Three new genera of arboreal dark sac spiders from southern Africa (Araneae: Trachelidae) Author Haddad, Charles R. 0000-0002-2317-7760 Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, P. O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa. Author Lyle, Robin 0000-0002-5279-5306 Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, P. O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa. & Present address: Biosystematics: Arachnology, Plant Health and Protection, Agricultural Research Council, Private Bag X 134, Queenswood 0121, South Africa. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-01-16 5399 5 451 504 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5399.5.1 1175-5326 10517393 ED0CE93C-3235-4DEE-951B-A46CBD3D6AF9 Falcaranea maputensis sp. nov. Figs 117–128 , 147–149 , 154, 155 , 165–168 Etymology. This species name is derived from the Maputaland ecoregion in northern KwaZulu-Natal Province , South Africa and southern Mozambique , where most of the specimens were collected. Diagnosis. Males of F. maputensis sp. nov. can be easily recognized from congeners by the relatively long retrocymbial basal process and the sharp bend near the middle of the embolus ( Figs 165, 166 ). Females share with F. gladius sp. nov. the presence of a long membranous scape in the epigyne, but can be distinguished by the anterior rather than lateral orientation of the copulatory openings (compare Figs 167 and 162 ). The ST I are larger, more spherical, and transversely orientated, while those of F. gladius sp. nov. are smaller and obliquely orientated (compare Figs 168 and 164 ). FIGURES 165–168. Falcaranea maputensis sp. nov. male (165, 166) and female (167, 168). 165. Left palp, ventral view; 166. Same, retrolateral view; 167. Epigyne, ventral view 168. Same, dorsal view. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Male ( holotype , St Lucia, NCA 2012/3958). Measurements: CL 1.34, CW 1.14, AL 1.43, AW 1.05, TL 2.65, FL 0.22, SL 0.75, SW 0.63, AME-AME 0.04, AME-ALE 0.01, ALE-ALE 0.22, PME-PME 0.08, PME-PLE 0.11, PLE-PLE 0.44. Length of leg segments (sequence from femur to tarsus, and total): I 1.00 + 0.52 + 0.81 + 0.62 + 0.33 = 3.28; II 0.82 + 0.42 + 0.65 + 0.57 + 0.30 = 2.76; III 0.67 + 0.35 + 0.44 + 0.60 + 0.27 = 2.33; IV 1.00 + 0.43 + 0.78 + 0.84 + 0.31 = 3.36. Carapace bright yellow, with faint grey mottling ( Fig. 154 ); surface finely granulate, more pronounced in slopes; fovea long, distinct, at ⅔ CL.AER slightly procurved; clypeus height slightly less than AME diameter; AME slightly larger than ALE; AME separated by distance equal to ½ their diameter; AME separated from ALE by distance approximately equal to ⅛ AME diameter; PER recurved, PLE slightly larger than PME; PME separated by distance approximately equal to their diameter; PME separated from PLE by distance equal to 1¼ PME diameter. Chelicerae bright yellow; endites and labium pale yellow-brown, with faint grey mottling. Sternum yellow, with faint black mottling, border brown. Abdomen oval, uniform creamy-grey dorsally and ventrally; two pairs of sigilla, first pair indistinct, pale grey, at ¼ AL; second pair distinct, oval, at midpoint. Legs I yellow, II to IV pale yellow, without mottling or markings. Palp with oval cymbium, tapering distally; embolus originating prolaterally on tegulum with broad base, somewhat S-shaped, initially directed distally, bending almost 90 degrees towards retrolateral side, with another sharp retrolateral bend, with distal section gradually narrowing, with tip directed distally; ventral tibial apophysis forming broad, shallow lobe; dorsal RTA adjacent to ventral, triangular, tooth-like; cymbium with distinct finger-like dorsal basal apophysis ( Figs 147 , 165, 166 ). Female ( paratype , Inhaca, NCA 93/220). Measurements: CL 1.20, CW 0.90, AL 1.38, AW 0.95, TL 2.58, FL 0.10, SL 0.68, SW 0.60, AME-AME 0.05, AME-ALE 0.03, ALE-ALE 0.20, PME-PME 0.08, PME-PLE 0.08, PLE-PLE 0.40. Length of leg segments (sequence from femur to tarsus, and total): I 0.70 + 0.38 + 0.48 + 0.40 + 0.28 = 2.24; II 0.58 + 0.35 + 0.40 + 0.38 + 0.25 = 1.96; III 0.55 + 0.28 + 0.30 + 0.40 + 0.23 = 1.76; IV 0.83 + 0.35 + 0.48 + 0.63 + 0.25 = 2.54. FIGURE 169. Distribution of Falcaranea amatola sp. nov. (red circles), F. gladius sp. nov. (blue triangles) and F. maputensis sp. nov. (green triangles) in southern Africa. Carapace orange-brown ( Fig. 155 ); surface texture granular, covered with short, fine setae; fovea short, distinct, at two thirds CL. AER slightly recurved; clypeus height equal to approximately ½ AME diameter; AME and