A Small Collection of Subtidal Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Palau Islands Collected by Dredging Author Shaga, I Bevin Author Priya, K Author Ramar, Selvakumar Author Srinidhi, S Author Mohan, G Chandra Author Ranganathan, Sukanya Author Moulvi, S M M Author Mani, Bhuvaneswari text Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 2023 2023-02-22 49 1 7 42 http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/jpbs.jpbs_1095_23 journal article 10.50826/bnmnszool.49.1_7 2434-091X Trierarchus squamosus ( Stephenson and Hudson, 1957 ) ( Figs. 8 , 10A , 15F–G ) Thalamita squamosa Stephenson and Hudson, 1957 , pp. 320 (in key), 355, figs. 2K, 3K, pl. 5 fig. 4, pl. 8 fig. Q, pl. 10 fig. J. ─ Stephenson, 1976 , p. 24. Trierarchus squamosus (Stephenson and Hudson) : Evans, 2018 , p. 14 (in table), fig. 3J. Material examined . Entrance to Toagel Mid in Arangel Channel , Babelthuap I. , Palau Is., dredged, 30–40 m in depth, with coralline algae; 1 ♂ (cb 12.6×cl 8.7 mm ), NSMT-Cr 30977; June 19 1980 ; K. Baba leg. Remarks. This species is most characteristic in having only four strong and sharp anterolateral teeth of the carapace including the external orbital tooth ( Figs. 8A , 10A ); posterior three teeth are only slightly smaller than the first or the external orbital tooth. All the ridges of the carapace areolae are distinct ( Figs. 8A , 10A ). The frontal margin is cut into four lobes ( Figs. 8A , 10A ); each median lobe about two-thirds as wide as the lateral lobe, its outer end being shortly overlapped by the lateral lobe; the lateral lobe is slightly behind the frontal level of the median lobe, weakly concave in the middle, making the appearance of the six-lobed front. The frontal and supraorbital margins are narrowly crested along the whole lengths ( Fig. 10A ). The antennal basal segment is armed with a distinct ridge tipped with small granules along the distal half. The third maxilliped is as figured, with the anterodistal angle of the merus is narrowly extended forward ( Fig. 15F ). The male pleon is comparatively wide, with the bulged sixth pleonite ( Fig. 8B ). Both chelipeds are somewhat different in size and shape ( Fig. 8C–D ); the surfaces of the carpus and palm are of somewhat squamous appearance with depressed granules of variable sizes; the fingers are strongly and irregularly toothed throughout the lengths of both cutting edges. The G1 was roughly figured by Stephenson and Hudson (1957: fig. 2K) and in the present paper ( Fig. 15G ); the shaft is stout, parallel-sided throughout the length, strongly curved at the middle. Distribution . The Great Barrier Reef; Rongelap and Bikini Atolls in the Marshall Islands , 45–55 m in depth. New to the Palau Islands.