Stephanocampta Mathot (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae): descriptions of two new species and the female of S. indica Anwar & Zeya from India and a key to world taxa Author Palanivel, S. Author Manickavasagam, S. Author Triapitsyn, S. V. text Zootaxa 2015 4012 3 479 492 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4012.3.4 96bbcc70-d93e-4841-93aa-6904690d0cb4 1175-5326 243736 C137941A-FBE9-4465-9B0F-A0415CFF28BD Stephanocampta indica Anwar & Zeya, 2014 ( Figs 15–21 ) Stephanocampta indica Anwar & Zeya in Anwar et al. 2014 : 149 –151. Type locality: Attur, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India . Description. Female. Body length 320. Body dark brown, eye silvery whitish, scape and pedicel light brown; funicle and clava brown; legs yellowish brown; wings hyaline ( Fig. 15 ). Head ( Fig. 16 ) 0.8× as wide as mesosoma, with vertex transversely striate. Scape ( Fig. 17 a, b) 1.76× as long as pedicel; F1 2.3× as long as F2; F2 quadrate, F3 3.6× as long as wide; F4−F7 subequal; clava 1.5× as long as combined length of F5−F7, with 4 mps. FIGURES 15, 16. Stephanocampta indica ♀. 15, habitus; 16, head (frontal view). Mesosoma ( Fig. 20 ) nearly as long as gaster ( Fig. 21 ) (162.5:155); mesoscutum 0.23× as long as wide, with convex, transversely striate sculpture, more arched medially, and midlobe setae short; axillar seta long; scutellum 0.6× as long as wide, with lateral longitudinal striations along length, medially the striations converge and meet. Fore wing ( Fig. 18 ) 10.4× as long as wide; disc with 5 dorsal and 3 ventral rows of setae in apical half; longest marginal seta 3.8× maximum wing width. Hind wing ( Fig. 19 ) 23.1× as long as wide; disc with 2 rows of dorsal setae, longest marginal seta 6.8× maximum wing width. Metasoma. Petiole 0.57× as long as metacoxa and with a lateral spine. Gaster ( Fig. 21 ) 1.12× as long as wide (as mounted); ovipositor exserted, 0.69× of gaster length and 0.7× length of metatibia. Measurements of one female (as length:width or length). Head, 135:160; Antenna: radicle, 12.5:10; scape, 57.5:20, pedicel, 32.5:22.5; F1, 17.5:7.5; F2, 7.5:7.5; F3, 27.5:7.5; F4, 25;10; F5, 27.5:10; F6, 30:10; F7, 27.5:12.5; clava, 130:25. Mesosoma, 162.5:170; mesoscutum, 32.5:137.5; scutellum, 65:107.5; gaster, 155:137.5. Fore wing, 442.5:42.5, longest marginal seta, 165; hind wing, 405:17.5, longest marginal seta, 120. Petiole, 37.5:22.5; ovipositor, 107.5:60; metacoxa, 65; metatibia, 150. Type material examined. Holotype male [ ZDAMU ] on slide labeled: “ Stephanocampta indica Anwar & Zeya , sp. nov. INDIA : KARNATAKA: Bengaluru, Attur, 29.x.2011 (PFT), coll. K. Veenakumari, MYM.156, Registration No. HYM. CH .709)”. Other material examined. 4 females ( 2 females dissected and mounted on slide under 4 cover slips, 2 on card) and 5 males (1 on slide with one cover slip containing only antenna and the remainder of the specimen on other slide with 3 cover slips, plus 4 on cards): INDIA , Manipur, Senapati, 27.ix.2014 , YPT, forest ecosystem, 25o16’21”N 94o01’35’’E , K. Sophis Singh. One set of male and female deposited with NBAIR , another set with ZDAMU , and remaining with EDAU . Distribution. India : Karnataka ( Anwar et al. 2014 ), Manipur (new record). Remarks. No significant variation (besides the normal sexually dimorphic features of antenna and genitalia) was noted among the four females and five males collected in Manipur, all from the same locality and date. FIGURES 17–19. Stephanocampta indica ♀. 17a, b, antenna; 18, fore wing; 19, hind wing. FIGURES 20, 21. Stephanocampta indica ♀. 20, mesosoma; 21, metasoma. Discussion . All measurements of a single male of S. indica described by Anwar et al. (2014) match those of the five males we collected from Manipur along with four females, except for a few corrections to their description (when we measured the holotype ): the mesosoma is 2.06× the gaster length (not 0.68× as mentioned in the original description), and the longest marginal seta of fore wing is 4.3× maximum wing width (not 5.0× as indicated in the original description). Sculpture of the head and mesosoma of the five males and four females reported here is also similar to that of the holotype of S. indica . We therefore conclude that these belong to the same species, S. indica , even though they are recovered from a geographically different place within India .