ALE equal in size; AME separated by distance equal to ⅖ their diameter; AME separated from ALE by distance equal to ⅖ AME diameter; PER recurved, PLE slightly larger than PME; PME separated by distance equal to their diameter; PME separated from PLE by distance equal to PME diameter. Chelicerae orange, anterior surface scattered with long, fine setae; three promarginal teeth, proximal tooth largest, distal tooth smallest; two retromarginal teeth, distal tooth largest. Sternum pale brown, darker at border. Abdomen pale yellow with pale grey median line dorsally, extending towards midpoint, mottled grey posteriorly ( Fig. 155 ); two pairs of distinct brown sigilla, one pair anterior to midpoint and other pair posterior to midpoint of abdomen; abdomen broad anteriorly, tapering posteriorly. Legs I to IV uniform pale yellow. Epigyne with large, tongue-like hood extending over almost entire length of epigyne; copulatory openings anterolaterally situated, directed anteriorly with spermathecal ducts at 60º angle to epigastric fold; ST II small, subtriangular, anterolaterally situated; ST I larger, oval, near proximal end of epigynal hood ( Figs 149 , 167, 168 ). Type material. Holotype ♁: SOUTH AFRICA : KwaZulu-Natal : iSimangaliso Wetlands Park , St Lucia , 28°23'02.3''S , 32°24'25.7''E , 21 m a.s.l. , 13.V.2012 , leg. J. Neethling & C. Luwes (canopy fogging 4, coastal forest, Trichilia dregeana ) ( NCA 2012 /3958); Paratypes : MOZAMBIQUE : Inhaca Island , Village Hotel , 26°00'S , 32°55'E , 23.XII.1992 ,leg. T.Steyn , 1♀ ( NCA 93 /220) . SOUTH AFRICA : KwaZulu-Natal : iSimangaliso Wetlands Park, St Lucia, 28°23'02.3''S , 32°24'25.7''E , 21 m a.s.l. , 13.V.2012 , leg. J. Neethling & C. Luwes (canopy fogging 4, coastal forest, T. dregeana ), 2♁ 3♀ ( NCA 2012 /4260); Kosi Bay , 26°53'S , 32°52'E , 28.X.1987 , leg. M. Filmer (bush beating), 1♀ ( NCA 88 /506); Ndumo Game Reserve , Staff housing, 26°54.660'S , 32°17.930'E , 130 m a.s.l. , 5.XII.2018 , leg. C. Haddad , R. Booysen & J. Neethling (canopy fogging, Commiphora neglecta ), 3♁ 1♀ ( NCA 2019 /758); Same locality, Nyamiti Pan, 26°53.409'S , 32°17.576'E , 35 m a.s.l. , 3.XII.2019 , leg. C. Haddad & V. Swart (canopy fogging, Pappea capensis ), 8♀ ( NCA 2020 /309) . ZIMBABWE : Harare , Highlands , 18 Walmer Drive [ 17°48'S , 31°05'E ], 4.I.2006 , leg. M. Cumming (running up trunk of Acacia sieberiana ), 1♁ ( BMNH ) ; Lowveld , Triangle , 2131A2, 24.X.1979 , leg. M. Saunders , 1♀ (NMZ/A890) . Other material examined. SOUTH AFRICA : KwaZulu-Natal : iSimangaliso Wetland Park , Crocodile Centre , 28°21'24.4''S , 32°25'11.0''E , 24 m a.s.l. , 12.V.2012 , leg. J.A. Neethling & C. Luwes (canopy fogging 1, indigenous bush, Trichilia emetica ), 1♁ 1♀ ( NCA 2012 /4267); Same locality, Meersig, 28°14'07.5''S , 32°29'21.0''E , 14 m a.s.l. , 14.V.2012 , leg. J. Neethling & C. Luwes (canopy fogging 6, coastal forest, Syzigium cordatum ), 2♁ 6♀ ( NCA 2012 /4262); Same locality, near Mission Rocks Beach, 28°15'53.1''S , 32°28'52.8''E , 83 m a.s.l. , 12.V.2012 , leg. J. Neethling & C. Luwes (canopy fogging, Albizia adianthifolia , indigenous bush), 3♁ 4♀ ( NCA 2013 /7); Same locality, St Lucia, 28°23'03.9''S , 32°24'25.4''E , 24 m a.s.l. , 13.V.2012 , leg. J. Neethling & C. Luwes (canopy fogging 3, coastal forest, T. dregeana ), 1♁ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 44910); Ithala Game Reserve , Doornkraal Camp, 27°30.735'S , 31°12.231'E , 28.I.2014 , leg. C. Haddad & Z. Mbo (canopy fogging, mixed trees), 1♁ ( NCA 2013 /5271); Ndumo Game Reserve , Nyamiti Pan, 26°53.409'S , 32°17.576'E , 35 m a.s.l. , 3.XII.2019 , leg. C. Haddad & V. Swart (canopy fogging, Pappea capensis ), 3♁ 3♀ ( S.E.M. preparations); Ophathe Game Reserve , 28°22.135'S , 31°23.363'E , 560 m a.s.l. , 28.IX.2008 , leg. C. Haddad (active search, overgrazed savanna), 1♀ ( NCA 2008 /4133); Pongolapoort Nature Reserve , N 2 roadside, 27°27'21.6''S , 31°54'37.7''E , 207 m a.s.l. , 20.V.2012 , leg. J. Neethling & C. Luwes (canopy fogging, Vachellia karroo , bushveld), 2♁ 1♀ ( NCA 2012 /3985) . Limpopo : Makhado , Medike Mountain Reserve , 22°59.650'S , 29°36.822'E , 815 m a.s.l. , 11.XI.2012 , leg. J. Neethling (canopy fogging, Cassia abbreviata , montane bushveld), 2♁ 1♀ ( NCA 2013 /1984); Vivo, Lajuma Mountain Retreat, 23°02'S , 29°26'E , 1300 m a.s.l. , 10.XI.2012 , leg. J. Neethling (canopy fogging, Afromontane forest ), 3♀ ( NCA 2013 /2008), 3♁ 4♀ ( NCA 2013 /2009) . Distribution. Known from various localities from southern Mozambique , north-eastern South Africa and eastern Zimbabwe ( Fig. 169 ).