A revision of the New Zealand species of the genus Sagola Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Faronitae) Author Park, J. - S. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric Author Carlton, C. E. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2014 mo 13 2014-12-01 68 1 156 journal article 3079 10.1649/072.068.0mo4.1 62322993-ca80-4b6c-ac95-861cbb236abd 1938-4394 4907735 Sagola eminens Broun, 1895 ( Figs. 68e , 69e , 70e, 70z , 71 ) Sagola eminens Broun, 1895: 75 . Raffray 1904: 497 , 1911: 5 , 1924: 233 ; Hudson 1923: 365 , 1934: 183 ; Newton and Thayer 2005b; Nomura and Leschen 2006: 242. Type Material. Lectotype . NEW ZEALAND : Waikato : 1♂ ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “2724. .” [white label, handwritten]; “ ” [white label, handwritten]; “ Tarukenga. ” [white label, handwritten]; “New Zealand Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922–482.” [white label, printed]; “ LECTOTYPE Sagola eminens Broun Desig. Park and Carlton 2013 ” [red label, printed] . Paralectotypes ( 2 females ). NEW ZEALAND : Bay of Plenty : 2♀♀ ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “2724. .” [white label, handwritten]; “ ” [white label, handwritten]; “ Tarukenga. ” [white label, handwritten]; “ New Zealand Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922–482.” [white label, printed]; “ Sagola eminens ” [white label, handwritten]. The lectotype designation is required because Broun did not explicitly designate a type specimen, and he mentioned that three specimens were examined ( Broun, 1895: 75 ). This designation will fix the identity of the species and facilitate its recognition by future workers. Additional Material ( n = 76: 39 males ; 37 females ). NEW ZEALAND : Bay of Plenty : 1♂ 5♀♀ , Motuotau I , off Mt Maunganui , 10 XI 1972 , L. R . Moran , litter ; 2♂♂ , Waiaroho , 26 IV 1993 , G. Hall , litter ; 1♂ , Waiaroho , 10 III 1993 , J.S. Dugdale , litter ; 2♂♂ , Te Koau , 243m , 24 XI 1992 31 I 1993 , R . M. Emberson , pitfall trap , mixed broadleaf-podocarp forest ; 2♂♂ , Hicks Bay Bush, Loop tr, 6 XII, Nothofagus forest ; 1♂ , Mamaku / Kaimai Ra , Otanewainuku , 640m , 21 IX 1981, B.M. May, litter; 1♀ , Te Koau , 140m , 14 III 1993 , R . F. Gilbert , beneath bark of Puriri tree ; 1♀ , 8km from Opatiki , 20 VIII 1976 , A. R . Ferguson , litter ; 1♀ , Rereauira Swamp , 9 III–26 IV 1993 , J.S. Dugdale , pit tap ; 1♀ , Waiaroho , 26–29 IV 1993 , G. Hall , pan traps edge of forest nr stream ; 1♂ , Mayor I , 14 XI 1955 , J.C. Watt ; Gisborne : 4♂♂ 2♀♀ , Urewa NP, Waikaremoana rd, s end Maranunui Ridge , 720m , 38″44.404′S 177″05.806′E, 22 XI–23 XII 2005 , mixed broadleaf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )-podocarp, FMHD#2005- 028 , FIT , M. Thayer , A. Solodovnikov , ANMT site 1149 ; 1♂ 1♀ , Urewa NP, Ngamoko tr, pit trap fish and banana, 22 III 2000 , C. Carlton , A. Weir #076 ; 3♂♂ 1♀ , Te Koau , track to Hovells Watching dog, 160m , 31 I–4 II 1993 , J.W. Early , Puriri /nikau forest, yellow pan trap ; 1♂ , Lake Waikaremoana , 17 I 1972 , G.W. Ramsay , litter ; 1♂ , Te Urewera NP , Ngomoko tr, 11 V 2001 , R . Leschen , litter ; 1♀ , Tapuaeroa V , Waiorongomai , 12 I 1994 , J.S. Dugdale , Agaric on tawa ; 1♀ , Waimata V , Kaharoa Stn , 22 XI 1993 10 I 1994 , G. Hall , pit traps ; 2♀♀ , Urewera NP, Lake Waikareiti tr, Nothofagus litter, 19 III 2000 , C. Carlton , A. Weir , #059 ; 1♀ , Urewera NP, Black Beech tr. at Lake Waikaremoana , rotten wood, 17 III 2000 , C. Carlton , A. Weir , #048 ; 2♀♀ , Urewera NP, Ngamoko tr, 38°47S 176°10E , slime flux, Nothofagus , 18 III 2000 , C. Carlton , A. Weir #057 ; 1♂ (slide mounted), Urewera NP, Waikaremoana rd. , s end Matanunui Ridge , 720m , 38″44.404′S 177″05.806′E, 22 XII 2005 , mixed broadleaf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )- podocarp, FMNH#2005-118 , berl., leaf & log litter, M. Thayer , A. Solodovnikov , ANMT site 1149; Hawkes Bay : 2♂♂ , Balls Clearing , 13 III 1980 , C.F. Butcher , litter; Taranaki : 5♂♂ 7♀♀ , Mt. Egmont , 914m , 23 I 1972 , G.W. Ramsay , litter ; 1♂ , Mt. Egmont , 946n, Dawson Falls , 14 I 1962 , G. Kuschel , litter ; 2♂♂ , Dawson Falls , 914m , 23 I 1972 , G.W. Ramsay , litter ; 1♀ , Mt. Messenger , 182m , 23 I 1972 , G.W. Ramsay , litter ; 2♂♂ 1♀ , Mt. Egmont NP, Stratford Mtn House, 846m , 23 V 1986 , C.L. Lyal, litter; Taupo: 2♂♂ 5♀♀ , Minginui SF, 28 VII 1977 , J.S. Dugdale , litter ; 1♂ , Whirinaki Forest Park, Arohaki Lagoon tr, 500m , 38″40.82′S 176″40.032′E, 21 XI 2005 , mixed broadleaf forest incl. Belischmidia tawa , FMHD#2005-024 , litter, A. Newton , M. Thayer , ANMT site 1147 ; 1♀ , Lake Rotopounamu , sw Turangi , 650m , 4–9 IV 1980 , mixed broadleafpodocarp forest, A. Newton , M. Thayer , pitfall tap ; 1♀ , Scenic Res Turangi , s side of Pihanga , 13 I 1972 , litter, G.W. Ramsay ; Wellington : 1♂ , Lake Wairarapa , 1 IX 1965 , J.I. Townsend , moss ; 1♂ , Johnson Hill , Karori , 28 VII 1996 , J. Nunn ; Waikato : 1♂ 1♀ , Maungatautari , Mainland Reserve , 15 XI 2007 , S.A. Forgie , litter ; 1♂ , Waikato , 20 VII 1965 , M. Luxton, Leptospermum scaparium litter. Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the other species of the insignis speciesgroup by the following combination of characters: body length 2.6–2.9 mm ; temporal lobe of male head distinctly projecting, exceeding eye with concave ventral surface; ventral surface of male head with transverse process behind mouthparts with three patches of dense setae medially; male elytra rectangular, female elytra subquadrate; shape of antennomeres and genitalia unique to species. Redescription. Length 2.6–2.9 mm . Body brown, antennae, legs, maxillary palpi, and elytra paler ( Fig. 68e ). Head: Male head triangular, widest across temples ( Fig. 68z ). Female head bluntly triangular, widest across eyes. Antennomere 1 approximately 1.5 times longer than wide, 2 longer than wide, 3 subquadrate, 4–8 longer than wide, 9–10 subquadrate. Frontal sulcus deep, reaching end of eye ( Fig. 68z ). Anterior frontal fovea round, partially covered by frontal rostrum, posterior frontal fovea round ( Fig. 68z ). Eye prominent, approximately one-third length of temple ( Fig. 68z ). Temporal lobe of male head distinctly projecting, exceeding eye, with concave ventral surface ( Fig. 69e ). Ventral surface of male head with transverse process behind mouthparts with 3 patches of dense setae medially ( Fig. 69e ). Thorax: Prosternum as long as wide, widest at one-third length. Male elytra rectangular ( Fig. 68e ), female elytra subquadrate. Male meso- and metathorax trapezoidal, longer than wide, female as long as wide. Abdomen: Male tergite IV with pair of transverse patches of microtrichia reaching middle, patches absent in female. Aedeagus: Median lobe of genitalia broad with pair of triangular processes apically ( Fig. 70e ). Apical lobe with semicircular depression apically ( Fig. 70e ). Phallobase of median lobe symmetrical and rounded. Parameres symmetrical and slender, setose from midpoints to apices ( Fig. 70e ). Type Locality. Tarukenga , near Rotorua , Bay of Plenty , New Zealand . Distribution. Bay of Plenty , Gisborne , Hawkes Bay , Taranaki , Taupo, Wellington , Waikato ( Fig. 71 : white circles). Habitat. Specimens of this species were collected using pitfall, yellow pan, flight intercept, and window traps or by sifting leaf and wood litter in broadleaf, podocarp, or Nothofagus forests.