Tentaculariid cestodes (Trypanorhyncha) from the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris Author Palm, Harry W. Institut für Zoomorphologie, Zellbiologie und Parasitologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Universitätsstrasse 1, D- 40225 Düsseldorf (Germany) hpalm @ gmx. net hpalm@gmx.net Author Walter, Thorsten Abteilung Fischereibiologie, Marine Pathologie, Institut für Meereskunde an der Universität Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, D- 24105 Kiel (Germany) text Zoosystema 2000 22 4 641 666 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5402565 1638-9387 5402565 Genus Heteronybelinia Palm, 1999 TYPE SPECIES .— Nybelinia estigmena Dollfus, 1960 . SPECIES INCLUDED .— H. elongata (Shah & Bilqees, 1979) ; H. estigmena (Dollfus, 1960) (synonyms H. alloiotica [Dollfus, 1960], H. cadenati [Dollfus, 1960]; H. senegalensis [Dollfus, 1960], H . punctatissima [ in Dollfus 1960], N. oodes Dollfus, 1960 ); H. eureia (Dollfus, 1960) ; H . heteromorphi Palm, 1999 ; H. minima Palm, 1999 ; H. nipponica (Yamaguti, 1952) (synonym Heteronybelinia rougetcampanae [Dollfus, 1960]); H. palliata (Linton, 1924) ; H. perideraeus (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) ; H. robusta (Linton, 1890) ; H. yamagutii (Dollfus, 1960) . DEFINITION Trypanorhynchs with the characters of the Tentaculariidae Poche, 1926 . Scolex compact, four triangular bothridia, with hook-like microtriches along the bothridial borders and filamentous microtriches on the rest of the bothridia and the scolex. Posterior margins of bothridia fused with peduncle. Four tentacles of variable length and width, armed with hooks; metabasal tentacular armature homeoacanthous with heteromorphous hooks on different tentacle surfaces. Basal hooks heteromorphous, characteristic basal armature absent or present. Retractor muscle originates at base of bulbs. Proglottids acraspedote or craspedote, cirrus unarmed, genital pores alternate irregularly (10 species).