Nomenclatural changes in American Apomecynini including description of new genera and species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
Wappes, James E.
Insecta Mundi
journal article
Adetus clinei
Santos-Silva, Nascimento and Wappes
sp. nov.
Fig. 83–86
Description. Female.
Integument mostly black; mouthparts dark reddish-brown, with apex of palpomeres lighter.
Frons finely, abundantly punctate; with pale-yellow pubescence nearly obscuring integument, slightly darker toward antennal tubercles, with short, decumbent white setae interspersed. Vertex and area behind eyes with sculpturing as in frons; area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes with pale-yellow pubescence partially obscuring integument, with short, decumbent white setae interspersed; area of vertex between posterior margin of upper eye lobes and prothorax with short yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; area behind eye lobes with dense light yellowish-brown pubescence, more pale-yellow close to prothorax, except oblique band with reddish-brown pubescence behind lower eye lobe, with short, decumbent white setae interspersed. Genae twice length of lower eye lobe; with dense yellow pubescence obscuring integument, with short, decumbent white setae interspersed, except glabrous apex. Antennal tubercles with sculpturing as in frons basally, gradually finer toward smooth apex; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, with short, decumbent white setae interspersed. Median groove slightly distinct in frons, distinct from area between antennal tubercles to prothorax. Postclypeus with punctures finer than on frons in wide central area, smooth laterally; with bristly pale-yellow pubescence in wide central area, with white setae interspersed, more abundant centrally, and a few long, erect pale-yellow setae; glabrous laterally. Labrum very finely punctate, inclined anteriorly; with pale-yellow pubescence and long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Distance between upper eye lobes 1.1 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 1.7 times length of scape. Antennae 0.9 times elytral length, slightly surpassing middle of elytra; scape, pedicel, and antennomere III with pale-yellow pubescence nearly obscuring integument, and short, decumbent white setae interspersed; dorsal and lateral surfaces of antennomere IV with pale-yellow pubescence and short, decumbent white setae interspersed, and ventral surface with reddish-brown pubescence and short, decumbent white setae interspersed; antennomeres V–XI with reddish-brown pubescence and short, decumbent white setae interspersed; pedicel and antennomeres III–X with long, erect, dark setae ventrally, distinctly sparser toward X. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.62; pedicel = 0.24; IV = 0.67; V = 0.48; VI = 0.40; VII = 0.38; VIII = 0.35; IX = 0.30; X = 0.27; XI = 0.38.
Prothorax slightly rounded and divergent laterally in anterior third, then parallel-sided toward posterolateral angles. Pronotum coarsely, abundantly punctate except finer punctures anteriorly; sides with dense pale-yellow pubescence; with moderately wide, slightly dense longitudinal light yellowishbrown pubescent band centrally (distinctly denser close to posterior margin), sparser on anterior third; remaining surface with dark yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and thick, short, decumbent white setae emerging from coarse punctures (also from minute punctures near anterior margin). Sides of prothorax coarsely, abundantly punctate; with dense pubescence superiorly, forming four moderately distinct transverse bands, yellowish-brown close to pronotum (with small, subrounded glabrous area centrally), followed by pale-yellow, yellowish-brown, not reaching anterior and posterior margins, and pale-yellow; inferior half with dark yellowish-brown pubescence, not obscuring integument, and dense yellow pubescence close to prosternum. Prosternum with sparse yellowish-white pubescence, slightly denser on posterocentral area of prosternal process. Mesoventrite with dense, longitudinal white pubescent band centrally, dense yellowish-brown pubescence each side of white pubescent band, not reaching procoxal cavity, sparse white pubescence in front of mesocoxal cavities and on mesoventral process, and sparse yellowish-brown pubescence laterally, distinctly more abundant centrally. Mesanepisternum coarsely punctate; with dense yellow pubescence close to mesoventrite, gradually yellowish-brown toward elytron, with a few thick white setae interspersed. Mesepimeron with sparse yellowish-brown pubescence with white pubescence interspersed. Metanepisternum covered by elytron in distal half; with sparse grayish-white pubescence. Metaventrite coarsely, sparsely punctate laterally; with grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument. Scutellum with yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, with thick white setae interspersed.
Coarsely punctate in basal third, gradually finer, sparser toward apex; apices individually rounded. Pubescence as follows: wide pale-yellow pubescent band on basal seventh of humeral region, narrowed toward its apex; short, slightly distinct pale-yellow pubescent macula basally, between humerus and scutellum; short, triangular pale-yellow pubescent band along suture under scutellum; two/three very small pale-yellow pubescent spots on basal third, together forming somewhat oblique band; small, elliptical dense pale-yellow macula at sides of middle of dorsal surface; small, dense yellow pubescent spot in inclined area of basal third; two slender and short yellow pubescent maculae in dorsal surface of posterior third (together, forming oblique band); remaining surface with reddish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, with short, decumbent, thick white setae interspersed (part of them emerging from punctures).
Profemora and protibiae with reddish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, with short, thick white setae interspersed, except ventral surface of femora with denser white pubescence and lobes of femora and base of tibiae with yellow pubescence. Meso- and metafemora with pubescence as in profemora; protibiae without tooth at inner side of apex. Meso- and metatibiae with pubescence somewhat darker and sparser than in protibiae, but with white setae distinctly more abundant.
Ventrites with abundant grayish-white pubescence, not obscuring integument, except apex with fringe of yellow pubescence, longer in ventrite V; apex of ventrite V truncate.
Dimensions (mm).
Total length 8.40; prothoracic length 2.25; anterior prothoracic width 1.85; posterior prothoracic width 2.15; widest prothoracic width 2.20; humeral width 2.65; elytral length 6.10.
Type material.
female from
Santa Cruz
El Cairo
5 km
W Buena Vista
28–29. IV.2004
col. (
, previously in
Adetus clinei
sp. nov.
is somewhat similar to
A. bacillarius
but differs by the stouter body (
Fig. 83
), coarser and sparser punctures on pronotum (
Fig. 83
), and the inner apex of the protibiae without a spined projection. In
A. bacillarius
, the body is slenderer (
Fig. 14
), punctures on pronotum are finer and denser (
Fig. 14
), and the protibiae have a distinct spined projection on inner side of the apex. It differs from
A. nanus
by the stouter body (slenderer in
A. nanus
Fig. 72–75
)), and lower eye lobes (
Fig. 86
) smaller (larger (
Fig. 87
) in
A. nanus
). It also resembles
Adestus atomarius
Belon, 1902
(see photograph of a
Bezark 2019
), but differs by the elytral pubescence pattern; in
a. atomarius
, there is no yellow pubescent tuft on middle of the elytra, distinctly contrasting with the remaining dorsal pubescence, there are several small white pubescent spots in the elytra (absent in
A. clinei
) and an oblique white pubescent band near apex (absent in
A. clinei
This species is named for notable entomologist and good friend, Andrew Cline, one of the collectors of the