Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist Author Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez Author Nathalia J. Arredondo Author Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2017 2017-03-31 124 1 91 113 journal article 31645 10.5281/zenodo.1040686 25402b49-ac0b-4370-925e-d2d7b6438e9b 0035-418 1040686 Phyllodistomum spatula Odhner, 1902 Material deposited: Information about type material not provided by Odhner (1902) , MLP. Host: Bagrus bayad (Forsskål) [= B. bayad (Forsskål) ] and B. docmak (Forsskål) [= B. docmac (Forsskål) ] ( Siluriformes : Bragridae) (type host not assigned, Sudan); Pimelodella laticeps , Rhamdia quelen . Life cycle: IH1: Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili ; FH: P. laciteps , R. quelen (natural hosts). Localities: Nile River, Omdurman, Sudan (type locality); Chascomús Lagoon (Chascomús), Buenos Aires Province. Site of infection: Urinary bladder. Reference: Lunaschi & Martorelli (1990) . Remarks: The existence of this African species in South America has to be carefully reviewed. The specimens studied by Lunaschi & Martorelli (1990) probably could belong to Phyllodistomun rhamdiae Amato & Amato, 1993 described from the urinary bladder of Rhamdia quelen in Brazil (see Amato & Amato, 1993 ).