The genus Fleischmannia in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay (Eupatorieae, Asteraceae) Author Robinson, Harold Department of Botany, MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 37012, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20013 - 7012 text PhytoKeys 2015 2015-12-02 57 61 92 journal article 1314-2003-57-61 FF9B582DFFF62A1F312B6C79FFE0A369 576319 Fleischmannia matogrossensis H. Rob. sp. nov. Type. BRAZIL: Mato Grosso, Area do Cindacta (Mun, Chapada dos Guimaraes ), 15°27'39"S , 55°45'W Apoiante, capitulo alvo, Orla da mata, 12 VIII 1997, G. Hatschbach, A. Schinini & E. Barbosa 66769 (Holotype MBM, isotype US; see Figure 3 ). Figure 3. Fleischmannia matogrossensis H.Rob., isotype (US). Description. Scrambling vines 2 or more meters long, stems brown, striated when dry, densely puberulous below, becoming sparsely pilosulous distally, glabrous in inflorescence. Leaves opposite, petioles 0.5-2.3 cm long, puberulous; blades membranous, broadly ovate, below inflorescence mostly 5-7 cm long, 3.0-4.5 cm wide, widest near basal 5th, base subtruncate, margins sharply toothed with 12-20 teeth on each side, apex usually gradually narrowly acuminate, adaxial surface subglabrous, abaxial surface concolorous, puberulous on primary and secondary veins, glabrous between, with scattered minute glandular dots, triplinervate from petiole. Inflorescence a lax pyramidal panicle with slender opposite branches spreading at 45-80° angles, main axis with foliiform bracts up to 3 cm long, with 5-8 serrations on each margin; branching laxly cymiform distally; peduncles filiform, mostly 8-12 mm long, glabrous. Heads ca. 6 mm high and 3-4 mm wide, with ca. 25 bracts in 4-5 series, mostly stramineous, outer bracts ovate, 1-2 mm long, inner bracts narrowly oblong to linear-oblong, to 4.5 mm long, 0.8-1.0 mm wide, with scarious margins and obtuse scarious tips; receptacle scarcely convex. Florets ca. 17 in a head; corollas white, ca. 2.5 mm long, basal tube ca. 0.5 mm long, throat ca. 1.5 mm long, lobes ca. 0.45 mm long; anther thecae ca. 0.8 mm long, apical appendage ca. 0.3 mm long. Achenes ca. 1.8 mm long, black at maturity, with short setulae on ribs; pappus white, ca. 2 mm long, with ca. 25 scabridulous bristles, scarcely broadened near base, not or scarcely contiguous. The species is known only from the type collection. In general habit, the species seems closest to Fleischmannia laxa , but it has no stipitate glands on the branches of the inflorescence as seen in the latter species, the leaves are not densely hispidulous with margins more sharply toothed and the involucral bracts are less pointed with more broadly scarious margins.