Checklist of aquatic and marshy Monocotyledons from the Araguaia River basin, Brazilian Cerrado Author Oliveira, Adriana Author Bove, Claudia text Biodiversity Data Journal 2016 4 7085 7085 journal article 1314-2828-4-7085 Rhynchospora aff. unisetosa T. Koyama Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordNumber: 14809; recordedBy: V. C. Souza et al. ; Location: country: Brazil ; countryCode: BRA; stateProvince: Mato Grosso; locality: Sao Felix do Araguaia, Pontinopolis town -Serra dos Magalhaes road ; verbatimLatitude: 11°20'02.0"S ; verbatimLongitude: 51°07'48.0"W ; verbatimCoordinateSystem: degree minutes; Event: year: 1997; month: 3; day: 21; Record Level: institutionID: Universidade de Sao Paulo Herbarium; institutionCode: ESA