The Amphipoda (Crustacea) of New Caledonia: Aoridae Author Myers, Alan A. text Records of the Australian Museum 1998 1998-10-07 50 2 187 210 journal article 10.3853/j.0067-1975.50.1998.1279 25a1d6a3-0aac-46f0-b73c-c69451b5f906 0067-1975 4653011 Globosolembos clavicornis n.sp. Figs. 6-7 Type material. HOLOTYPE male, 2.5 mm , AM P52758 , Grand Recif Mbere , 22°19.90'S 166°13.24'E , steep slope, coarse rubble, 10-12 m depth , J.K. Lowry , 21 November 1995 , NCL-156 . PARATYPES , 10 00, 9 ¥¥, 4 immature , AM P52759 , NCL-156 . Diagnosis. Male 2.5 mm , female 2.8 mm . Male pereon lacking sternal processes. Head lateral lobes only moderately produced; eye moderately large situated moderately deep. Antenna 1 a little shorter than body length; peduncular articles in the basi-distal length ratios 7:9:3; articles 2-3 ventral margin with long stout setae; accessory flagellum composed of one long and one rudimentary terminal article; primary flagellum article 1 ventral margin with a few long stout setae, remaining articles poorly setiferous; flagellum longer than peduncle, with about 15 articles. Antenna 2. robust, subpediform, about one half length of antenna 1; peduncular articles 4 and 5 subequal in length, but article 4 distinctly broader, both articles strongly setiferous, the ventral margins with long, stout setae; flagellum shorter than peduncular article 5, with 6 articles, each with a long ventrodistal strong seta. Mouthparts of typical Globosolembos structure; mandible palp article 3 shorter than 2, subovoid, posterior margin with a few long marginal setae and an understory of short, stout setae. Male gnathopod 1 weakly setiferous; coxa produced forward, rounded; basis stout, excavate on anterior outer face for reception of carpus when folded; carpus subtriangular, cup-shaped, about as broad as long; propodus subround, palm evenly convex, defined by an obtuse angle and a strong seta; dactylus strong, falcate. Female gnathopod 1 similar to that of male, but palm sinuous, produced into a right angle. Gnathopod 2 coxa subrectangular, rounded; basis elongate, anterior margin weakly concave; carpus subtriangular, nearly twice as long as broad; propodus subrectangular, subequal in length with carpus, palm oblique, evenly convex, defined by a stout seta; dactylus short. Pereopods 3-4 dactylus about twothirds length of propodus. Pereopods 5-7 in the length ratios 3:4:6. Epimera posteroventral corner rounded; epimera 1-2 with a few plumose setae on the ventral margin. Uropod 1 peduncle longer than outer ramus and with strong distoventral spine, one halflength of peduncle; inner ramus a little longer than outer, each ramus with a single marginal stout seta. Uropod 2 pequncle shorter than inner ramus and with strong distoventral spine, over one half length of peduncle; inner ramus distinctly longer than outer, each ramus with a single marginal stout seta. Uropod 3 rami very reduced and shorter than peduncle, subequal in length, lacking marginal setae, but with long terminal setae. Telson dorsolateral crests each with a pair of unequal slender setae. Ovigerous females with 1- 2 eggs . Remarks. In its diminutive size, short article three of the mandibular palp and reduced uropod 3 rami, this species resembles G. tiafaui Myers from We~tern Samoa . It differs from that species and indeed from all other known Globosolembos species, by the strong stout setae on antenna 2. Habitat. In coral rubble, 10-12 m . Distribution. Known only from the type locality. Etymology. From the Latin clavus = spike and cornus = horn, referring to the spiky appearance of antenna 2.