16 (cited for Nueva Granada [= Colombia]); Bates 1887 : 31 (distribution); Gillet 1911a : 32 (complete list of species); Schmidt 1922 : 79 (list, distribution); Balthasar 1939d : 205 (characters in key); Islas 1942 : 304 (characters in key), 307 (description). Canthon politum : Blackwelder 1944 : 201 (list of species for Latin America); Roze 1955 : 42 (cited for Venezuela). Canthon politum var. granadense : Blackwelder 1944 : 201 (cited as new combination, list of species for Latin America); Contreras 1951 : 221 (cited for Colombia). Geocanthon politus : Pereira and Martinez 1956a : 137 (cited as new combination, redescription); Vulcano and Pereira 1964 : 672 (catalog of species); Vulcano and Pereira 1967 : 550 (characters in key). Canthon (Glaphyrocanthon) politus : Halffter and Martinez 1977 : 80 (transferred to the subgenus Glaphyrocanthon Martinez , 1948); Medina et al. 2001 : 136 (cited for Colombia); Medina et al. 2003 : 64 (distribution); Carvajal et al. 2011 : 314-315 (cited for Ecuador); Krajcik 2012 : 64 (complete list of species); Chamorro et al. 2018 : 93 (cited for Ecuador). Canthon granadensis Lansberge, 1874a: 5 (original description); Gillet 1911a : 29 (complete list of species); Schmidt 1922 : 79 (cited); Balthasar 1939d : 223 (characters in key). Canthon granadense : Blackwelder 1944 : 199 (list of species for Latin America). Type specimens. Canthon politus Harold, 1868. One syntype examined deposited at the MNHN (ex coll. E Harold and ex coll. R Oberthur). Lectotype to be designated in a future work on this species group. Canthon granadensis Lansberge, 1874. The holotype (♂) is deposited at the MNHN (ex coll. V Lansberge and ex coll. R Oberthur). Locality: without specific locality. Examined. Holotype (♂): "granadensis / Lansb type [hw]", "Museum Paris / ex Coll. / R. Oberthuer / 1952 [p]", "Ex-Musaeo / VAN LANSBERGE [p, black margin]", "Canthon (Glaphy- / rocanthon) / politus Harold. G.H. y A.M. det. 76 [hw, black margin]", "♂ [hw] HOLOTYPE [p, red label, black margin]". Distribution. Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Records examined. NAPO: B. P. La Cascada, Parque Nacional Sumaco, 1300 m (1 specimen CEMT). ZAMORA CHINCHIPE: Chito Rio San Francisco, 1800 m (1 specimen CEMT); El Tambo Reserva El Colibri 2080 m (17 specimens CEMT). Temporal data. Collected in March and May. Remarks. Inhabits the evergreen foothill forests and lower evergreen montane forests throughout the Amazonian range from 1300-1800 m a.s.l. In the Andean region, it was recorded in the montane cloud forests from 1800-2080 m a.s.l. This species was collected with pitfall traps baited with human feces. According to Rivera-Cervantes and Halffter (1999) , the previous records from Mexico are erroneous.