Bolivian Cerambycinae: new anthophilous species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Author Clarke, Robin O. S. text Insecta Mundi 2015 2015-12-11 2015 453 1 22 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5182893 1942-1354 5182893 E88CBAC1-9B5F-4452-8B79-DB082CA0408A Dihammaphora espinotibia sp. nov. Fig. 19, 20, 22 Description of holotype . Male, length 5.85 mm . Color of head and prothorax rufous-orange; mandible with extreme apex black. Prosternum yellow for basal two-thirds; pronotum with large, oval black patch on center of disc. Mesosternum rufous-orange. Metasterna, elytra, and abdomen black (apical margins of urosternites I–IV narrowly yellowish). Antennae black, scape dark ochreous-yellow above, rufescent below. Front leg ochreous-yellow, tarsi rufescent, onychium black; middle leg ochreousyellow, femoral claves blackish dorsally, and tarsi black; hind leg with yellow peduncles, black claves, tibiae and tarsi. Head with frons impressed. Frons, clypeus and mandibles densely punctured, with larger, somewhat rugose, alveolate punctures on frons and vertex; all with inconspicuous, short, recumbent pubescence. Antennae ten-segmented, subfiliform, passing middle of elytra by two segments; almost uniformly clothed with short, inconspicuous pubescence. Scape robust, equal in length ( 0.50 mm ) to antennomeres III–VI; III–V subcylindrical, hardly widened at apex, VI widening from middle to moderately tumid apex; VII–IX widening from base to apex, incrementally shorter (0.40– 0.35 mm ); X ( 0.60 mm ) slightly longer than III, narrow and fusiform. Prothorax 1.2 longer than wide, widest behind middle; vase shaped; widened and distinctly rounded for middle third, attenuate and nearly straight to front margin (but profile weakly interrupted by pair of small calli situated at each side of apical constriction), rather strongly sinuate to base (width of the latter 0.95 mm , 1.3 narrower than humeri). Pronotum densely and somewhat rugosely punctured, punctures almost uniformly distributed, small and alveolate; surface clothed with inconspicuous, ashy pubescence, and few short setae anteriorly; latero-basal gibbosities rather small, conical, acute at apex. Elytra 2.9 longer than width across humeri; apparently glabrous (but with inconspicuous pubescence at apex, and punctures with microscopic setae); moderately sinuous at sides, narrowest well before middle; distinctly depressed at base and disc. Dorsal costa moderately strong, almost reaching apex. Surface rather rugose, and strongly microreticulate, ornamented with moderately large and deep, alveolate punctures, in 5–6 non-seriate rows (two of them between the lateral and humero-apical costae). Margins strongly, closely and almost entirely asperate (at middle with 14 asperities/mm, towards apex 16/mm). Elytral apices rounded, but profile disrupted by large, well-separated asperities (8/mm). Legs robust; peduncle of all femora quadrangular, deeply sulcate and bicarinate, clave abruptly enlarged; hind leg ( 5.50 mm ) about twice as long as front leg; metafemora passing apex of elytra at apical constriction of clave. All tibiae sulcate, quadrangular; mesal apex with long spine (about 0.15 mm ), these narrow on pro- and mesotibiae, somewhat scutate on metatibiae; apex of protibia with small tooth-like projection laterally; metatibiae weakly bisinuate (viewed from the side), hardly widened to apex. First segment of metatarsus slightly longer ( 0.90 mm ) than the following two combined ( 0.80 mm ). Male variation. The Achira male differs by the following; head yellower below, and elytra blackish (somewhat ochreous towards base and on epipleura); abdomen slightly rufescent towards apex; antennae passing middle of elytra by 1.5 segments; prothorax 1.3 longer than wide; elytral surface comparatively weakly reticulate. Female ( Fig. 20 ). Scape in two females black, in three rufescent clouded dusky; in one female black patch on pronotum narrower, and middle and hind femoral claves paler. Antennae slightly more robust (towards apex segments wider and broader at base); passing middle of elytra by one segment. Prothorax of one female more cylindrical, and 1.3 longer than wide; and in all of them basal gibbosities larger and more prominent. Spine on mesal apex of tibiae shorter than in male; lateral apex of protibia as in male. Measurements (mm). 5 males / 5 females , total length 4.75–5.85/5.75–6.20; length of pronotum 1.00–1.30/1.25–1.35; width of pronotum 0.80–1.00/1.00–1.05; length of elytra 3.00–3.60/3.65–3.90; width at humeri 1.00–1.25/1.20–1.30. Diagnosis. This species, with ten-segmented antennae, and spined tibiae in males ( Fig. 22 ), shares these characters with D. densiserrata , the spine separating them from all known males of Dihammaphora . Dihammaphora espinotibia , with black elytra and long tibial spines, is easily separated from D. densiserrata with orange elytra and short tibial spines. The monotypic genus Timabiara Napp and Mermudes, 2001 , also has long tibial spines; but in Timabiara males have a hook-like projection on protrochanters, absent in both Bolivian species of Dihammaphora . Type material. Holotype male : BOLIVIA , Tarija , 21°01’S / 63°18’W , 600m , 30 km N of Villamontes , Camatindi-Capirenda Rd. , Semi-dry Chaco Forest , flying to/on flowers of “Urundel falso” [now “Urundel chaqueño”], 11.XII.2007 ( MNKM ) . Paratypes : BOLIVIA , Tarija , data as holotype , female ( DZUP ); male and female ( FSCA ); female ( RCSZ ); 20°52’S / 63°22’W , 30 km N of Villamontes, on flowers of Croton , male, 8–10.XII.2012 , Wappes, Bonaso & Skillman col. ( ACMT ); 21°01’S / 63°18’W , 600 m , 4 km E Camatindi, flying to/on flowers of Croton sp. A , female, 11.XII.2007 ( RCSZ ); 21°42’S / 63°36’W , 762 m , 48 km N Yacuiba, 3–5 km Sanandita Road, flying to/on flowers of Croton sp. A , female, 8.I.2010 ( RCSZ ). Santa Cruz , 18°09’S /63°49’, 1,300 m , Achira, on white-flowering Acacia , male, 25.XI.2004 ( RCSZ ); 18°09’S /63°47’, 1900 m , Above Achira, Rd to Floripondio, male, 19.XII.2011 , Wappes, Lingafelter & Woodley col. ( ACMT ); 18°05’S /63°54’, 6600 ft , 16 km NE Mairana, female, 11.XII.2011 ( ACMT ). Etymology. The specific epithet, espinotibia , refers to the spine-like projection of the tibiae.