Two new and unusual genera of millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida) from Tasmania, Australia Author Mesibov, Robert text Zootaxa 2003 368 1 32 journal article 51241 10.5281/zenodo.157087 2e793b2d-9ce7-47f0-8590-69ee8ec38fd2 1175­5326 157087 Procophorella bashfordi n. sp. Fig. 4 , map Fig. 5 Holotype : Male , Weavers Creek , Tasmania , EQ312106 ( 41°27’19”S , 147°22’24”E ), 630m , 19.vii.1994 , R. Mesibov , QVM 23 :41384. Paratypes : Male , details as for holotype , AM KS86295 ; male (dissected), Weavers Creek , EQ319163 ( 41°24’14”S , 147°22’53”E ), 970m , 8.i.1995 , R. Mesibov & T. Moule , QVM 23:41387 ; male , Weavers Creek , EQ305133 ( 41°25’52”S , 147°21’54”E ), 620m , 23.iii.1995 , R. Mesibov , QVM 23:41388 ; 6 females , Weavers Creek , EQ320110 ( 41°27’06”S , 147°22’59”E ), 530m , 22.iii.1995 , R. Mesibov , QVM 23:41496 . Other material examined : 15 males , 79 females and 29 juveniles . See Appendix for details. Diagnosis : Differs from P. innupta in having a less flexed telopodite tip and in bearing a prominent, subterminal uncus on the telopodite. Description : As for the genus. Telopodite base ( Fig. 4 ) concave on the distal surface, the distal portion of the telopodite directed cephalad and distad from the base before curving distad in a smooth arc, a few medium to long setae on the posterior surface to about two­thirds the telopodite length. Tip flattened dorsoventrally (i.e., anteroposteriorly if the telopodite were uncurved), bearing a very small, acuminate and somewhat sinuous solenomerite laterally, pointing distad; more mesally a short, narrow, acutely pointed axial process bent mesad, and a few very small teeth near the mesal edge of the tip; between the solenomerite and the narrow axial process a single blade­like process strongly flexed and slightly curved proximad and laterad. A short, somewhat swollen uncus on the posterolateral surface of the telopodite at about 0.8 of its length, its blunt tip directed proximad. Distribution and habitat : An uncommon, inconspicuous species in leaf and woody litter in dry eucalypt forest, wet eucalypt forest and Nothofagus rainforest over ca . 7000 km 2 in northern and northeastern Tasmania , from near sea level to at least 1200 m ( Fig. 5 ). Etymology : In honour of Richard Bashford, Tasmanian forest entomologist. Remarks : Over most of the range of this species there is very little variation in gonopod form. However, three males from the Old Chum Dam area (circled locality in Fig. 5 ) differ in that the strongly flexed process just mesal to the solenomerite is club­like rather than blade­like.