Taxonomic contributions to Ageniella Banks, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from Brazil Author Waichert, Cecilia Author Colombo, Wesley Dondoni Author Von Dohlen, Carol D. Author Pitts, James P. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-04-03 4403 1 133 153 journal article 30352 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.1.8 a49771bc-fc80-41c8-bc78-c4b525ecc201 1175-5326 1212065 92C69AD0-B1B6-45DE-ACAC-FF13DD6F8114 Ageniella ( Ameragenia ) rustica (Fabricius, 1804) Pompilus rusticus FabrIcIUS, 1804, Systema Piezatorum , p. 199 [HOLOtypE: ♀, [SOUth AMErIca] (ZMUC #00241249), ExaMINEd]. Priophanes insolens BaNkS, 1946, MUS. COMp. ZOOL. BULL ., vOL. 96, p. 442 [ HOLOtypE : , BRAZIL , SaNta CatarINa ( MCZ #26637 ), ExaMINEd]. SyNOMIzEd by EvaNS (1973). Pseudageniella HaUpt, 1959 , NOva Acta LEOpOLdINa , v. 21 , p. 23 (typE SpEcIES: Pompilus rusticus FabrIcIUS, MONOtypIc aNd by dESIgNatION, NOt ExaMINEd). SyNOMIzEd by EvaNS (1973). Distribution. BRaZIL . Host. UNkNOWN. Remarks. EVaNS (1973) SYNONYmIZEd Priophanes insolens WITh Ageniella rustica aNd kEpT ThIS SpEcIES IN ThE SUbgENUS Ageniella ( Ameragenia ), WhIch WaS a cLaSSIfIcaTION pROpOSEd bY TOWNES (1957) fOR A. insolens . Ageniella rustica haS ThE pROpOdEaL dISc cOVEREd bY EREcT-LONg SETaE aNd ThE hINd TIbIa WITh SpINES, WhIch OVERLap chaRacTERISTIcS Of Alasagenia SpEcImENS, bUT ThE WINgS aRE hYaLINE WITh TWO daRk baNdS. PhOTOS Of ThE hOLOTYpE Of Pompilus rusticus aRE aVaILabLE aT hTTp://