First Description of Adult Males of Four Species of the Treehopper genus Tricentrus Stål from China (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Centrotinae, Tricentrini) Author Li, Feng-E The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources of Guizhou, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China Author Yang, Lin The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources of Guizhou, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China Author Long, Jian-Kun College of Animal Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China Author Chang, Zhi-Min College of Animal Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China Author Chen, Xiang-Sheng The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources of Guizhou, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-09 4894 2 247 260 journal article 9359 10.11646/zootaxa.4894.2.4 e15f113d-cff7-4ab7-b91b-82c355094382 1175-5326 4315711 E1916F02-B863-489D-AB1B-80BE99882752 Tricentrus oedothorectoidis Yuan & Fan, 2002 Tricentrus oedothorectoidis Yuan & Fan, 2002: 416 . Description. Body length (including forewing): male 6.4mm (N=1); female 7.5mm (N=1); forewing length: male 5.3mm (N=1); female 6.4mm (N=1); width between suprahumeral horn apices: male 3.9mm (N=1); female 5.1mm (N=1); width between humeral angle apices: male 3.1mm (N=1); female 3.6mm (N=1). Coloration. Black, eyes dark brown with black spots and orange border, ocelli pale yellow. Distal quarter of forewing dark brown, veins R, M black (in female yellow-brown), Cu, A yellow-brown. With the following parts yellow pubescent except surface of abdomen and coxae silvery: head, pronotum, part of thorax, basal fifth of forewing. Head and thorax. Head nearly rectangular in anterior view, longer than width at base by 2:1; ocelli slightly closer to inner margins of eyes than to each other; frontoclypeal margins broadly expanding, frontoclypeal lobes distinct and almost touching or slightly surpassing ventral margins of vertex ( Figs 6C, 6F ). Pronotum with heavy punctures; suprahumeral horns short and stocky, horizontally extended laterally and slightly distally recurved; posterior pronotal process ending at base of forewing cell M 3+4 (last apical cell), with four carinae, median carina extended full-length, lateral carinae extended from dorsad of scutellum apical third to apex of posterior pronotal process, ventral carina extended from middle to apex ( Figs 6 A–6B, 6D–6E). Basal fifth of forewing with opaque sclerotization with punctures, veins M and Cu fused in basal fourth and strongly divergent, veins M+Cu and A fused basally ( Fig. 6H ). Metathoracic tibia with three longitudinal rows of cucullate setae and trochanter with robust processes ( Fig. 6G ). Male genitalia. Pygofer in lateral view convex on dorsal margin basally ( Fig. 7A ), nearly annular in posterior view ( Fig. 7C ). Sternite IX wider than long ( Fig. 7D ). Lateral plate with slight median depression and fingerlike dorsal lobe at base, apex blunt ( Fig. 7B ). Basal two-thirds of subgenital plate fused ( Fig. 7D ). Style clasp oriented laterally, angled dorsally, distally recurved, surface with setae, connective N-shaped ( Fig. 7F ). Aedeagus in lateral view hook-shaped, narrow in anterior view, more than half of the surface and margin with coarse denticuli ( Figs 7E, 7G ). Female genitalia. Sternite VII in ventral view with posterior margin concave, surface with setae ( Fig. 8B ). Pygofer in lateral view somewhat depressed, much lonter than wide, with setae; in ventral view oblong, apex slightly constricted ( Figs 8 A–8B). First valvulae long, moderately broad and slightly curved, apex acute ( Fig. 8C ). Second valvulae knife-shaped, slightly broadened distally, apical third irregularly serrate dorsally ( Figs 8D, 8F ). Third valvulae (gonoplac) with distal half expanded, ventral margin with setae ( Fig. 8E ). Specimens examined. 1³, China : Yunnan , Baoshan County , 15 August 2018 , Nian Gong; 1♀ , China : Guizhou , Anshun City , Ziyun County , 7 June 2019 , Yong-qin Fang . FIGURE 4. Tricentrus floripinnae Yuan & Cui, 1987 A, B, C) Male habitus, frontal view, lateral view, dorsal view. D) Forewing. E) Hindwing. F) lateral plate, posterior view. G, H, J) Male genitalia, lateral view, posterior view, ventral view. I, K) Aedeagus, posterior view, lateral view. L) Style, dorsal view. M) Metathoracic leg. Scale bars: 0.5mm (A–E, M), 0.2mm (F–L). FIGURE 5. Tricentrus foliocornatus Yuan & Fan, 2002 A, B, D) Male habitus, frontal view, lateral view, dorsal view. C) Metathoracic leg. E) Forewing. F) Hindwing. G, H, J) Male genitalia, lateral view, ventral view, posterior view. I, L) Aedeagus, lateral view, posterior view. K) Lateral plate, posterior view. M) Style, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1mm (A–F), 0.2mm (G–M). FIGURE 6. Tricentrus oedothorectoidis Yuan & Fan, 2002 A, B, C) Female, lateral view, dorsal view, frontal view. D, E, F) Male, lateral view, dorsal view, frontal view. G) Metathoracic leg. H) Forewing. I) Hindwing. Scale bar = 1mm. FIGURE 7. Tricentrus oedothorectoidis Yuan & Fan, 2002 A, C, D) Male genitalia, lateral view, ventral view, posterior view. B) Lateral plate, posterior view. E, G) Aedeagus, lateral view, posterior view. F) Style, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.2mm. FIGURE 8. Tricentrus oedothorectoidis Yuan & Fan, 2002 A, B) Female genitalia, lateral view, ventral view. C) First valvula. D, F) Second valvula, apical of second valvula. E) Third valvulae (gonoplac). Scale bar = 0.5mm. Distribution. China ( Yunnan , Guizhou ). Remarks. This species may be distinguished by the black overall coloration; the pronotum shiny and somewhat iridescent with the short, stocky suprahumeral horns horizontally extended laterally and slightly upward, with apices slightly upturned; and the distal quarter of the forewing dark brown.